- establishing as invalid or untrue (同)invalidating
English Journal
- Comparing Counterconditioning and Extinction as Methods to Reduce Fear of Movement-Related Pain.
- Meulders A1, Karsdorp PA2, Claes N3, Vlaeyen JW4.
- The journal of pain : official journal of the American Pain Society.J Pain.2015 Dec;16(12):1353-65. doi: 10.1016/j.jpain.2015.09.007. Epub 2015 Oct 3.
- Cognitive-behavioral treatments for chronic pain typically target pain-related fear; exposure in vivo is a common treatment focusing on disconfirming harm expectancy of feared movements. Exposure therapy is tailored on Pavlovian extinction; an alternative fear reduction technique that also alters s
- PMID 26434783
- Reaction time effects in lab- versus Web-based research: Experimental evidence.
- Hilbig BE1,2.
- Behavior research methods.Behav Res Methods.2015 Nov 5. [Epub ahead of print]
- Although Web-based research is now commonplace, it continues to spur skepticism from reviewers and editors, especially whenever reaction times are of primary interest. Such persistent preconceptions are based on arguments referring to increased variation, the limits of certain software and technolog
- PMID 26542972
- Effects of Guided Undergraduate Perioperative Education on Recruiting Novice RNs and Retaining Experienced RNs.
- Foran P.
- AORN journal.AORN J.2015 Sep;102(3):254-61. doi: 10.1016/j.aorn.2015.06.016.
- This qualitative research describes undergraduate nurses' perceptions of their perioperative placement experiences and how they may affect their future perioperative employment. It also describes experienced perioperative nurses' perceptions of the effect of student placement experiences on retentio
- PMID 26323223
Japanese Journal
- 抑うつ的反すうの能動性に焦点を当てた介入プログラムの効果:大学生の高反すう傾向者を対象とした予備的検討
- 長谷川 晃
- パーソナリティ研究 22(1), 48-60, 2013
- 本研究は抑うつ的反すうの能動性に焦点を当てた介入プログラムの効果を検討した。抑うつ傾向と抑うつ的反すう傾向の高い大学生を,無作為に介入プログラムを受ける実験群(12名)と特別な介入を受けない統制群(11名)に振り分けた。介入プログラムは,抑うつ的反すうに関するポジティブな信念を反証し,抑うつ的反すうの持続を導くプラン・目標を弱めることに焦点をおいた2週間のトレーニングから構成された。実験の結果,実 …
- NAID 130003363152
- 日本人EFL学習者の読解における予期的推論の抑制の検証
- 名畑目 真吾
- ARELE : annual review of English language education in Japan 23, 169-184, 2012-03
- … In addition, the effects of disconfirming the activated inferences on readers' text representations were also investigated. …
- NAID 110009603303
- Impact of Employment Contract Changes on Workers Quality of Working Life, Job Insecurity, Health and Work-related Attitudes
- Wagenaar Alfred F.,Kompier Michiel A.J.,Houtman Irene L.D.,van den Bossche Seth N. J.,Taris Toon W.
- Journal of Occupational Health 54(6), 441-451, 2012
- … Methods and Results: Drawing on the 2007 and 2008 waves of the Netherlands Working Conditions Cohort Study (N=9,688), repeated measures analysis of covariance showed little across-time change in the criterion variables, thus largely disconfirming our first hypothesis. …
- NAID 130004447596
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- Adj. 1. disconfirming - not indicating the presence of microorganisms or disease or a specific condition; "the HIV test was negative". negative · medical specialty, medicine - the branches of medical science that deal with nonsurgical techniques ...
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