- stack in cords; "cord firewood"
- a unit of amount of wood cut for burning; 128 cubic feet
- a cut pile fabric with vertical ribs; usually made of cotton (同)corduroy
- a light insulated conductor for household use (同)electric cord
- a line made of twisted fibers or threads; "the bundle was tied with a cord"
- bind or tie with a cord
- of or relating to the external sex organs; "genital herpes"; "venereal disease" (同)venereal
- of textiles; having parallel raised lines (同)twilled
- cotton trousers made of corduroy cloth (同)corduroys
- 〈U〉〈C〉『綱,ひも』(stringより太くropeより細い) / 〈U〉〈C〉束縛,きずな / 〈C〉〈U〉(電気の)『コード』,線 / (またchord)〈C〉(動物体の)索状組織,腱(けん) / 〈C〉うね織り,(特に)コールテン;(うね織りの)うね;《複数形で》コールテンのズボン / 〈C〉コード(材木の容積の単位で約6.25m) / …'を'綱(ひも)で縛る
- 生殖の,生殖器の
- (驚いて)わあっ,えっ
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/05/08 12:47:43」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
A genital cord is a structure appearing in the development of the urinary and reproductive organs.
However, there still are two kinds of genital cords:
- The common genital cord is the most caudal portions of the Müllerian duct and Wolffian duct, where they go side by side.
- The genital cords of the germinal epithelium are ingrows from the germinal epithelium
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English Journal
- Behçet syndrome: from pathogenesis to novel therapies.
- Mazzoccoli G1, Matarangolo A, Rubino R, Inglese M, De Cata A.
- Clinical and experimental medicine.Clin Exp Med.2014 Dec 2. [Epub ahead of print]
- Behçet syndrome is a chronic disease hallmarked by inflammation of the blood vessels that is related to an autoimmune reaction caused by inherited susceptibility due to specific genes and environmental factors, probably components of infectious microorganisms, which turn on or get going the disease
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- Vasconcelos Dde M1, Beitler B2, Martinez GA2, Pereira J2, Amigo Filho JU2, Klautau GB3, Lian YC3, Della Negra M3, Duarte AJ4.
- Blood cells, molecules & diseases.Blood Cells Mol Dis.2014 Dec;53(4):180-4. doi: 10.1016/j.bcmd.2014.07.005. Epub 2014 Aug 5.
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- Determination of equine fetal sex by Doppler ultrasonography of the gonads.
- Resende HL1, Carmo MT, Ramires Neto C, Alvarenga MA.
- Equine veterinary journal.Equine Vet J.2014 Nov;46(6):756-8. doi: 10.1111/evj.12213. Epub 2014 Jan 7.
- REASONS FOR PERFORMING THE STUDY: The identification of fetal sex in horses by location of the genital tubercle between 55 and 70 days of pregnancy is hampered by the large amount of allantoic fluid, extensive fetal movements and the extremely long umbilical cord; however, reliable results have been
- PMID 24237116
Japanese Journal
- Effects of Prenatal Leydig Cell Function on the Ratio of the Second to Fourth Digit Lengths in School-Aged Children
- Mitsui Takahiko,Araki Atsuko,Imai Ayako,Sato Sakiko,Miyashita Chihiro,Ito Sachiko,Sasaki Seiko,Kitta Takeya,Moriya Kimihiko,Cho Kazutoshi,Morioka Keita,Kishi Reiko,Nonomura Katsuya
- Plos one 10(3), e0120636, 2015-03-06
- … Prenatal sex hormones can induce abnormalities in the reproductive system and adversely impact on genital development. … We investigated whether sex hormones in cord blood influenced the ratio of the second to fourth digit lengths (2D/4D) in school-aged children. … Of the 514 children who participated in a prospective cohort study on birth in Sapporo between 2002 and 2005, the following sex hormone levels were measured in 294 stored cord blood samples (135 boys and 159 girls); …
- NAID 120005606031
- Histopathology of Incidental Findings in Beagles Used in Toxicity Studies
- Sato Junko,Doi Takuya,Wako Yumi [他],Hamamura Masao,Kanno Takeshi,Tsuchitani Minoru,Narama Isao
- Journal of Toxicologic Pathology 25(1), 103-134, 2012
- … Frequent sites of arteritis are the heart, spleen, pancreas, epididymis and spinal cord. … The morphological differences of the female genital system in each cycle need to be understood; … therefore, we present the normal features of the cyclic changes of the female genital organs. …
- NAID 130001884591
- 祖先・私・子孫をつなぐピコ(へその緒)の名--現代ハワイ先住民による自己の再帰的プロジェクト
- 竹村 初美
- 死生学研究 (14), 8-33, 2010-12
- … This ancient word has a wide variety of meanings, including the umbilical cord, the navel, the fontanels, and the genital organs, but at the root it means a part that connects two objects. … She made the use of the image of piko, or an umbilical cord that connects a fetus to the womb, to express her emotional connection with the ethnic past. …
- NAID 120003087970
Related Links
- A genital cord is a structure appearing in the development of the urinary and reproductive organs. However, there still are two kinds of genital cords: The common genital cord is the most caudal portions of the Müllerian duct and Wolffian duct, ...
- The portions which lie in the genital core fuse to form the uterus and vagina; the parts in front of this cord remain separate, and each forms the corresponding uterine tube—the abdominal ostium of which is developed from the anterior extremity ...
- 関
- accessory sex organ、generative、genital organ、genital tract、genitalia、genitalium、reproduction、reproductive、reproductive organ、sexual organ
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