- provide a fund for the redemption of principal or payment of interest
- a reserve of money set aside for some purpose (同)monetary fund
- accumulate a fund for the discharge of a recurrent liability; "fund a medical care plan"
- convert (short-term floating debt) into long-term debt that bears fixed interest and is represented by bonds
- furnish money for; "The government funds basic research in many areas"
- invest money in government securities
- place or store up in a fund for accumulation
- (特定の目的のための)『資金』,基金《+『for』+『名』》 / 《a ~》(すぐに役立つ知職などの)『蓄え』,蓄積(stock)《+『of』+『名』》 / 《複数形で》手元資金,所持金;《英》公債,国債 / 〈事業・研究など〉‘に'資金を提供する / 〈負債〉‘を'長期公債にする
- 出血,(特に)大量出血 / 多量に出血する
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English Journal
- Anterior placental location influences onset and progress of labor and postpartum outcome.
- Torricelli M1, Vannuccini S1, Moncini I1, Cannoni A1, Voltolini C1, Conti N1, Di Tommaso M2, Severi FM1, Petraglia F3.
- Placenta.Placenta.2015 Apr;36(4):463-6. doi: 10.1016/j.placenta.2014.12.018. Epub 2014 Dec 27.
- INTRODUCTION: The aim of the study is to evaluate whether placental location at term is associated with delivery outcome.METHODS: A prospective study including 2354 patients with singleton pregnancy at term admitted for vaginal delivery was conducted. Placental position was determined before deliver
- PMID 25573094
- Value of Adjusted Blood Requirement Index in determining failure to control bleed in patients with variceal bleeding.
- Abid S1, Khalid AB, Awan S, Shah HA, Hamid S, Jafri W.
- European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology.Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol.2015 Mar;27(3):344-8. doi: 10.1097/MEG.0000000000000275.
- INTRODUCTION: Variceal bleeding is a serious complication in patients with cirrhosis. Among the criteria that were proposed in Baveno conferences, the Adjusted Blood Requirement Index (ABRI) has not been validated prospectively in clinical practice. We therefore aim to evaluate the measurement of AB
- PMID 25569566
- Selective uterine fundal pressure maneuver during the second stage of the first twin delivery at near term.
- Suzuki S1.
- The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians.J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med.2015 Mar;28(5):519-21. doi: 10.3109/14767058.2014.921901. Epub 2014 May 29.
- OBJECTIVE: We examined the perinatal outcomes of twin deliveries following selective uterine fundal pressure maneuver (UFPM) during the second stage of the first twin delivery.METHODS: At our institute, if non-reassuring fetal heart rate and/or maternal exhaustion were observed during the second sta
- PMID 24809223
Japanese Journal
- 慢性骨髄性白血病の発症で偶発的に発見された先天性フィブリノゲン異常症
- Risk Factors for Bleeding Esophagogastric Varices
- Treatment Modalities for Bleeding Esophagogastric Varices
Related Links
- 眼底出血 [がんていしゅっけつ] fundal hemorrhage 硝子体、網膜および脈絡膜の眼球内に起こる出血。 用語集インデックス あ行 か行 角膜 角膜潰瘍 角膜感染症 角膜混濁 角膜実質 角膜上皮 角膜びらん 角膜浮腫 仮性近視 加齢黄斑 ...
- This stock medical exhibit illustrates a case uterine atony and postpartum hemorrhage with fundal massage. The first image shows the normal postpartum condition with a contracted uterus preventing hemorrhage. The second imge ...
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- 英
- fundal hemorrhage, hemorrhage in ocular fundus
- 関
- 硝子体出血
- 後部硝子体下出血(網膜内境界膜と後部硝子体の間の出血) ←本当はこれだけを指して言う
- 内境界膜下出血(内境界膜と神経線維層との間の出血)
- 黄斑部に後発。凝固していない血液が黄斑を覆い、にボーを形成する。
- 原因:血管疾患、網膜細動脈瘤破裂など網膜浅層の病変、増殖性糖尿病網膜症など網膜症死体新生血管の硝子体牽引
- →硝子体出血 vitreous hemorrhage
- 後部硝子体から硝子体内に血液が拡散した場合
- 神経線維層に出血
- 原因:急激な静脈のうっ滞(網膜静脈閉塞症、乳頭浮腫)白血病
- →火炎状出血
- 内顆粒層に分布する毛細血管網からの出血で、外網状層に貯留
- 原因:糖尿病
- →点状出血
- 視細胞層と網膜色素層の間
- 原因:網膜下の新生血管、鈍的外傷
- 脈絡叢から色素上皮下に進入した新生血管の破綻性出血
- 原因:外傷
- 関
- endowment、foundation
- 関
- eyeground、fundi、fundus、fundus oculi、ocular fundus
- 関
- bleeding