- of, affecting, or being on or near the surface; "superficial measurements"; "the superficial area of the wall"; "a superficial wound"
- of little substance or significance; "a few superficial editorial changes"; "only trivial objections" (同)trivial
- concerned with or comprehending only what is apparent or obvious; not deep or penetrating emotionally or intellectually; "superficial similarities"; "a superficial mind"; "his thinking was superficial and fuzzy"; "superficial knowledge"; "the superficial report didnt give the true picture"; "only superficial differences"
- in or relating to the retina of the eye; "retinal cells"
- the innermost light-sensitive membrane covering the back wall of the eyeball; it is continuous with the optic nerve
- 表面の(にある),表面的な / (考えなどが)浅薄な,皮相的な
- (目の)網膜
- 出血,(特に)大量出血 / 多量に出血する
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English Journal
- Ocular consequences of blunt trauma in two species of nocturnal raptors (Athene noctua and Otus scops).
- Seruca C, Molina-López R, Peña T, Leiva M.SourceServei d'Oftalmologia de la Fundació Hospital Clínic Veterinari, Departament de Medicina i Cirurgia Animals, Facultat de Veterinària, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain Centre de Recuperació de Fauna Salvatge de Torreferrussa, Spain.
- Veterinary ophthalmology.Vet Ophthalmol.2012 Jul;15(4):236-44. doi: 10.1111/j.1463-5224.2011.00976.x. Epub 2011 Dec 13.
- OBJECTIVE: To determine the type, prevalence, and prognosis of ocular and periocular lesions in free-living little owls (LO) and scops owls (SO), injured by blunt trauma.PROCEDURES: Medical records from LO and SO with ocular or periocular lesions secondary to blunt trauma were reviewed. A co
- PMID 22151088
- Heidelberg spectral-domain optical coherence tomographic findings in retinal artery macroaneurysm.
- Goldenberg D, Soiberman U, Loewenstein A, Goldstein M.SourceDepartment of Ophthalmology, Tel Aviv Medical Center and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel. dafnagoldenberg@gmail.com
- Retina (Philadelphia, Pa.).Retina.2012 May;32(5):990-5.
- PURPOSE: To describe the morphologic variables of macroaneurysms, to assess their diameter in comparison to their upstream/downstream vessel diameter as visualized on spectral-domain optical coherence tomography, and to describe morphologic changes in the retina adjacent to macroaneurysm.METHODS: A
- PMID 22127222
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- Other related OCT findings were superficial retinal hemorrhage, intraretinal lipids, and intraretinal edema prominently involving the outer retinal layers. CONCLUSION: Spectral-domain OCT is an effective tool for detecting retinal . ...
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- 英
- fundal hemorrhage, hemorrhage in ocular fundus
- 関
- 硝子体出血
- 後部硝子体下出血(網膜内境界膜と後部硝子体の間の出血) ←本当はこれだけを指して言う
- 内境界膜下出血(内境界膜と神経線維層との間の出血)
- 黄斑部に後発。凝固していない血液が黄斑を覆い、にボーを形成する。
- 原因:血管疾患、網膜細動脈瘤破裂など網膜浅層の病変、増殖性糖尿病網膜症など網膜症死体新生血管の硝子体牽引
- →硝子体出血 vitreous hemorrhage
- 後部硝子体から硝子体内に血液が拡散した場合
- 神経線維層に出血
- 原因:急激な静脈のうっ滞(網膜静脈閉塞症、乳頭浮腫)白血病
- →火炎状出血
- 内顆粒層に分布する毛細血管網からの出血で、外網状層に貯留
- 原因:糖尿病
- →点状出血
- 視細胞層と網膜色素層の間
- 原因:網膜下の新生血管、鈍的外傷
- 脈絡叢から色素上皮下に進入した新生血管の破綻性出血
- 原因:外傷
- 表在性の、表在の、表層性の、表面の、外面的な、表面上の
- 関
- face、ostensibly、superficially、surface
- 関
- 11-cis-retinal、retina、retinae、retinaldehyde, retinol
- 関
- bleeding