- 関
- full length、span
- representing or accommodating the entire length; "a full-length portrait"
- complete; "the full-length play" (同)uncut
- a unit of length based on the width of the expanded human hand (usually taken as 9 inches)
- the complete duration of something; "the job was finished in the span of an hour"
- the distance or interval between two points
- make (a garment) fuller by pleating or gathering
- having the normally expected amount; "gives full measure"; "gives good measure"; "a good mile from here" (同)good
- filled to satisfaction with food or drink; "a full stomach" (同)replete
- complete in extent or degree and in every particular; "a full game"; "a total eclipse"; "a total disaster" (同)total
- (of sound) having marked deepness and body; "full tones"; "a full voice"
- beat for the purpose of cleaning and thickening; "full the cloth"
- containing as much or as many as is possible or normal; "a full glass"; "a sky full of stars"; "a full life"; "the auditorium was full to overflowing"
- a section of something that is long and narrow; "a length of timber"; "a length of tubing"
- the linear extent in space from one end to the other; the longest dimension of something that is fixed in place; "the length of the table was 5 feet"
- the property of being the extent of something from beginning to end; "the editor limited the length of my article to 500 words"
- (肖像画・彫刻・鏡などが)等身大の / (小説・映画などが)省略していない,完全な
- 『スパン』,親指と小指を広げた長ざ(約9インチ=23センチ) / (ものが及ぶ限りの)長さ,伸び,範囲 / (アーチ・はり・橋などの)支柱間の距離,径間,渡間(わたりま)・『短い期間』,つかの間 / (親指と小指を広げて)…‘を'測る / 〈橋・道路などが〉〈川・土地など〉‘に'架(か)かる,‘を'横切る,‘に'伸びる / 〈川・土地など〉‘に'(橋・道路などを)架ける,渡す《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / (空間・時間的に)…‘に'及ぶ,わたる
- (引き具を付け荷車を引く)一端の馬(または団の動物)
- =spick-and-span
- 『いっぱいの』,満ちた / (数量が)『たくさんある』,たっぷりある / (程度・量・数などが)『完全な』 / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》最大限の / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》正式の,本格的な / 《補語にのみ用いて》(…で)(腹・胸・頭が)いっぱいの(で)《+『of』+『名』》 / (形・体の一部が)ふっくらした,盛り上がった / (衣服などが)ゆったりしている / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(声・におい・色が)豊かな,濃い / まともに / 非常に(very) / 全部;十分;絶頂
- 〈U〉〈C〉(空間・時間の)『長さ』 / 〈U〉〈C〉長いこと,長い状態 / 〈C〉単位となる長さ;(競馬・競艇の)1馬身,1艇身 / 〈C〉ある長さの物(部分)
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English Journal
- Molecular cloning and expression analysis of a Cu/Zn SOD gene (BcCSD1) from Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis.
- Cui L1, Huang Q1, Yan B1, Wang Y1, Qian Z1, Pan J1, Kai G2.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2015 Nov 1;186:306-11. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.07.121. Epub 2014 Aug 4.
- Superoxide dismutases (SODs) are a family of metalloproteins extensively exists in eukaryote, which plays an essential role in stress-tolerance of higher plants. A full-length cDNA encoding Cu/Zn SOD (BcCSD1) was isolated from young seedlings of non-heading Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris ssp.
- PMID 25976826
- A novel multi-domain C1qDC protein from Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri provides new insights into the function of invertebrate C1qDC proteins.
- Wang L1, Wang L2, Zhang D3, Jiang Q3, Sun R3, Wang H4, Zhang H4, Song L5.
- Developmental and comparative immunology.Dev Comp Immunol.2015 Oct;52(2):202-14. doi: 10.1016/j.dci.2015.05.009. Epub 2015 Jun 3.
- The C1q domain containing (C1qDC) proteins are a family of proteins possessing globular C1q (gC1q) domains, and they rely on this domain to recognize various ligands such as PAMPs, immunoglobulins, ligands on apoptotic cell. In the present study, a novel multi-domain C1qDC protein (CfC1qDC-2) was id
- PMID 26049063
- Involvement of Relish gene from Macrobrachium rosenbergii in the expression of anti-microbial peptides.
- Shi YR1, Jin M2, Ma FT1, Huang Y1, Huang X1, Feng JL1, Zhao LL1, Chen YH3, Ren Q4.
- Developmental and comparative immunology.Dev Comp Immunol.2015 Oct;52(2):236-44. doi: 10.1016/j.dci.2015.05.008. Epub 2015 May 27.
- Relish is an NF-kB transcription factor involved in immune-deficiency (IMD) signal pathway. In this study, a Relish gene (MrRelish) was identified from Macrobrachium rosenbergii. The full length of MrRelish comprises 5072 bp, including a 3510 bp open reading frame encoding a 1169 bp amino acid prote
- PMID 26026243
- Molecular cloning and expression studies of the adapter molecule myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus).
- Lin JY1, Hu GB2, Yu CH3, Li S1, Liu QM1, Zhang SC4.
- Developmental and comparative immunology.Dev Comp Immunol.2015 Oct;52(2):166-71. doi: 10.1016/j.dci.2015.05.013. Epub 2015 May 27.
- Myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) is an adapter protein involved in the interleukin-1 receptor (IL-1R) and Toll-like receptor (TLR)-mediated activation of nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-κB). In this study, a full length cDNA of MyD88 was cloned from turbot, Scophthalmus maximus. It is 1619 bp in
- PMID 26025195
Japanese Journal
- CUL2-mediated clearance of misfolded TDP-43 is paradoxically affected by VHL in oligodendrocytes in ALS.
- 糖鎖模倣ペプチドのインフルエンザヘマグルチニンに対する結合活性の多価効果
- Application of PCR-RFLP provides as discrimination as totalflaA sequence analysis among C. jejuniisolates of clinical origin
- Cellular Uptake of IgG Using Collagen-Like Cell-Penetrating Peptides
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- フル レングス テーブル/Full Length Table (根津/ダイニングバー)の店舗情報は食べログでチェック!口コミや評価、写真など、ユーザーによるリアルな情報が満載です!地図や料理メニューなどの詳細情報も充実。
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- 関
- extend、full length、full-length、go、range、reach、straddle
- 英
- full length、span、full-length
- 関
- 及ぶ、スパン、完全長、橋を架ける、またがる
- 関
- full-length、span
- 関
- adequate、adequately、ample、complete、completely、enough、entirely、fully、integral、perfect、perfectly、replete、richly、satisfactorily、sufficient、sufficiently
- 関
- full-length、span