- 関
- excess、excessive、hyper、superfluous、supernumerary、surplus
- to a degree exceeding normal or proper limits; "too big" (同)overly, to a fault, too
- more than is needed, desired, or required; "trying to lose excess weight"; "found some extra change lying on the dresser"; "yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant"; "skills made redundant by technological advance"; "sleeping in the spare room"; "supernumerary ornamentation"; "it was supererogatory of her to gloat"; "delete superfluous (or unnecessary) words"; "extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts"; "surplus cheese distributed to the needy" (同)extra, redundant, spare, supererogatory, superfluous, supernumerary, surplus
- immoderation as a consequence of going beyond sufficient or permitted limits (同)excessiveness, inordinateness
- a quantity much larger than is needed (同)surplus, surplusage, nimiety
- a minor actor in crowd scenes (同)spear carrier, extra
- a person serving no apparent function; "reducing staff is difficult because our employees include no supernumeraries"
- beyond normal limits; "excessive charges"; "a book of inordinate length"; "his dress stops just short of undue elegance"; "unreasonable demands" (同)inordinate, undue, unreasonable
- unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings; "extravagant praise"; "exuberant compliments"; "overweening ambition"; "overweening greed" (同)extravagant, exuberant, overweening
- 過度に,極端に;非常に
- 〈U〉《時にan~》(…の…に対する)超過《+『of』+『名』+『over』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(…の)『不節制』《+『at』+『名,』+『in』 do『ing』》;《複数形で》度を超えた行為,不行跡;暴飲,暴食 / 超過の,余分の
- 定数(員)以上の,余分な(extra);臨時の / 端役の / 定員外の人,過剰物;臨時雇い / (演劇の)端役
- 余り,余剰 / 剰余金 / 余った,過剰の
- 必要以上の,余分な / 不必要な,よけいな
- 『度を越した』,過度の,極端な
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English Journal
- Multi-response optimization of ultrasound assisted competitive adsorption of dyes onto Cu (OH)2-nanoparticle loaded activated carbon: Central composite design.
- Dashamiri S1, Ghaedi M2, Asfaram A1, Zare F1, Wang S3.
- Ultrasonics sonochemistry.Ultrason Sonochem.2017 Jan;34:343-353. doi: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2016.06.007. Epub 2016 Jun 6.
- This paper focuses on the development of an effective methodology to obtain the optimum removal conditions assisted by ultrasonics to maximize the simultaneous removal of dyes, eosin Y (EY), methylene blue (MB) and phenol red (PR), by Cu(OH)2-NP-AC in aqueous solution using response surface methodol
- PMID 27773255
- Label-free immunoassay for porcine circovirus type 2 based on excessively tilted fiber grating modified with staphylococcal protein A.
- Luo B1, Wu S2, Zou W3, Zhang Z4, Zhao M3, Shi S3, Liu Y5, Xi X6, Zeng Z7, Liang W7, Yan Z8, Zhang L8.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2016 Dec 15;86:1054-60. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2016.07.100. Epub 2016 Jul 29.
- Using excessively tilted fiber grating (Ex-TFG) inscribed in standard single mode fiber, we developed a novel label-free immunoassay for specific detection of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2), which is a minim animal virus. Staphylococcal protein A (SPA) was used to modify the silanized fiber surfac
- PMID 27518582
- Unravelling the Role of Mechanical Stimuli in Regulating Cell Fate During Osteochondral Defect Repair.
- O'Reilly A1,2, Kelly DJ3,4,5.
- Annals of biomedical engineering.Ann Biomed Eng.2016 Dec;44(12):3446-3459. Epub 2016 Jun 21.
- We have previously developed a computational mechanobiological model to explore the role of substrate stiffness and oxygen availability in regulating stem cell fate during spontaneous osteochondral defect repair. This model successfully simulated many aspects of the regenerative process, however it
- PMID 27329049
- Order reduction and efficient implementation of nonlinear nonlocal cochlear response models.
- Filo M1,2, Karameh F3, Awad M3.
- Biological cybernetics.Biol Cybern.2016 Dec;110(6):435-454. Epub 2016 Oct 17.
- The cochlea is an indispensable preliminary processing stage in auditory perception that employs mechanical frequency-tuning and electrical transduction of incoming sound waves. Cochlear mechanical responses are shown to exhibit active nonlinear spatiotemporal response dynamics (e.g., otoacoustic em
- PMID 27752774
Japanese Journal
- 高齢者を対象とした人工物利用における「怖がり」尺度作成の試み
- モバイルセンサデータベースにおける効率的なTop-k検索結果の多様化手法
- In-Network Caching for Simultaneous Download from Multiple Receivers in Content-Centric Networking
- Experimental Study on CDMA GaAs HBT MMIC Power Amplifier Layout Design for Reducing Turn-On Delay in Transient Response
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- excessivelyとは。意味や和訳。[副] ⇒ex・ces・sive - goo英和辞書は14万項目以上を収録し、発音、音声、慣用句、例文が分かる英和辞書です。 excessivelyの意味 - 英和辞書 - 英語辞書 - goo辞書 |
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- 関
- binge、excessive、excessively、hyper、overly、oversupply、repletion、superfluous、supernumerary、surplus、undue、unduly
- 関
- excess、excessive、excessively、superfluous、supernumerary、surplus
- 関
- excess、excessive、excess、supernumerary、surplus、superfluous、excessively、(pref)hyper
- 関
- excess、excessive、excessively、hyper、superfluous、supernumerary
- 関
- excess、excessive、excessively、hyper、superfluous、surplus
- 関
- excess、excessively、hyper、superfluous、supernumerary、surplus