- 関
- excess、overly、undue、unduly
- more than is needed, desired, or required; "trying to lose excess weight"; "found some extra change lying on the dresser"; "yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant"; "skills made redundant by technological advance"; "sleeping in the spare room"; "supernumerary ornamentation"; "it was supererogatory of her to gloat"; "delete superfluous (or unnecessary) words"; "extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts"; "surplus cheese distributed to the needy" (同)extra, redundant, spare, supererogatory, superfluous, supernumerary, surplus
- immoderation as a consequence of going beyond sufficient or permitted limits (同)excessiveness, inordinateness
- a quantity much larger than is needed (同)surplus, surplusage, nimiety
- not yet payable; "an undue loan"
- lacking justification or authorization; "desire for undue private profit"; "unwarranted limitations of personal freedom" (同)unjustified, unwarranted
- not appropriate or proper (or even legal) in the circumstances; "undue influence"; "I didnt want to show undue excitement"; "accused of using undue force"
- to an undue degree; "she was unduly pessimistic about her future"
- something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone (同)forerunner, predecessor, herald, precursor
- the quantity contained in a bin (同)binful
- store in bins
- a container; usually has a lid
- (飲み食いしての)浮かれ騒き,とんちゃん騒ぎ,(何かを)思いきりすること
- 〈U〉《時にan~》(…の…に対する)超過《+『of』+『名』+『over』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(…の)『不節制』《+『at』+『名,』+『in』 do『ing』》;《複数形で》度を超えた行為,不行跡;暴飲,暴食 / 超過の,余分の
- 過度の,はなはだしい / 不当な,不法な
- 過度に,はなはだしく;不当に
- 過度に,あまりに
- (…の)先駆者; 先触れ,前兆《+『of』+『名』》 / …‘の'先駆者となる,前触れをする
- (穀物・石炭などを入れる)ふたつきの大箱 / (れんがなどで仕切った)貯蔵所
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/03/26 23:57:15」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
A binge is a behavior engaged in excessively over a short period of time. It may refer to:
- Binge drinking
- Drug binge
- Binge eating
- Binge-watching
Other uses of binge include:
- Binge Records, an indie rock record label
- "Binge", a song from the Papa Roach album Infest
- Dagmar Anita Binge, German founder of Binge Discs (country music specialists)
- Ronald Binge, British composer and arranger of light music
- A binge, or pinge, a sink-hole caused by mining activity
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English Journal
- Hookah, cigarette, and marijuana use: A prospective study of smoking behaviors among first-year college women.
- Fielder RL, Carey KB, Carey MP.SourceDepartment of Psychology, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA; Centers for Behavioral and Preventive Medicine, The Miriam Hospital, Providence, RI, USA. Electronic address: rlfielde@syr.edu.
- Addictive behaviors.Addict Behav.2013 Nov;38(11):2729-35. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2013.07.006. Epub 2013 Jul 20.
- Better understanding of the temporal sequence of hookah, cigarette, and marijuana use will help to inform smoking prevention efforts. To address this gap in the literature, we assessed all three of these smoking behaviors in a sample of 424 first-year college women. Using a longitudinal design, we i
- PMID 23934004
- Rates and predictors of DUI among U.S.-Mexico border and non-border Mexican Americans.
- Caetano R, Vaeth PA, Mills BA.SourceUniversity of Texas School of Public Health, Dallas Regional Campus, 6011 Harry Hines Boulevard, Room V8.112, Dallas, TX 75390-9128, United States. Electronic address: Raul.Caetano@UTSouthwestern.edu.
- Accident; analysis and prevention.Accid Anal Prev.2013 Oct;59:289-95. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2013.05.026. Epub 2013 Jun 4.
- This paper examines driving under the influence (DUI) arrests and other related factors among Mexican Americans living in U.S.-Mexico border and non-border areas. Respondents in the non-border areas (primarily Houston and Los Angeles) constitute a multistage probability sample (N=1288) of these area
- PMID 23845408
- Psychometric properties and concurrent validity of the CRAFFT among Norwegian adolescents. Ung@hordaland, a population-based study.
- Skogen JC, Bøe T, Knudsen AK, Hysing M.SourceAlcohol and Drug Research Western Norway, Stavanger University Hospital, Stavanger, Norway; Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Division of Mental Health, Department of Public Mental Health, Bergen, Norway; Regional Centre for Child and Youth Mental Health and Child Welfare, Uni Health, Uni Research, Norway. Electronic address: jens.skogen@uni.no.
- Addictive behaviors.Addict Behav.2013 Oct;38(10):2500-5. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2013.05.002. Epub 2013 May 9.
- The aim of the study was to examine the psychometric properties of the CRAFFT-questionnaire, and its concurrent validity with self-reported measures of alcohol consumption and illicit drug use ever among Norwegian adolescents. This study employs data from the ung@hordaland survey (N=9680). The concu
- PMID 23770648
Japanese Journal
- むちゃ食いを行っている者が有する心理学的要因 : メタアナリシスによる検討
- 摂食障害(肥満とやせ) (特集 性差医療の最前線 : 生活習慣病を中心に) -- (性差を考慮すべき疾患)
- Mental Health Problems of Freshman College Binge Drinkers and Cigarette Smokers
- Asian journal of social sciences & humanities 3(4), 257-266, 2014-11
- NAID 40020372988
Related Links
- bingeとは。意味や和訳。[名]((略式))(飲食,買い物を)しまくること;飲み放題;暴食;どんちゃんパーティーa shopping binge買いまくりbinge drinking [eating]むちゃ飲み[どか食い]have a binge [=go on a binge]飲み[遊び]まくる ...
- 1854, "drinking bout," also (v.) "drink heavily, soak up alcohol;" dialectal use of binge "soak" (a wooden vessel). Noted originally as a Northampton dialect word. Sense extended c. World War I to include eating as well as drinking.
Related Pictures

- 関
- binge、excessive、excessively、hyper、overly、oversupply、repletion、superfluous、supernumerary、surplus、undue、unduly
- 関
- binge、excess、overly、unduly、unjustified、unreasonable、unwarranted
- 関
- binge、excess、overly、undue、unjustified、unreasonable、unwarranted
- 英
- binge、excess、undue、overly、unduly
- 関
- 過剰、過多、超過、過剰量、不当
- 関
- binge、excess、undue、unduly
- 関
- aura、forerunner、predictor、presage