- 豊富な。生い茂る、繁殖した。元気のよい、喜びのあふれた、生き生きとした。(気力・健康など)あふれるばかりの。(想像力・天分アド)豊かな。(言語・文体が)華麗な
- 関
- (adv.)exuberantly
- produced or growing in extreme abundance; "their riotous blooming" (同)lush, luxuriant, profuse, riotous
- in an exuberant manner; "the exuberantly baroque decoration of the church" (同)riotously
- 元気(活力,熱意など)に満ちあふれている,元気いっぱいの / 豊富な,あり余るほどの / (葉などが)おい茂った
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English Journal
- Direct role for smooth muscle cell mineralocorticoid receptors in vascular remodeling: novel mechanisms and clinical implications.
- Koenig JB1, Jaffe IZ.Author information 1Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences at Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA, jennybkoenig@gmail.com.AbstractThe mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) is a key regulator of blood pressure. MR antagonist drugs are used to treat hypertension and heart failure, resulting in decreased mortality by mechanisms that are not completely understood. In addition to the kidney, MR is also expressed in the smooth muscle cells (SMCs) of the vasculature, where it is activated by the hormone aldosterone and affects the expression of genes involved in vascular function at the cellular and systemic levels. Following vascular injury due to mechanical or physiological stresses, vessels undergo remodeling resulting in SMC hypertrophy, migration, and proliferation, as well as vessel fibrosis. Exuberant vascular remodeling is associated with poor outcomes in cardiovascular patients. This review compiles recent findings on the specific role of SMC-MR in the vascular remodeling process. The development and characterization of a SMC-specific MR-knockout mouse has demonstrated a direct role for SMC-MR in vascular remodeling. Additionally, several novel mechanisms contributing to SMC-MR-mediated vascular remodeling have been identified and are reviewed here, including Rho-kinase signaling, placental growth factor signaling through vascular endothelial growth factor type 1 receptor, and galectin signaling.
- Current hypertension reports.Curr Hypertens Rep.2014 May;16(5):427. doi: 10.1007/s11906-014-0427-y.
- The mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) is a key regulator of blood pressure. MR antagonist drugs are used to treat hypertension and heart failure, resulting in decreased mortality by mechanisms that are not completely understood. In addition to the kidney, MR is also expressed in the smooth muscle cell
- PMID 24633842
- Hippocampal neuropathology of domoic acid-induced epilepsy in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus).
- Buckmaster PS1, Wen X, Toyoda I, Gulland FM, Van Bonn W.Author information 1Department of Comparative Medicine, Stanford University, Stanford, California, 94305; Department of Neurology & Neurological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, California, 94305.AbstractCalifornia sea lions (Zalophus californianus) are abundant human-sized carnivores with large gyrencephalic brains. They develop epilepsy after experiencing status epilepticus when naturally exposed to domoic acid. We tested whether sea lions previously exposed to DA (chronic DA sea lions) display hippocampal neuropathology similar to that of human patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Hippocampi were obtained from control and chronic DA sea lions. Stereology was used to estimate numbers of Nissl-stained neurons per hippocampus in the granule cell layer, hilus, and pyramidal cell layer of CA3, CA2, and CA1 subfields. Adjacent sections were processed for somatostatin immunoreactivity or Timm-stained, and the extent of mossy fiber sprouting was measured stereologically. Chronic DA sea lions displayed hippocampal neuron loss in patterns and extents similar but not identical to those reported previously for human patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Similar to human patients, hippocampal sclerosis in sea lions was unilateral in 79% of cases, mossy fiber sprouting was a common neuropathological abnormality, and somatostatin-immunoreactive axons were exuberant in the dentate gyrus despite loss of immunopositive hilar neurons. Thus, hippocampal neuropathology of chronic DA sea lions is similar to that of human patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. J. Comp. Neurol. 522:1691-1706, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
- The Journal of comparative neurology.J Comp Neurol.2014 May 1;522(7):1691-706. doi: 10.1002/cne.23509.
- California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) are abundant human-sized carnivores with large gyrencephalic brains. They develop epilepsy after experiencing status epilepticus when naturally exposed to domoic acid. We tested whether sea lions previously exposed to DA (chronic DA sea lions) display hi
- PMID 24638960
- Overexpression of integrin αv correlates with poor prognosis in colorectal cancer.
- Ha SY1, Shin J, Kim JH, Kang MS, Yoo HY, Kim HH, Um SH, Kim SH.Author information 1Department of Pathology, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.AbstractAIMS: Integrin αv subunits are involved in tumour angiogenesis and tumour progression in various types of cancers. Clinical trials evaluating agents targeting integrin αv are ongoing. Integrin αv expression has been reported in several cancers in association with tumour progression or poor survival. However, no study has addressed the prognostic influence of integrin αv expression on survival of patients with colorectal cancer (CRC).
- Journal of clinical pathology.J Clin Pathol.2014 Apr 2. doi: 10.1136/jclinpath-2013-202163. [Epub ahead of print]
- AIMS: Integrin αv subunits are involved in tumour angiogenesis and tumour progression in various types of cancers. Clinical trials evaluating agents targeting integrin αv are ongoing. Integrin αv expression has been reported in several cancers in association with tumour progression or poor surviv
- PMID 24695839
- Granular cell tumor of the breast eliciting exuberant pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia.
- Desimone RA1, Ginter PS, Chen YT.
- International journal of surgical pathology.Int J Surg Pathol.2014 Apr;22(2):156-7. doi: 10.1177/1066896914525234.
- PMID 24663243
Japanese Journal
- 〔資 料〕人見東明自筆短冊二種 --影印・翻刻・解題--
- EUS-FNAで診断し, FDG-PETによる経時的変化を観察しえた黄色肉芽腫性胆嚢炎の1例
- 日本消化器病學會雜誌 = The Japanese journal of gastro-enterology 110(9), 1640-1648, 2013-09-05
- NAID 10031195135
- マルセルとハイデガーにおける実存と存在についての考察
- 2種除草剤混用によりイネ科多年草を選択的に防除する芝地(ノシバ)の管理方法
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