- 関
- buzzing、ringing in the ear、tinnitus
- a ringing or booming sensation in one or both ears; a symptom of an ear infection or Menieres disease
- incomprehensibility resulting from irrelevant information or meaningless facts or remarks; "all the noise in his speech concealed the fact that he didnt have anything to say"
- the auditory experience of sound that lacks musical quality; sound that is a disagreeable auditory experience; "modern music is just noise to me" (同)dissonance, racket
- electrical or acoustic activity that can disturb communication (同)interference, disturbance
- a loud outcry of protest or complaint; "the announcement of the election recount caused a lot of noise"; "whatever it was he didnt like it and he was going to let them know by making as loud a noise as he could"
- sound of any kind (especially unintelligible or dissonant sound); "he enjoyed the street noises"; "they heard indistinct noises of people talking"; "during the firework display that ended the gala the noise reached 98 decibels"
- fruiting spike of a cereal plant especially corn (同)spike, capitulum
- attention to what is said; "he tried to get her ear"
- good hearing; "he had a keen ear"; "a good ear for pitch"
- the sense organ for hearing and equilibrium
- having ears (or appendages resembling ears) or having ears of a specified kind; often used in combination
- the base of the natural system of logarithms; approximately equal to 2.718282...
- 〈C〉〈U〉(特に,大きなまたは不快な)『音』,物音 / 〈C〉〈U〉(街・往来などの)『ざわめき』,騒音,騒々しい声 / 〈C〉(一般に)物音 / 〈U〉(ラジオ・テレビなどの)ノイズ,雑音 / …‘を'広める,言い触らす《+『名』+『about』(『abroad, around』)》 / 音を立てる;大声で話す《+『about』(『around, abroad』)》
- 〈C〉『耳』 / 《単数形で》『聴覚』,聴力,音感 / 《単数形で》じっと聞くこと,傾聴 / 〈C〉耳の形をした物
- (麦・とうもろこしなどの)穂
- (水さしなど)取っ手のある;(毛皮など)耳のついた
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English Journal
- Troublesome tinnitus in children: epidemiology, audiological profile, and preliminary results of treatment.
- Bartnik G, St?pie? A, Raj-Koziak D, Fabija?ska A, Niedzia?ek I, Skar?y?ski H.SourceTinnitus Clinic, Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, AK Kampinos 1, 01-943 Warsaw, Poland.
- International journal of pediatrics.Int J Pediatr.2012;2012:945356. Epub 2011 Jul 19.
- Introduction. Although tinnitus often has a significant impact on individual's life, there are still few reports relating to tinnitus in children. In our tinnitus clinic, children with distressing tinnitus constitute about 0,5% of all our patients. Objectives. The aim of this study was to analyse ch
- PMID 21804828
- Tinnitus retraining therapy using portable music players.
- Fukuda S, Miyashita T, Inamoto R, Mori N.SourceDepartment of Otolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa University, Ikenobe 1750-1, Kagawa, Japan. stfukuda@med.kagawa-u.ac.jp
- Auris, nasus, larynx.Auris Nasus Larynx.2011 Dec;38(6):692-6. Epub 2011 May 20.
- OBJECTIVE: We aimed to perform acoustic analysis of environmental sounds used in sound therapy for tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT) and to evaluate the efficacy of TRT performed by using a portable music player (PMP) with recorded environmental sounds as the sound generator.METHODS: Acoustic analys
- PMID 21601395
Japanese Journal
- Auditory Artifacts due to Switching Head-Related Transfer Functions of a Dynamic Virtual Auditory Display
- OTANI Makoto,HIRAHARA Tatsuya
- IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences 91(6), 1320-1328, 2008-06-01
- … A total system latency (TSL), which is the delay between head motion and the corresponding change of the ear input signal, is a significant factor of DVADs. … Switching HRTFs gives rise to wave discontinuity of synthesized binaural signals, which can be perceived as click noises that degrade the quality of presented sound image. …
- NAID 10026849189
- 音声と耳介画像を用いたマルチモーダル個人認証(認識・理解・対話)
- 岩野 公司,広瀬 智治,上林 英悟,古井 貞煕
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. SP, 音声 103(94), 25-30, 2003-05-23
- 本論文では,モバイル環境における個人認証技術の高精度化を目指し,音声と耳介画像を利用したマルチモーダル・バイオメトリック個人認証手法を提案する.音声による個人認証(話者照合)には,雑音や時期差変化による性能劣化が指摘されている.そこで,時期差変化の少ない耳介画像情報を音声情報と組み合わせて用いることによって認証性能の改善をはかる.提案手法は,音声と耳介画像の特微量を,申告者の音声,耳介画像モデルと …
- NAID 110003295841
Related Links
- 12 hours ago ... Learn about tinnitus, or ringing in the ears caused by exposure to loud noises, medication (aspirin), and some diseases like Meniere's disease. Treatment options are included in the information.
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- 日
- じめい
- 英
- tinnitus, buzzing, ringing in the ear
- 同
- 耳鳴り
- 関
- 自覚的耳鳴、耳鳴症、他覚的耳鳴、拍動性耳鳴、ear noises
- 非振動性耳鳴:聴覚伝導路を含む聴器に生じた機械的、化学的刺激による。
- 振動性耳鳴:機械的な成因(筋肉性(耳小骨筋、口蓋帆筋)、血管性(コマ音(重症貧血など)、聴器近傍の脳動脈瘤、脳動静脈奇形による拍動性耳鳴)
- IMD.277
- 老人性難聴:高音性、静かな環境で増悪、聴力低下:補聴器
- 耳管閉塞:呼吸時同調するごうごうという音、仰向けで改善、自分の声が角に強く聞こえる:鼻腔内ステロイド噴霧
- 薬剤性:NSAIDs,抗菌薬,ループ利尿薬:薬剤中止
- 迷路炎:急性発症、最近の頭部外傷/ウイルス感染、めまい
- メニエール病:低音性、変動する聴力低下:美辞かコンサルト
- 中耳炎:耳痛、耳閉感、最近の上気道感染:抗菌薬
- ストレス:問診、ストレス排除、抗うつ薬
- 関
- ear noises、ringing in the ear、tinnitus
- 関
- buzzing、ear noises、tinnitus
- 関
- bruit、murmur