- 関
- pulp necrosis
- remove the pulp from, as from a fruit
- a soft moist part of a fruit (同)flesh
- a mixture of cellulose fibers
- reduce to pulp; "pulp fruit"; "pulp wood"
- any soft or soggy mass; "he pounded it to a pulp" (同)mush
- an inexpensive magazine printed on poor quality paper (同)pulp magazine
- the soft inner part of a tooth
- an appreciable consequence (especially a lessening); "it made a dent in my bank account"
- an impression in a surface (as made by a blow) (同)ding, gouge, nick
- of or relating to the teeth; "dental floss"
- of or relating to dentistry; "dental student"
- the localized death of living cells (as from infection or the interruption of blood supply) (同)mortification, gangrene, sphacelus
- 100 puls equal 1 afghani in Afghanistan
- 〈U〉(果実・野菜などの)果肉 / 〈U〉髄質(骨髄・歯髄など) / 〈U〉(製紙原料の)パルプ / 〈U〉《時にa~》どろどろしたもの / 《しばしば複数形で》(粗末な紙にきわもの記事を印刷した)低俗雑誌 / …‘を'パルプにする;…‘を'どろどろにする
- くぼみ,へこみ / …‘を'くぼませる,へこませる / へこむ,くぼむ
- (くし・歯車などの)歯
- 歯の,歯科医の / (音声が)歯音の / 歯音(など)
- 壊疽(えそ)
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English Journal
- Unique proliferation response in odontoblastic cells derived from human skeletal muscle stem cells by cytokine-induced matrix metalloproteinase-3.
- Ozeki N1, Hase N1, Kawai R1, Yamaguchi H1, Hiyama T1, Kondo A2, Nakata K1, Mogi M3.
- Experimental cell research.Exp Cell Res.2015 Feb 1;331(1):105-14. doi: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2014.09.015. Epub 2014 Sep 22.
- A pro-inflammatory cytokine mixture (CM: interleukin (IL)-1β, tumor necrosis factor-α and interferon-γ) and IL-1β-induced matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-3 activity have been shown to increase the proliferation of rat dental pulp cells and murine stem cell-derived odontoblast-like cells. This sug
- PMID 25246128
- Usefulness of mandibular third molar coronectomy assessed through clinical evaluation over three years of follow-up.
- Kohara K1, Kurita K2, Kuroiwa Y2, Goto S3, Umemura E2.
- International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery.Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg.2015 Feb;44(2):259-66. doi: 10.1016/j.ijom.2014.10.003. Epub 2014 Nov 8.
- The aim of this study was to investigate the 3-year morbidity of coronectomy of the lower third molar and to monitor the behaviour and migration pattern of the retained roots postoperatively. A total of 92 patients (111 teeth) who had undergone a coronectomy between October 2005 and July 2009 were i
- PMID 25457826
- Restoration of the root canal treated tooth.
- Eliyas S1, Jalili J2, Martin N3.
- British dental journal.Br Dent J.2015 Jan 23;218(2):53-62. doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2015.27.
- When considering endodontically treated teeth, the quality of the restoration is important from the outset. It sheds light into possible causes of pulp necrosis or failure of endodontic treatment and influences the outcome of future endodontic treatment. A tooth undergoing endodontic treatment requi
- PMID 25613259
Japanese Journal
- 半導体レーザー照射後のラット臼歯における非コラーゲンタンパクの遺伝子発現
- 重谷 佳見,大倉 直人,吉羽 邦彦,吉羽 永子,大島 勇人,興地 隆史
- 日本歯科保存学雑誌 53(5), 495-501, 2010-10-31
- ラット臼歯へGaAlAs半導体レーザーを照射した後に,歯髄腔内に硬組織形成が生じることが知られている.そこで本研究では,RT-PCR法を用いて同レーザー照射後のラット臼歯における各種非コラーゲンタンパクのmRNA発現を検索した.生後8週齢Wistar系雄性ラットの上顎第一臼歯近心に,半導体レーザー装置(オサダライトサージ3000)を用いて,出力1.5W,60秒3回の条件でレーザー照射を行った.なお …
- NAID 110008006920
- 乳歯歯髄由来線維芽細胞におけるTNF-αによるERKの影響
- 加藤 尚子,原田 京子,大東 希好,竹安 正治,大東 道治
- 歯科薬物療法 29(2), 61-68, 2010-08-01
- … 炎症組織では,結合組織破壊が進行し炎症が増悪する.この結合組織破壊にはマトリックスメタロプロテアーゼ(MMPs)が関与していることが多く報告されている.さらに歯髄炎ではinterleukin(IL)-1βやtumor necrosis factor(TNF)-αなどの炎症性サイトカインが多く産生され,マクロファージや好中球などの炎症性細胞に影響を与える.そこで本研究では,ヒト乳歯歯髄由来線維芽細胞を用いて,TNF-α刺激による線維芽細胞 …
- NAID 10026624924
Related Links
- Introduction: Dental Pulp Necrosis Description of Dental Pulp Necrosis Dental Pulp Necrosis: Death of pulp tissue. When the necrosis is due to ischemia with superimposed bacterial infection, it is referred to as pulp gangrene.
- Pulp necrosis refers to the death of the material inside a tooth, which can lead to intense pain and discomfort for the patient. This can be a potential complication of dental cavities, fractures of the teeth, and trauma, and may be ...
- 英
- pulp necrosis、dental pulp necrosis
- 関
- dental pulp necrosis
- 関
- dent、dentistry、teeth、tooth
- 関
- dental、dentistry
- 関
- pulp、pulpal、tooth pulp
- 関
- dental pulp necrosis