- 関
- conflict of interest
- excite the curiosity of; engage the interest of
- (law) a right or legal share of something; a financial involvement with something; "they have interests all over the world"; "a stake in the companys future" (同)stake
- a fixed charge for borrowing money; usually a percentage of the amount borrowed; "how much interest do you pay on your mortgage?"
- (usually plural) a social group whose members control some field of activity and who have common aims; "the iron interests stepped up production" (同)interest_group
- the power of attracting or holding ones attention (because it is unusual or exciting etc.); "they said nothing of great interest"; "primary colors can add interest to a room" (同)interestingness
- a sense of concern with and curiosity about someone or something; "an interest in music" (同)involvement
- having or showing interest; especially curiosity or fascination or concern; "an interested audience"; "interested in sports"; "was interested to hear about her family"; "interested in knowing who was on the telephone"; "interested spectators"
- arousing or holding the attention
- (人・物事に対する)『興味』,『関心』《+『in』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 〈C〉『関心事』,興味のまと / 〈U〉興味をそそる(関心を引く)力 / 〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》『利益』,ため / (利益などにあずかる)権利;所有権,利権 / 〈U〉(借金などの)『利子』 / 《しばしば複数形で》《集合的に》同業者たち,関係者たち / (…に)〈人〉‘に'『興味を持たせる』,関心を起こさらる《+『名』+『in』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / (…に)〈人〉‘を'関係させる,‘に'関心を持たせる《+『名』〈人〉+『in』+『名』(do『ing』)》
- 『興味』(『関心』)『のある』,関心(興味)を示す
- (物事が)『興味を起こさせる』,おもしろい
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English Journal
- Athletes' inclination to play through pain: a coping perspective.
- Deroche T, Woodman T, Stephan Y, Brewer BW, Le Scanff C.Sourcea Univ Paris-Sud , U.R. CIAMS , Orsay cedex , F-91405 , France.
- Anxiety, stress, and coping.Anxiety Stress Coping.2011 Oct;24(5):579-87. Epub 2011 May 24.
- Previous studies have shown how social networks lead athletes to accept pain as a "part of the game," which generates pressure on athletes to continue competing despite being in pain. Little is known, however, about the potential coping strategies that are related to pain behavior in sport. This stu
- PMID 21328106
- Interpersonal competence configurations, attachment to community, and residential aspirations of rural adolescents.
- Petrin RA, Farmer TW, Meece JL, Byun SY.SourcePennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA.
- Journal of youth and adolescence.J Youth Adolesc.2011 Sep;40(9):1091-105. Epub 2011 Jul 1.
- Adolescents who grow-up in rural areas often experience a tension between their attachment to the rural lifestyle afforded by their home community and a competing desire to gain educational, social, and occupational experiences that are only available in metropolitan areas. While these diverging pre
- PMID 21720860
Japanese Journal
- 社会資本整備における利害調整と合意形成 : 米国におけるコンセンサスビルディング・プロセス
- 石田 聖
- 熊本大学社会文化研究 9, 85-102, 2011-03-25
- … So, how and what we can mediate competing interest between citizens, government and other concerned parties, and how can we collaboratively challenge the policy issue? …
- NAID 110008138867
- 序論 グローバル経済と国際政治 : 国家と国際レジームの位相
- 大矢根 聡
- 国際政治 2008(153), 1-14, 2008
- … Even the definition of globalization is not settled, and there are various competing definitions. … Therefore, it is not easy to constructively discuss the relationship between the global economy and international politics.First of all, this paper reviews previous research on globalization, and reconfirms key topics of interest and methods of analysis. …
- NAID 130000441463
Related Links
- 注:conflicts of interest/competing interestsは、最近一般に「利益相反」とよばれること が多くなってきた。主として金銭的な利益に関係して2つの意味で使われる。研究の公的 使命と私的利益が相容れない「対立/競合する利害(関係)」を意味する場合と、研究の ...
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- 英
- conflict of interest、competing interest
- 関
- 利害関係
- 英
- conflict of interest、competing interest
- 関
- 利害衝突
- 関
- competing interest
- 関
- benefit、concern、gain、profit、regard、respect
- 関
- interesting、intriguing、of interest
- 関
- interested、intriguing、of interest