- 英
- interesting、of interest、intriguing、interested
- 関
- 関心がある、興味深い、興味をそそる
- having or showing interest; especially curiosity or fascination or concern; "an interested audience"; "interested in sports"; "was interested to hear about her family"; "interested in knowing who was on the telephone"; "interested spectators"
- arousing or holding the attention
- capable of arousing interest or curiosity; "our team came up with some most intriguing finds"
- 『興味』(『関心』)『のある』,関心(興味)を示す
- (物事が)『興味を起こさせる』,おもしろい
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- 1. 脊椎徒手整復による筋骨格痛の治療spinal manipulation in the treatment of musculoskeletal pain [show details]
…manipulation. Patients whose neck pain symptoms are not resolving within seven days and who are interested in manipulative therapy may be offered therapy to include cervical spine manipulation along with …
- 2. 糖尿病に対する強化インスリン療法での運動の効果に関する症例cases illustrating the effects of exercise in intensive insulin therapy for diabetes mellitus [show details]
…Second, repeated ingestion of extra calories can lead to weight gain. A 44-year-old woman is interested in beginning a vigorous exercise program consisting of one hour of racquetball, three times per…
- 3. 下垂体機能低下症の治療treatment of hypopituitarism [show details]
…desired. Testosterone replacement is indicated in men who have secondary hypogonadism and are not interested in fertility. The choice of treatment does not differ from that in men with primary hypogonadism …
- 4. 自家組織を用いる乳房再建術の選択肢options for flap based breast reconstruction [show details]
…selection . Some women are interested in a short operation with a rapid recovery and may be inclined to choose implant-based reconstruction, whereas others are less interested in the duration of the procedure …
- 5. 青年の禁煙のマネージメントmanagement of smoking cessation in adolescents [show details]
…a national survey study in the United States . Thus, the majority of adolescents who smoke are interested in quitting, suggesting readiness for intervention. Among adults, the long-term success rate of …
Japanese Journal
- お客さまの興味ある情報を発信 売り込まずに売る 感動販促のポイント (巻頭特集 入店客数と買上率を高める 安さに頼らない客数アップ)
- <i>Helicobacter pylori</i>除菌後に黒色点が多数みられた3例
- 早期に髄膜に形質細胞性肉芽腫を呈した再発性多発軟骨炎の1例
Related Links
- きょうみ【興味】とは。意味や解説、類語。1 その物事が感じさせるおもむき。おもしろみ。興。「人生の最も深き―あり」〈高村・友の妻〉2 ある対象に対する特別の関心。「―がわく」「―を引く」「―に満ちた表情」「―の的」3 ...
- ブリタニカ国際大百科事典 小項目事典 - 興味の用語解説 - 一般には,ある対象や活動に対する情緒的緊張を伴う選択的構えをさす。態度よりは行動志向的な意味で用いられ,また内因性という側面が強いが,態度と必ずしも厳密に区別 ...
- 関
- interested、interesting、intrigue、of interest、tantalize
- 関
- interested、interesting、intrigue、intriguing、tantalize
- 英
- intrigue、tantalize、of interest、intriguing
- 関
- 興味深い、焦らす、興味ある、陰謀
- 関
- interesting、intriguing、of interest
- 英
- interesting、of interest、intriguing
- 関
- 興味をそそる、興味ある
- 英
- interest
- 関
- 関心、利益、興味を持つ
- 英
- taste
- 関
- 味覚、五大味覚