- 関
- collision、collisional、crash、impinge、impingement
- cause to collide; "The physicists collided the particles"
- crash together with violent impact; "The cars collided"; "Two meteors clashed" (同)clash
- undergo a sudden and severe downturn; "the economy crashed"; "will the stock market crash again?"
- the act of colliding with something; "his crash through the window"; "the fullbacks smash into the defensive line" (同)smash
- a sudden large decline of business or the prices of stocks (especially one that causes additional failures) (同)collapse
- a serious accident (usually involving one or more vehicles); "they are still investigating the crash of the TWA plane" (同)wreck
- (computer science) an event that causes a computer system to become inoperative; "the crash occurred during a thunderstorm and the system has been down ever since"
- break violently or noisily; smash; (同)break_up, break apart
- hurl or thrust violently; "He dashed the plate against the wall"; "Waves were dashing against the rock" (同)dash
- stop operating; "My computer crashed last night"; "The system goes down at least once a week" (同)go_down
- undergo damage or destruction on impact; "the plane crashed into the ocean"; "The car crashed into the lamp post" (同)ram
- cause to crash; "The terrorists crashed the plane into the palace"; "Mother crashed the motorbike into the lamppost"
- fall or come down violently; "The branch crashed down on my car"; "The plane crashed in the sea"
- make a sudden loud sound; "the waves crashed on the shore and kept us awake all night"
- move violently as through a barrier; "The terrorists crashed the gate"
- move with, or as if with, a crashing noise; "The car crashed through the glass door"
- occupy, usually uninvited; "My sons friends crashed our house last weekend"
- (physics) a brief event in which two or more bodies come together; "the collision of the particles resulted in an exchange of energy and a change of direction" (同)hit
- a conflict of opposed ideas or attitudes or goals; "a collision of interests"
- an accident resulting from violent impact of a moving object; "three passengers were killed in the collision"; "the collision of the two ships resulted in a serious oil spill"
- impinge or infringe upon; "This impinges on my rights as an individual"; "This matter entrenches on other domains" (同)encroach, entrench, trench
- influencing strongly; "they resented the impingement of American values on European culture" (同)encroachment, impact
- a sharp collision produced by striking or dashing against something (同)impaction
- an accelerator in which two beams of particles are forced to collide head on
- a collider that operates at very low temperatures
- (…と)『ぶつかる』,衝突する《+『with』(『against』)+『名』》 / 〈意志・利害・犠的などが〉(…と)一致しない,〈人が〉(…と)衝突する《+『with』+『名』》
- 『ガラガラ』,『ドシン』(物が倒れたり砕けたりするときの音) / (飛行機の)『墜落』;(車の)『衝突』 / (事業・相場などの)崩壊,破産 / 『ガチャン』(『ドシン』,『ガラガラ』)『と大きな音をたてる』 / (…に)ガチャン(ドシン)と衝突する《+『into』(『against』)+『名』》 / 大きな音をたてて動く / 〈飛行機が〉墜落する / 〈事業などが〉つぶれる / (…にぶつけて)…'を'『ガチャン』(ドシン),『ガラガラ』)『と壊す』《+『名』+『against』(『into, to』)+『名』》 / 〈飛行機・車など〉'を'衝突させる / 《話》(またgatecrash)(招待状・切符なしで)…‘に'押し掛ける・もぐり込む / 応急の
- (列車などの…との)『衝突』《+『of』+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / (意見・利害などの…との)衝突,不調和《+『of』+『名』+『with』+『名』》
- (…に)ぶつかる,突き当たる《+『on』(『upon』,『against』)+『名』》 / (財産・権利などを)犯す,侵害する《+『on』(『upon』)+『名』》
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/08/23 15:43:42」(JST)
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Collide may refer to:
- Collide (band), an American electro-industrial band
- Collide (The Gufs album)
- Collide (Skillet album)
- Collide (Andy Hunter album)
- Collide, an album by Beats Antique
- "Collide" (Howie Day song), 2004
- "Collide" (Leona Lewis and Avicii song), 2011
- "Collide" (Krystal Meyers song)
- Collide (Breathe Carolina song)"Collide"(Breathe Carolina song
See also
- Collider (disambiguation)
- Collision (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Economic Crisis, Restrictive Policies, and the Population's Health and Health Care: The Greek Case.
- Kondilis E, Giannakopoulos S, Gavana M, Ierodiakonou I, Waitzkin H, Benos A.SourceElias Kondilis, Stathis Giannakopoulos, Magda Gavana, and Alexis Benos are with the Laboratory of Hygiene and Social Medicine-Medical School, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece. Ioanna Ierodiakonou is with 3rd Psychiatry Department AHEPA Hospital, Aristotle University. Howard Waitzkin is with the Departments of Sociology and Internal Medicine, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.
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- Interpenetration free simulation of thin shell rigid bodies.
- English RE, Lentine M, Fedkiw R.SourceComputer Science Department, Stanford University, Gates Computer Science Building, 353 Serra Mall, Room 206, Stanford, CA 94305-9025, USA. eenglish@gmail.com
- IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics.IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph.2013 Jun;19(6):991-1004. doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2012.179.
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- Prasartritha T, Chaivanichsiri P.SourceCenter of Excellence in Orthopaedics, Lerdsin General Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand, library.lerdsin@gmail.com.
- International orthopaedics.Int Orthop.2013 Jun;37(6):1127-34. doi: 10.1007/s00264-013-1845-1. Epub 2013 Apr 24.
- PURPOSE: Three-dimensional computerised tomography (3DCT) can provide comprehensive patho-anatomy of complex bone on a single image. Though important, the key articular quadrilateral [Q] surface has not been a part of the systems developed for classifying acetabulum fractures. The purpose of the stu
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- Beigmoradi S, Jahani K, Hajabdollahi H.SourceAutomotive Eng. Dept., Iran Univ. of Sci. & Technol., No13, Emmami alley, Golzarand Alley, Safdari St. Navab Safavi St, Tehran, Irans.beigmorady@gmail.com.
- The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.J Acoust Soc Am.2013 May;133(5):3462. doi: 10.1121/1.4806163.
- Squeak and rattle (S&R) noise are important in-cabin sources of annoyance for occupants. Originally, S&R is generated as a result of colliding and slamming of car's trim and body structure, which in turn occurs because of the dynamic displacements of components excited by road and powertrain
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Japanese Journal
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- 家庭内エンターテインメントの主役を担うべく、機能とサービスの拡充で攻勢をかけるゲーム機メーカー。それに対抗しようと、ゲーム配信サービスを取り込むテレビ・メーカー。2012年6月に開催されたゲーム業界の世界最大級の展示会「E3(Electronic Entertainment Expo)2012」は、こうした両者の戦いが、今後一層激しくなることを予感させるものだった(図1)。
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Related Links
- Collide definition, to strike one another or one against the other with a forceful impact; come into violent contact; crash: The two cars collided with an ear-splitting crash. See more. Dictionary.com Word of the Day Translate Games ...
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- (光・波などが)(~に)突き当たる、衝突する(on,upon,against)
- (自由・権利などを)侵害する、侵す(encroach)。(~に)打撃を与える(on,upon)
- (思想などが)(想像力に)影響を与える(on,upon)
- 関
- affect、collide、collision、collisional、crash、effect、impact、impingement、influence、violation
- 衝突、墜落
- 関
- collide、collision、collisional、impinge、impingement
- 関
- collide、collisional、crash、impinge、impingement
- 関
- collide、collision、collisional、crash、impinge
- 関
- collide、collision、crash、impinge、impingement