- fix firmly or securely (同)intrench
- occupy a trench or secured area; "The troops dug in for the night" (同)dig in
- an entrenched fortification; a position protected by trenches (同)intrenchment
- a hand shovel carried by infantrymen for digging trenches (同)trenching spade
- established firmly and securely; "the entrenched power of the nobility"
- dug in
- …‘を'ざんごうに入れる / 《しばしば副詞[句]を伴って》(ざんごうに入れたように)…‘を'安泰[なもの]にする / ざんごうを掘る
- ざんごう掘り;〈C〉ざんごう
- (権利・信念などが)確固とした / ざんごうで防備された
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Look up entrenchment, entrenched, or entrench in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Entrenchment, Entrenched or Entrench may refer to:
- A trench
- Military trenches with relation to Trench warfare, especially that of World War I
- An entrenchment clause within a constitution, a clause impervious to or somewhat shielded from the amendment process.
- Entrenchment hypothesis, in financial theory
- Entrenched Player's Dilemma, a concept featured in Wikinomics
- The process forming an Entrenched river, a process of erosion
- Entrench (album), a 2013 album by the Canadian band KEN mode
English Journal
- Costs to Australian taxpayers of pharmaceutical monopolies and proposals to extend them in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.
- Gleeson DH1, Moir H2, Lopert R3.
- The Medical journal of Australia.Med J Aust.2015 Apr 6;202(6):306-8.
- Intellectual property (IP) protections proposed by the United States for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) have sparked widespread alarm about the potential negative impact on access to affordable medicines. The most recently leaked draft of the IP chapter shows some shifts in the US po
- PMID 25832153
- The political and ethical challenge of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis.
- Degeling C1, Mayes C, Lipworth W, Kerridge I, Upshur R.
- Journal of bioethical inquiry.J Bioeth Inq.2015 Mar;12(1):107-13. doi: 10.1007/s11673-014-9595-3. Epub 2015 Jan 29.
- This article critically examines current responses to multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) and argues that bioethics needs to be willing to engage in a more radical critique of the problem than is currently offered. In particular, we need to focus not simply on market-driven models of innovati
- PMID 25630591
- Evidence-informed person-centered healthcare part I: do 'cognitive biases plus' at organizational levels influence quality of evidence?
- Seshia SS1, Makhinson M, Phillips DF, Young GB.
- Journal of evaluation in clinical practice.J Eval Clin Pract.2014 Dec;20(6):734-47. doi: 10.1111/jep.12280. Epub 2014 Nov 28.
- INTRODUCTION: There is increasing concern about the unreliability of much of health care evidence, especially in its application to individuals.HYPOTHESIS: Cognitive biases, financial and non-financial conflicts of interest, and ethical violations (which, together with fallacies, we collectively ref
- PMID 25429739
- The role of interferon gamma release assays in the monitoring of response to anti-tuberculosis treatment in children.
- Shaik J1, Pillay M2, Jeena P3.
- Paediatric respiratory reviews.Paediatr Respir Rev.2014 Sep;15(3):264-7. doi: 10.1016/j.prrv.2013.11.007. Epub 2013 Nov 23.
- Successful control of childhood TB requires early diagnosis, effective chemotherapy and a method of evaluating the response to therapy. Identification of suitable biomarkers that predict the response to anti-TB therapy may allow the duration of treatment to be shortened. The majority of biomarker st
- PMID 24361299
Japanese Journal
- 西辻 正副
- 国語科教育 68, 75-82, 2010-09-30
- … (2) The twists and turns that the "assessments by item" system experienced made it possible to entrench and enhance the assessment items that meet our goal, as well as to overcome the difficulties encountered in making use of learning assessments toward improving the prevalent teaching methods. …
- NAID 110007811944
- 日本における高等教育の市場化(<特集>大学論の新たな地平を探る)
- 大場 淳
- 教育學研究 76(2), 185-196, 2009-06-30
- 高等教育の市場化は世界的傾向である。我が国では1990年代以降、大学設置基準の大綱化をきっかけとして市場化が本格化した。21世紀に入って、市場化は構造改革を進める小泉内閣の下で一層進められたが、同時に整備されたのは強い統制力を持つ事後監視・監督制度であった。世界化・大衆化する高等教育の市場化は不可避であるが、現行制度では大学が創造性を発揮しつつ市場化に適切に対応することは困難である。業績評価の軽減 …
- NAID 110007337661
- 八井田 收
- 国際ビジネス研究学会年報 (11), 343-359, 2005-09-30
- 本研究では、中規模半導体企業の競争戦略について2つのモデルを取り上げ、それらの競争優位の考察を試みるものである。半導体産業を歴史的に見ると、日本における大手総合電機メーカーや、米国における大規模な内製専門企業(Captive企業)のような寡占的大企業が優位とされてきたが、1990年代より中規模半導体企業でも収益性の高い企業がいくつか台頭していることが注目される。その企業特性を分析していくと、2つの …
- NAID 110004498646
- コーポレート・ガバナンスと経営者報酬(中田信正教授退任記念号)
- 稲別 正晴
- 桃山学院大学経済経営論集 43(4), 67-97, 2002-03
- … Section 4 discusses that executive risk-bearing is contingent on the situations and that executives can entrench themselves by influencing the CEO-Board relationship. …
- NAID 110006966158
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- The peace treaty was also a chance to distract from his interest in working to entrench Israel sovereignty over the West Bank. Rubio Needs A Lesson In Peace Process History Brent E. Sasley February 24, 2013 In 1905, a group ...
- entrenchとは。意味や和訳。[動](他)1 〈考え・慣例などを〉ゆるぎないものにする.2 〈陣地・町などの〉周りに塹壕(ざんごう)を掘る,…を塹壕で囲む[防備する].3 ((~ -selfまたは受身))塹壕を掘ってはいる,防備に有利な場所を占める ...
- Entrench. 969 likes · 8 talking about this. Trummis sökes! ... So... here's a side project called Deformator formed by Fredrik(Entrench) and Johannes(TYRANEX). This song is taken from a five track unreleased demo recorded in 2013.
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