- invest with or as with a body; give body to (同)personify
- the external structure of a vehicle; "the body of the car was badly rusted"
- the main mass of a thing
- a natural object consisting of a dead animal or person; "they found the body in the lake" (同)dead body
- the entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being); "he felt as if his whole body were on fire" (同)organic structure, physical structure
- a collection of particulars considered as a system; "a body of law"; "a body of doctrine"; "a body of precedents"
- a group of persons associated by some common tie or occupation and regarded as an entity; "the whole body filed out of the auditorium"; "the student body"; "administrative body"
- an individual 3-dimensional object that has mass and that is distinguishable from other objects; "heavenly body"
- the central message of a communication; "the body of the message was short"
- slope upward; "The path climbed all the way to the top of the hill"
- improve ones social status; "This young man knows how to climb the social ladder"
- the act of climbing something; "it was a difficult climb to the top" (同)mount
- an event that involves rising to a higher point (as in altitude or temperature or intensity etc.) (同)climbing, mounting
- go upward with gradual or continuous progress; "Did you ever climb up the hill behind your house?" (同)climb up, mount, go_up
- move with difficulty, by grasping
- have ownership or possession of; "He owns three houses in Florida"; "How many cars does she have?" (同)have, possess
- belonging to or on behalf of a specified person (especially yourself); preceded by a possessive; "for your own use"; "do your own thing"; "she makes her own clothes"; "`ain is Scottish" (同)ain
- having an owner; often used in combination; "state-owned railways"
- 〈C〉『身体』,肉体 / 〈C〉(人・動物の)『胴体』 / 〈C〉)物の)『主要部』,本体《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(…の)『団体』,群れ:(…のたくさんの)集まり《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉物体,…体 / 〈U〉実質;(酒・味などの)こく / 〈C〉《話》人
- …'を'『よじ登る』,登る《+『up』+『名』,+『名』+『up』》 / (…に)『よじ登る』,登る《+[『up』]『to』+『名』》 / 《副詞[句]を伴って》はうように進む / 『上がっている』,上昇する《+『up』》 / 〈つるなどが棒壁などを〉つたい登る《+『up』+『名』》 / 『よじ登ること』,登り;登る所
- 『自分自身の』,それ自身の,特有の / 『自分自身のもの』,わがもの / …‘を'『所有する』,持つ / …‘を'『認める』,白状する;…‘を'自分のものと認める / (…を)白状する,告白する《+『up to』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / (…を)認める《+『to』+『名』》
- (…に)『未払いの』,支払うべき(due)《+『to』+『名』》
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English Journal
- Influence of hydration status on thermoregulation and cycling hill climbing.
- Ebert TR1, Martin DT, Bullock N, Mujika I, Quod MJ, Farthing LA, Burke LM, Withers RT.
- Medicine and science in sports and exercise.Med Sci Sports Exerc.2007 Feb;39(2):323-9.
- PURPOSE: Although dehydration can impair endurance performance, a reduced body mass may benefit uphill cycling by increasing the power-to-mass ratio. This study examined the effects of a reduction in body mass attributable to unreplaced sweat losses on simulated cycling hill-climbing performance in
- PMID 17277597
- Sensory pleasure optimizes muscular work.
- Cabanac M.
- Clinical and investigative medicine. Médecine clinique et experimentale.Clin Invest Med.2006 Apr;29(2):110-6.
- PURPOSE: To determine how an individual optimizes muscular work.SOURCE: Several previous investigations by the author that explored the hedonicity of various sensations aroused during work and compared the results with the subjects' performances.PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: When a subject is given the task t
- PMID 16737087
Japanese Journal
- 芥川龍之介の童話『蜘蛛の糸』 : ヨーロッパ人の仏教説話を翻案する試み(松永俊男教授退任記念号)
- 小林 信彦
- 桃山学院大学人間科学 (36), 81-196, 2009-03-10
- … And he sends a spider as his proxy to Kandata, who takes hold of the web and begins to climb up. … The Hindus believe that an entity called "atman" subists in every human or animal body. …
- NAID 110007044529
- 野上 素一
- 京都大學文學部研究紀要 4, 1039-1069, 1956-11-20
- … For three nights after death the soul sat by the head of body, and, its vigil ended, every soul, good or bad, had to cross the narrow Kinvad bridge made by Mazda. … On reaching the bridge head, the soul of ' good thoughts, good deeds, good words and good religion' was met by a lovely maiden, who was his own conscience. …
- NAID 110000057021
Related Links
- Climbing is the activity of using one's hands and feet (or indeed any other part of the body) to ascend a steep object. It is done both for recreation (to reach an inaccessible place, or for its own enjoyment) and professionally, as part of ...
- In Climb your own Everest I will share with you the secrets of fuelling the body for such a physical and mental challenge. Whether you are interested in a little Munro bagging at the weekends or planning your own Himalayan ...
- What We Do Effective Education. Exceptional Entertainment. CLIMB is a touring, educational theatre that brings our own original plays and classes directly to schools (and other agencies) across the Upper Midwest. Our programs ...
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- 英
- Gowers sign
- 同
- Gowers徴候、登はん性起立 登攀性起立 climb own body
- 腰肢体筋群の筋力低下による
- 筋ジストロフィーなどで見られる。
- 日
- とはんせいきりつ
- 英
- climb own body
- 関
- ガワーズ徴候
- 関
- have、possess、possession
- 関
- ascend