- 関
- credential
- present someone with a certificate
- a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts (同)certification, credential, credentials
- authorize by certificate
- state approval of the articles of incorporation of a corporation
- furnished with or authorized by a certificate: "certificated teachers"
- 『証明書』,証書,証券 / 『免証状』,認許状,(学位を伴わない)修業証書
- 証明された,資格を与えられた
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Certificate may refer to:
- Certificate of authenticity, a document or seal certifying the authenticity of something
- Certificate of deposit, or CD, a financial product commonly offered to consumers by banks, thrift institutions, and credit unions
- Authorization certificate or attribute certificate
- Certificate (complexity), a string that certifies the answer to a computation
- Public key certificate, an electronic document used in cryptography
Academic qualification
- Academic certificate
- Medical certificate
- Professional certification, a vocational award
- A confirmation that a person has passed a Test (assessment) to prove competence
- Global Assessment Certificate is a university preparation and foundation studies program
- Australia
- Higher School Certificate (New South Wales), a school qualification in New South Wales, Australia
- Victorian Certificate of Education, a school qualification in Victoria, Australia
- Technical and further education#Qualifications awarded by TAFE colleges, a qualification offered by an education institution in Australia
- Ireland
- Junior Certificate, a qualification attained by school students
- Irish Leaving Certificate, a higher qualification attained by school students
- National Certificate, an older higher education qualification
- Higher Certificate, a newer higher education qualification
- Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination
- United Kingdom
- Certificate of Higher Education, awarded after one year full-time study at a university or other higher education institution
See also
- Certification
- Academic degree
- Motion picture rating system
UpToDate Contents
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- 1. 妊産婦死亡の概要 overview of maternal mortality
- 2. 計画的自宅出産 planned home birth
- 3. 黄熱 yellow fever
- 4. 商業用運転免許の試験 commercial drivers license examination
- 5. 養子縁組 adoption
English Journal
- Lower extremity strength, systemic inflammation and all-cause mortality: Application to the "fat but fit" paradigm using cross-sectional and longitudinal designs.
- Buckner SL1, Loenneke JP1, Loprinzi PD2.
- Physiology & behavior.Physiol Behav.2015 Oct 1;149:199-202. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2015.06.012. Epub 2015 Jun 11.
- BACKGROUND: No study has applied the "fat-but-fit" paradigm with respect to muscular strength as an index of fitness, despite muscular strength being independently associated with functional ability and mortality.PURPOSE: To examine the relationship between lower extremity muscular strength, C-react
- PMID 26072175
- Risk-based testing of imported animals: A case study for bovine tuberculosis in The Netherlands.
- de Vos CJ1, van der Goot JA2, van Zijderveld FG2, Swanenburg M2, Elbers AR2.
- Preventive veterinary medicine.Prev Vet Med.2015 Sep 1;121(1-2):8-20. doi: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2015.04.017. Epub 2015 May 2.
- In intra-EU trade, the health status of animals is warranted by issuing a health certificate after clinical inspection in the exporting country. This certificate cannot provide guarantee of absence of infection, especially not for diseases with a long incubation period and no overt clinical signs su
- PMID 26026340
- Survival after squamous cell and basal cell carcinoma of the skin: A retrospective cohort analysis.
- Rees JR1,2, Zens MS1, Celaya MO1,2, Riddle BL1,2, Karagas MR1,2, Peacock JL3,4.
- International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer.Int J Cancer.2015 Aug 15;137(4):878-84. doi: 10.1002/ijc.29436. Epub 2015 Jan 29.
- A retrospective cohort analysis of survival after keratinocyte cancer (KC) was conducted using data from a large, population-based case-control study of KC in New Hampshire. The original study collected detailed information during personal interviews between 1993 and 2002 from individuals with squam
- PMID 25598534
- The rate of preterm birth in the United States is affected by the method of gestational age assignment.
- Duryea EL1, McIntire DD2, Leveno KJ2.
- American journal of obstetrics and gynecology.Am J Obstet Gynecol.2015 Aug;213(2):231.e1-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2015.04.038. Epub 2015 Apr 30.
- OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to examine the rate of preterm birth in the United States using 2 different methods of gestational age assignment and determine which method more closely correlates with the known morbidities associated with preterm birth.STUDY DESIGN: Using National Center
- PMID 25935778
Japanese Journal
- 森光 義昭,関 聡
- 久留米信愛女学院短期大学研究紀要 (36), 41-50, 2013-07-01
- It started in April for every year of Heisei 21(2009) for the teachers license update system to have the ability ability sometimes and which is necessary as the teacher, for the teacher to take pride …
- NAID 110009591193
- 渡辺 英夫,WATANABE Hideo
- 秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 68, 130-120, 2013-03-31
- … The general of Tokugawa shogunate gave daimyos "Ryochi-hannmotsu", the certificate of the governance on the region and "Ryochi-mokuroku", which describes the contents of the region. …
- NAID 120005257483
- 点字と手話 : 三重大学教員免許状更新講習における取り組み
- 郷右近 歩,Ayumu GOUKON
- 三重大学教育学部研究紀要, 自然科学・人文科学・社会科学・教育科学 64, 263-266, 2013-03-31
- 視覚障害や聴覚障害に関する支援を行う上で、点字や手話の活用ができないことは、支援の幅を狭めるものと考えられてきた。一方で、点字も知らない、手話も知らない、だから、当事者の方と直接コミュニケーションをとることができない、という誤った認識も生んできた。視覚障害者には音声で、聴覚障害者には書記で、一般の人間も支援を行う事が可能である。ただし、聴覚情報の特性や視覚情報の特性に対する深い理解が無ければ、専門 …
- NAID 120005228850
- "ニュージーランド後期中等教育におけるNCEA導入の成果と課題 -ESOL教育に対する影響と日本の英語教育に対する示唆-
- 桐生 直幸
- 鎌倉女子大学紀要 (20), 27-32, 2013-03-31
- 本研究は、 独自の言語発達能力指標を開発した国の 1つであるニュージーランドに注目し、 2010年に実施した授業見学をもとに、 2002年から後期中等教育で導入された資格認定制度である NCEA の成果と課題に関して、 ESOL 教育の観点から考察を加えたものである。 NCEA 導入により、 中等教育学校の早い段階から将来を見据えて履修する教科を選択する必要性が出てきたとともに、 移民や留学生を含 …
- NAID 110009575136
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- a document attesting to the fact that a person has completed an educational course, issued either by an institution not authorized to grant diplomas, or to a ... That June, the Obama campaign released his certificate of live birth on its ...
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- certificate
- 英
- death certificate, certificate of death
- 関
- 死体検案書、死因
死亡診断書・死体検案書(SLE. 303-305)
・医師が生前その患者を診察治療し、確定診断を付け、その患者が同一診断名で死亡した場合が、病死体となり死亡診断書を交付する。 ・「無診察治療などの禁止」の例外:「診察中の患者が受診後24時間以内に死亡した場合に交付する診断書については、この限りでない」。異状がない限り、改めて死語診察をしなくても死亡診断書を交付することを認める。 ・(24時間を超えても)診療継続中の患者が、診察にかかる疾患で死亡したことが予期できる場合には、改めて死語診察を行い、生前に診察していた疾病が死因と判定できれば、求めに応じて死亡診断書を発行できる。
- 1. 平成23年度版死亡診断書(死体検案書)記入マニュアル
- http://www.mhlw.go.jp/toukei/manual/
- 英
- certificate、credential
- 関
- 認定書
- 関
- certificate