- 関
- cefazolin、cefazolin sodium
- any compound that contains water of crystallization
- become hydrated and combine with water
- cause to be hydrated; add water or moisture to; "hydrate your skin"
- supply water or liquid to in order to maintain a healthy balance; "the bicyclists must be hydrated frequently"
- a silvery soft waxy metallic element of the alkali metal group; occurs abundantly in natural compounds (especially in salt water); burns with a yellow flame and reacts violently in water; occurs in sea water and in the mineral halite (rock salt) (同)Na, atomic number 11
- small tubular solitary freshwater hydrozoan polyp
- trouble that cannot be overcome by a single effort because of its many aspects or its persistent and pervasive quality; "we may be facing a hydra that defies any easy solution"
- 含水化合物,水化物 / 〈化合物〉‘を'水和させて水化物を作る
- ソジウム,ナトリウム(金属元素;化学記号はNa)
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English Journal
- [Physical and chemical characteristics of a new cefazolin sodium hydrate crystal].
- Hu CQ, Yin LH, Liang YN.SourceNational Institute for the Control of Pharmaceutical and Biological Products, Beijing 100050, China. hucq@nicpbp.org.cn
- Yao xue xue bao = Acta pharmaceutica Sinica.Yao Xue Xue Bao.2008 Aug;43(8):868-72.
- One kind of new cefazolin sodium hydrate crystal was obtained in the isopropyl alcohol - water system. There are two symmetry independent molecules in the asymmetric unit, both being well ordered in the lattice, and ten independent water positions but generally four to six (mean five) water molecule
- PMID 18956782
- Infection management in a patient with a left ventricular assist device: a case report of long-term cefazolin sodium hydrate administration.
- Tayama E, Arinaga K, Shojima T, Takagi K, Yokokura Y, Yoshikawa K, Hori H, Fukunaga S, Akashi H, Aoyagi S.SourceDepartment of Surgery, Kurume University School of Medicine, 67 Asahi-machi, Kurume 830-0011, Japan. eiki@med.kurume-u.ac.jp
- Journal of artificial organs : the official journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Organs.J Artif Organs.2006;9(2):118-21.
- A 55-year-old woman suffered from a bloodstream infection (Staphylococcus aureus), which originated from pump inflow and outflow skin exits, from 4 months after a parocorporeal left ventricular assist device (LVAD) had been implanted. In addition to local irrigation, repeated administration of a wee
- PMID 16807815
Japanese Journal
- 急性腹膜炎として治療し, 後に小腸嵌頓による腸管穿孔が判明したCAPD患者の1例
- 徳山 博文,鷲田 直輝,脇野 修,原 義和,藤村 慶子,伊藤 新,上山 菜穂,乃村 元子,林 晃一,伊藤 裕
- 日本透析医学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy 43(8), 649-653, 2010-08-28
- … 来受診時は血液検査所見に異常所見はなかったが,5月30日より腹痛出現,徐々に症状増悪し,6月5日当院を受診し腹膜炎疑いにて緊急入院した.抗生剤の点滴静注(ceftazidime hydrate(CAZ)1 g/日,cefazolin sodium(CEZ)1 g/日,vancomycin hydrochloride(VCM)1 g/日)および腹腔内投与CAZ 1 g/日,CEZ 1 g/日)を施行したが,症状改善せずCAPD排液細胞数は540/μLから940/μLへ上昇した.第5病日,排液 …
- NAID 10026622490
- Infection management in a patient with a left ventricular assist device : a case report of long-term cefazolin sodium hydrate administration
- TAYAMA Eiki,ARINAGA Koichi,SHOJIMA Takahiro,TAKAGI Kazuyoshi,YOKOKURA Yoshinori,YOSHIKAWA Kazuhiro,HORI Hidetsugu,FUKUNAGA Shuji,AKASHI Hidetoshi,AOYAGI Shigeaki
- Journal of artificial organs : the official journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Organs 9(2), 118-121, 2006-06-01
- NAID 10017613269
Related Links
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- セファロスポリン系抗菌薬、抗菌薬。主としてグラム陽性・陰性菌に作用するもの
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- cefazolin、cefazolin sodium hydrate
セファゾリン。cefazolin sodium hydrate
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- hydration、water supply
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- cefazolin、cefazolin sodium hydrate
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