- a digestive juice secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder; aids in the digestion of fats (同)gall
- irritate or vex; "It galls me that we lost the suit" (同)irk
- a skin sore caused by chafing
- abnormal swelling of plant tissue caused by insects or microorganisms or injury
- suffering from or suggesting a liver disorder or gastric distress (同)liverish, livery
- relating to or containing bile (同)biliary
- relating to the bile ducts or the gallbladder
- a special anniversary (or the celebration of it)
- a device on an automobile for making a warning noise (同)car horn, motor horn, horn, hooter
- a race between (usually high-performance) automobiles (同)auto race, car race
- an anniversary celebrating the passage of 25 years
- 胆汁(たんじゅう) / かんしゃく;不きげん
- 《古》(特に牛の)胆汁(たんじゅう) / (経験などの)苦さ,苦々しい思い《+『of』+『名』》 / 《英話》(…する)厚かましさ,ずうずうしさ《+『to』 do》
- (皮膚の)すり傷;(特に馬具による馬の)くらずれ / …‘の'皮膚(皮)をすりむく / 〈人〉‘を'いらだたせる / すれてひりひりする,すりむける
- 虫こぶ(昆虫の働きによって樹木,特にカシの木の葉などにできる)
- 胆汁(たんじゅう)の,胆汁質の / 気むずかしい,かんしゃく持ちの
- (特に25年または50年の)記念祭 / (一般に)祝祭,祝賀の時期
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/12/01 12:24:57」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
en:Liver:肝臓、RHD(Right hepatic duct): 右肝管、LHD(Left hepatic duct):左肝管、CHD(en:Common hepatic duct):総肝管、en:Cystic duct:胆嚢管、en:Common bile duct:総胆管、en:Gall Bladder:胆嚢、en:Sphincter of Oddi:オッディ括約筋、en:Ampulla of Vater:ファーター膨大部、en:Pancreatic duct:膵管、en:Pancreas:膵臓、en:Duodenum:十二指腸
胆汁(たんじゅう)は、肝臓で生成される黄褐色でアルカリ性の液体である。肝細胞で絶えず生成され、総肝管を通って胆のうに一時貯蔵・濃縮される。食事時に胆のうが収縮され、総胆管の十二指腸開口部であるオッディ括約筋が弛緩し十二指腸に排出されて働く。 胆汁は3つに分類される。
- A胆汁(胆管胆汁) - ファーター乳頭から分泌する
- B胆汁(胆のう胆汁) - 胆嚢で濃縮
- C胆汁(肝胆汁) - 肝細胞で産生
- 胆汁酸
- 脂肪を乳化して消化酵素の働きを助ける。更に脂肪の分解産物に作用して小腸から吸収されやすく変化させる。また腸内に分泌された胆汁酸の殆どは小腸で再吸収され、肝臓に戻される(腸肝循環)。
- 胆汁色素
- 破壊された赤血球から遊離したヘモグロビンのタンパク質部分から切り離されたヘムが、肝臓の細胞で代謝され黄色のビリルビンに変化する。ビリルビンは肝臓でグルクロン酸抱合を受けて水溶性が高められて胆汁色素として胆汁とともに分泌される。ビリルビンの大半は腸内で腸内細菌によりウロビリノーゲンに還元され、その一部が体内に再度吸収される。ウロビリノーゲンは抗酸化作用を有し[1][2]、これが体内で酸化を受けると黄色のウロビリンに変化する。通常の尿の黄色はウロビリンによるものである。これらの循環は腸肝ウロビリノーゲンサイクルと呼ばれている。一方、腸内に残ったウロビリノーゲンは腸内細菌によりステルコビリノーゲンに還元される。ステルコビリノーゲンが酸化を受けると茶色のステルコビリンに変化する。ステルコビリンは大便とともに排泄され、大便の茶色の元となる。
- ^ 中村宜司、佐藤克行、秋葉光雄「胆汁色素代謝物ウロビリノーゲンの抗酸化作用」中村宜司 『日本農芸化学会誌』2001年3月5日、75巻、144ページ。胆汁 - J-GLOBAL
- ^ NAKAMURATakashi; SATOKatsuyuki; AKIBAMitsuo; OHNISHIMasao (2006). “Urobilinogen, as a Bile Pigment Metabolite, Has an Antioxidant Function”. Journal of Oleo Science (日本油化学会) 55 (4): 191-197. doi:10.5650/jos.55.191. NAID 130000055572.
この項目は、医学に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めています(プロジェクト:医学/Portal:医学と医療)。 |
[Wiki en表示]
For other uses, see Bile (disambiguation).
This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (October 2011) |
Bile (yellow material) in a liver biopsy in the setting of bile stasis, i.e. cholestasis. H&E stain
Action of bile salts in digestion
Bile or gall is a bitter-tasting, dark green to yellowish brown fluid, produced by the liver of most vertebrates, that aids the digestion of lipids in the small intestine. In humans, bile is produced continuously by the liver (liver bile), stored and concentrated in the gallbladder (gallbladder bile) and when the organism eats, is discharged into the duodenum. The composition of gallbladder bile is 97% water, 0.7%[1] bile salts,[2] 0.2% bilirubin, 0.51% fats (Cholesterol, fatty acids and lecithin),[2][3] and 200 mEq/L inorganic salts.[4]
- 1 Function
- 2 Clinical significance
- 3 Society and culture
- 4 Principal bile acids
- 5 See also
- 6 References
Bile acts to some extent as a surfactant, helping to emulsify the lipids in food. Bile salt anions are hydrophilic on one side and hydrophobic on the other side; consequently, they tend to aggregate around droplets of lipids (triglycerides and phospholipids) to form micelles, with the hydrophobic sides towards the fat and hydrophilic sides facing outwards. The hydrophilic sides are negatively charged, and this charge prevents fat droplets coated with bile from re-aggregating into larger fat particles. Ordinarily, the micelles in the duodenum have a diameter of around 14–33 μm.
The dispersion of food fat into micelles thus provides a greatly increased surface area for the action of the enzyme pancreatic lipase, which actually digests the triglycerides, and is able to reach the fatty core through gaps between the bile salts. A triglyceride is broken down into two fatty acids and a monoglyceride, which are absorbed by the villi on the intestine walls. After being transferred across the intestinal membrane, the fatty acids reform into triglycerides, before being absorbed into the lymphatic system through lacteals. Without bile salts, most of the lipids in food would be excreted in feces, undigested.
Since bile increases the absorption of fats, it is an important part of the absorption of the fat-soluble substances, such as the vitamins A, D, E and K.
Besides its digestive function, bile serves also as the route of excretion for bilirubin, a byproduct of red blood cells recycled by the liver. Bilirubin derives from hemoglobin by glucuronidation.
Bile is alkaline[citation needed] and also has the function of neutralizing any excess stomach acid before it enters the duodenum, the first section of the small intestine. Bile salts also act as bactericides, destroying many of the microbes that may be present in the food.
Clinical significance
- In the absence of bile, fats become indigestible and are instead excreted in feces, a condition called steatorrhea. Feces lack their characteristic brown color and instead are white or gray, and greasy.[5] Steatorrhea can lead to deficiencies in essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. In addition, past the small intestine (which is normally responsible for absorbing fat from food) the gastrointestinal tract and gut flora are not adapted to processing fats, leading to problems in the large intestine.
- The cholesterol contained in bile will occasionally accrete into lumps in the gallbladder, forming gallstones. Cholesterol gallstones are generally treated through surgical removal of the gallbladder. However, they can sometimes be dissolved by increasing the concentration of certain naturally occurring bile acids, such as chenodeoxycholic acid and ursodeoxycholic acid.
- On an empty stomach – after repeated vomiting, for example – a person's vomit may be green or dark yellow, and very bitter. The bitter and greenish component may be bile or normal digestive juices originating in the stomach.[citation needed] The color of bile is often likened to "fresh-cut grass",[citation needed] unlike components in the stomach that look greenish yellow or dark yellow. Bile may be forced into the stomach secondary to a weakened valve (pylorus), the presence of certain drugs including alcohol, or powerful muscular contractions and duodenal spasms.
Society and culture
In medical theories prevalent in the West from Classical Antiquity to the Middle Ages, the body's health depended on the equilibrium of four "humors", or vital fluids: blood, phlegm, "yellow bile" (choler), and "black bile". These "humors" are believed to have its roots in the appearance of a blood sedimentation test made in open air, which exhibits a dark clot at the bottom ("black bile"), a layer of unclotted erythrocytes ("blood"), a layer of white blood cells ("phlegm") and a layer of clear yellow serum ("yellow bile"). Excesses of black bile and yellow bile were thought to produce aggression and depression, respectively; and the Greek names for them gave rise to the English words cholera (from Greek kholé) and melancholia[citation needed]. Those same theories explain the derivation of the English word bilious from bile, the meaning of gall in English as "exasperation" or "impudence", and the Latin word cholera, derived from the Greek kholé, which was passed upon several Romance languages in words meaning "anger" such as colère (French) and cólera (Spanish). These theories derived from the four-element theory. Underlying this is the idea that the organs of the body are connected to the soul, specifically the astral body, and reflect the emotional state of the soul. Thus excess anger, for example, gave rise to liver derangement and imbalances in the humors. This is similar to beliefs in traditional Chinese medicine. In the course of history, medical science helped people to understand diseases better, and the humorism theory fell from use.
Bile soap
Bile from deceased mammals can be mixed with soap. This mixture, called bile soap,[6] can be applied to textiles a few hours before washing and is a traditional and rather effective method for removing various kinds of tough stains.
Principal bile acids
See also
- Bile acid sequestrant
- Bile bear
- Intestinal juice
- Ox gall
- Notes
- ^ al.], Kim E. Barrett, ... [et (2012). Ganong's review of medical physiology. (24th ed. ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Medical. p. 512. ISBN 978-0-07-178003-2.
- ^ Cite error: The named reference
was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
- ^ al.], Kim E. Barrett, ... [et (2012). Ganong's review of medical physiology. (24th ed. ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Medical. p. 512. ISBN 978-0-07-178003-2.
- ^ Guyton and Hall (2011). Textbook of Medical Physiology. U.S.: Saunders Elsevier. p. 784. ISBN 978-1-4160-4574-8.
- ^ Barabote RD, Tamang DG, Abeywardena SN, et al. (2006). "Extra domains in secondary transport carriers and channel proteins". Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1758 (10): 1557–79. doi:10.1016/j.bbamem.2006.06.018. PMID 16905115.
- ^ Newton, W. (1837). "The invention of certain improvements in the manufacture of soap, which will be particularly applicable to the felting of woollen cloths.". The London Journal Of Arts And Sciences; And Repertory Of Patent Inventions IX: 289. Retrieved 2007-02-08.
- Bibliography
- Bowen, R. (2001-11-23). "Secretion of Bile and the Role of Bile Acids In Digestion". Colorado State Hypertextbook article on Bile. Archived from the original on 29 May 2007. Retrieved 2007-07-17.
- Krejčí, Z; Hanuš L., Podstatová H. & Reifová E (1983). "A contribution to the problems of the pathogenesis and microbial etiology of cholelithiasis". Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Facultatis Medicae 104: 279–286. PMID 6222611.
- Maton, Anthea; Jean Hopkins; Charles William McLaughlin; Susan Johnson; Maryanna Quon Warner; David LaHart; Jill D. Wright (1993). Human Biology and Health. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA: Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-981176-1.
Digestive system, physiology: gastrointestinal physiology
GI tract |
Upper GI |
Exocrine |
- Chief cells
- Parietal cells
- Gastric acid
- Intrinsic factor
- Goblet cells
Processes |
Fluids |
Lower GI |
Enteric nervous system |
- Meissner's plexus
- Auerbach's plexus
Endocrine/paracrine |
- G cells
- D cells
- ECL cells
enterogastrone: |
- Enteroendocrine cells
- Enterochromaffin cell
- APUD cell
Fluids |
Processes |
- Segmentation contractions
- Migrating motor complex
- Borborygmus
- Defecation
Either/both |
Processes |
- Peristalsis (Interstitial cell of Cajal
- Basal electrical rhythm)
- Gastrocolic reflex
- Digestion
Accessory |
Fluids |
Processes |
- Enterohepatic circulation
Abdominopelvic |
anat (t, g, p)/phys/devp/enzy
noco/cong/tumr, sysi/epon
proc, drug (A2A/2B/3/4/5/6/7/14/16), blte
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- bileとは。意味や和訳。[名][U]1 胆汁.2 不きげん;かんしゃくstir [rouse] a person's bile人を怒らせる. - goo英和辞書は14万項目以上を収録し、発音、音声、慣用句、例文が分かる英和辞書です。
- bile (bīl) a fluid secreted by the liver, concentrated in the gallbladder, and poured into the small intestine via the bile ducts, which helps in alkalinizing the intestinal contents and plays a role in emulsification, absorption, and digestion ...
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- 英
- bile
- 関
- 肝臓、胆嚢、胆管
- 0.5-1.0 L/day, pH 8.0-8.6
- 消化酵素を含まないアルカリ性の分泌液である
部位 胆汁 割合
肝細胞 毛細管胆汁 2/3
胆細管 胆細管胆汁 1/3
- 肝臓胆汁が総肝管を経由して胆嚢にいたり、ここで濃縮を受けて胆嚢胆汁となる。
- 胆汁酸により、直径1μm以下の脂肪滴が形成され、表面積拡大によりリパーゼと反応しやすくなる。
- ミセルの直径5nm。胆汁酸は両親媒性であり親水基と疎水基を持つ。
- 親水性: OH基,ペプチド結合,カルポキシル基
- 疎水性: 上記部分以外
- 胆汁に含まれる胆汁酸とリン脂質により、モノグリセリド・脂肪酸とミセルを形成することができる。
- 3. コレステロールとビリルビンの排出
- 4. 胃酸の中和
1. 胆汁酸
- see HBC.236
2. 胆汁色素
3. 脂質
1. 毛細管胆汁
1-1. 胆汁酸依存性胆汁
1-2. 胆汁酸非依存性胆汁
等張性 :Na+,Cl-,HCO3-は血漿濃度に類似
2. 胆細管胆汁
2-1. Na+,HCO3-(高濃度),水の分泌---セクレチンによる
2-2. Na+,Cl-の吸収
3. 胆汁の濃縮(胆嚢)
4. 胆汁排出
4-1. 液性
4-2. 神経性
- 胆道系に形成された結石。半数以上は無症状SilentStoneである
- 食後3時間程度で痛痛発作、黄痘などを呈する事がある。
- コレステロール系結石(全体の70%):コレステロールの過飽和による。
- ビリルビン系結石(全体の30%):黒色石+ビリルビンCa石
- その他:炭酸カルシウム石など
- 1. ビリルビンの生成過多
- 2. 肝細胞によるビリルビンの取り込み減少
- 3. グルクロン抱合障害
- 4. 胆汁へのビリルビン分泌障害
- 5. 胆管閉塞
- 気持ちが悪い、むかつく、吐き気がする
- 胆汁の/胆汁色の
- (見た目が吐き気がするほど)不愉快な、いやな
- 不機嫌な、気難しい
- 関
- bile 胆汁、bilious vomiting 胆汁性嘔吐
- 関
- bile、biliary、cholic
- 関
- bile、cholic、gall
- 関
- bile、biliary、gall
- 対
- stabile
- 関
- unsettled、unstable、unsteadiness