- any of various deciduous pinnate-leaved ornamental or timber trees of the genus Fraxinus (同)ash tree
- convert into ashes
- strong elastic wood of any of various ash trees; used for furniture and tool handles and sporting goods such as baseball bats
- the residue that remains when something is burned
- a squash with a hard rind and an elongated curved neck
- the activity of washing windows
- 〈U〉《しばしば複数形で;単数扱い》『灰』 / 〈U〉火山灰 / 《複数形で》(火葬された)遺骨,なきがら;(火事で焼けた)廃墟(はいきょ)
- 〈C〉西洋トネリコの木 / 〈U〉トネリコ材(スキー・バット・家具などの用材)
- 閃光(せんこう)装置(カメラのシャッターを切ると同時にflash bulbを発火させる装置)
- (…と)『同じくらい』,『同様に』 / 《比較》『…ほど』,『…くらい』,…ように / 《様態・程度》『…のように』,…と同じように / 《時》『…のときに』(when);…の間に,…するうちに(while) / 《話》《原因・理由》『…だから』,…なので / 《譲歩》《文》…だけれども(though) / 《先行する名詞の内容を制限して》『…のような』 / 《先行の,または後続の節の内容を受けて》『それは…だが』,…のように / 《役割・資格・機能などを表して》『…として』 / 《seem,appear,consider,pass,regard,treat,know,think of などの動詞の後で補語の働きをする語の前に置いて》…と[して] / 《前置詞・形容詞・分詞などの前に置いてその意味を限定して》…として[の],…とみなして,…と考えて / たとえば(for instance)
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/08/20 17:07:20」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- アッシュ - ロックバンド
- ASH - メサ航空のICAO航空会社コード
- アメリカ血液学会 (en:American Society of Hematology)
- アイシュワリヤー・ラーイ (Aishwarya Rai) - インドの女優・モデルの愛称 「Ash」
- A.S.H.(アッシュ) - JCD Productsが販売しているモーターオイル
- Ash
- HAIR MAKE Ash - 株式会社アッシュが運営する美容室
- Ash - 日本の演出家
- ash
- ash - アッシュ ギタリスト:slow、高岡奈央[1] 、小宮陽子 [2] 、本宮宏美、サニーサイドB.B.等 本名:笠原厚浩 オトノハコ株式会社代表取締役
- Studio ash - スタジオアッシュ オトノハコ株式会社のレコーディングスタジオ CD制作、レコーディング、楽曲制作 2011年発売 高岡奈央 [3] 「しあわせのかけら」、同じく小宮陽子 [4] 「写心」はスタジオアッシュでレコーディングされました。新潟県加茂市本町3-2
- Almquist Shell
- AsH
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[Wiki en表示]
Ash may refer to:
- 1 Products of fire, incineration or combustion
- 2 Trees and shrubs
- 3 Linguistics
- 4 Media and entertainment
- 5 Organizations and schools
- 6 People
- 7 Places
- 7.1 United Kingdom
- 7.2 United States
- 7.3 Transport
- 8 Science and technology
- 9 Other meanings
- 10 See also
Products of fire, incineration or combustion
The solid remains of fires, such as:
- Ash (analytical chemistry), the compounds that remain after a scientific sample is burned; commonly reported as a percentage on pet food labels
- Bottom ash, products of coal combustion
- Cigar ash, the ash produced when a cigar is smoked
- Fly ash, product of coal combustion
- Incinerator bottom ash, a form of ash produced in incineration facilities
- Vibhuti, the ash of cow dung and several other substances, used in Hindu rituals
- Wood ash, products of wood combustion
- Ashes or remains, dried bone fragments left from cremation
Trees and shrubs
- Ash (Fraxinus), genus of flowering plants in the olive and lilac family
- Australian Mountain Ash, common name for Eucalyptus regnans
- Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum), genus of about 250 species of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs in the citrus or rue family, Rutaceae
- Sorbus, genus of about 100–200 species of trees and shrubs in the subfamily Maloideae of the Rose family Rosaceae
- Sorbus aucuparia, also known as European mountain ash
- Æ, a letter used in Old English texts
- Near-open front unrounded vowel, the vowel sound represented by the æ symbol
- Asch or aesc, a letter in some runic scripts
Media and entertainment
- Ash (band), a rock band from Northern Ireland
- Ash (artist), French graffiti artist
- Ash (ballet), by Peter Martins (1991)
- Ash (comics), Comic book about a superhero firefighter
- Ash, the professional name of independent filmmaker Ashley Baron Cohen (born 1967)
- Ash (novel), an LGBTQ young adult novel by Malinda Lo
- ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat, a video game
- Ash, the android antagonist in the film Alien (1979)
- Ash Crimson, a character in The King of Fighters series
- Ash Ketchum, the main protagonist from the Pokémon animated series
- Ash Williams, the main protagonist from the Evil Dead series
Organizations and schools
- Action on Smoking and Health, an anti-smoking charity
- American School of The Hague, a school in the Netherlands
- American Society of Hematology, an American professional organization
- A.s.h, abbreviation for Alt.suicide.holiday, a Usenet newsgroup
- Ash (name)
- Asca, Ashe, Esche, Askir, Askr, Oesc, Aesc, the basis for a class of European names derived from the name of the ash tree used with a mystical or magical significance, as in Ascaric
United Kingdom
- Ash, Derbyshire, England
- Ash, Devon, England
- Ash, Dover, Kent, England
- Ash (near Salway), Dorset, England
- Ash (near Stourpaine), Dorset, England
- Ash (near Taunton), Somerset, England
- Ash, Oxfordshire, England
- Ash, Sevenoaks, Kent, England
- Ash, South Somerset, England
- Ash, Surrey, England
United States
- Ash, California in Madera County, California
- Ash, Oregon in Douglas County, Oregon
- Ash, Brunswick County, North Carolina
- ASH, National Rail code for Ash railway station, in Surrey, England
- ASH, station code for Ashburton railway station, Melbourne, Australia
- ASH, ICAO code for Mesa Airlines
- ASH, IATA code for Nashua Municipal Airport
Science and technology
- Ash shell, a command-line interface for computers
- Plasma ashing, a process in semiconductor manufacturing
- Potash, a common name for potassium carbonate
- Soda ash, a common name for sodium carbonate
- Volcanic ash, material ejected from the top of a volcano
Other meanings
- Ash (Persian food), similar to soup but thicker, which is usually served hot
- AA-5 Ash, NATO reporting name for the Bisnovat (later Molniya) R-4, an early Soviet long-range air-to-air missile
- Ash Wednesday, Christian religious holiday
- Ash Thursday, Icelandic volcanic events in 2010
See also
- Ash Mountain (disambiguation), several mountains by this name in Canada and the USA
- Ashe (disambiguation)
- Ashes (disambiguation)
- Ashley (disambiguation)
- Cinereous (consisting of ashes, ash-coloured or ash-like)
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English Journal
- Physicochemical and viscoelastic properties of honey from medicinal plants.
- Nguyen HTL1, Panyoyai N1, Paramita VD1, Mantri N1, Kasapis S2.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2018 Feb 15;241:143-149. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.08.070. Epub 2017 Aug 24.
- PMID 28958512
- Thallium isotopes in metallurgical wastes/contaminated soils: A novel tool to trace metal source and behavior.
- Vaněk A1, Grösslová Z2, Mihaljevič M3, Ettler V3, Trubač J3, Chrastný V4, Penížek V2, Teper L5, Cabala J5, Voegelin A6, Zádorová T2, Oborná V2, Drábek O2, Holubík O2, Houška J2, Pavlů L2, Ash C2.
- Journal of hazardous materials.J Hazard Mater.2018 Feb 5;343:78-85. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2017.09.020. Epub 2017 Sep 12.
- PMID 28941840
- Effective assay for olive vinegar production from olive oil mill wastewaters.
- De Leonardis A1, Macciola V2, Iorizzo M2, Lombardi SJ2, Lopez F2, Marconi E2.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2018 Feb 1;240:437-440. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.07.159. Epub 2017 Jul 29.
- PMID 28946295
- High calcium fly ash geopolymer stabilized lateritic soil and granulated blast furnace slag blends as a pavement base material.
- Phummiphan I1, Horpibulsuk S2, Rachan R3, Arulrajah A4, Shen SL5, Chindaprasirt P6.
- Journal of hazardous materials.J Hazard Mater.2018 Jan 5;341:257-267. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2017.07.067. Epub 2017 Jul 31.
- PMID 28797942
Japanese Journal
- 文化遺産周辺の河岸侵食対策の提案に向けた生石灰と籾殻灰を用いた改良土の力学特性に関する研究
- 錦織 広昌,長田 紗里,浜 直久 [他]
- 環境化学 = Journal of environmental chemistry 24(2), 33-39, 2014-06
- NAID 40020141345
- 中庸熱フライアッシュセメントを使用したコンクリートの中性化速度係数
- 押田 文雄,米澤 敏男,本間 大輔 [他]
- 日本建築学会技術報告集 = AIJ journal of technology and design 20(45), 451-456, 2014-06
- NAID 40020130341
- Galanin-3 Receptor Antagonism by SNAP 37889 Reduces Motivation to Self-administer Alcohol and Attenuates Cue-Induced Reinstatement of Alcohol-Seeking in iP Rats
- Ash Belinda L.,Quach Tim,Williams Spencer J. [他]
- Journal of pharmacological sciences 125(2), 211-216, 2014-06
- NAID 40020097717
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- はね返し、はねかけ。はねかす音。
- どっと流れる水。
- 少量、少し(sprinkling)
- アンフェタミン剤
- (インクなどの)とばしり、しみ、(色・光などの)斑点(of)
- 関
- independent manner
- 関
- prewashing
非対称性中隔肥大 asymmetrical septal hypertrophy