- use recreational drugs (同)do drugs
- administer a drug to; "They drugged the kidnapped tourist" (同)dose
- a substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic
- 『薬』,薬品,薬剤 / 『麻薬』,麻酔剤 / 〈人〉‘に'薬(特に麻酔剤)を与える / 〈飲食物〉‘に'(麻酔薬・毒薬などの)薬を混ぜる
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English Journal
- Antituberculosis drug research: a critical overview.
- Beena, Rawat DS.SourceDepartment of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi, 110007, India.
- Medicinal research reviews.Med Res Rev.2013 Jul;33(4):693-764. doi: 10.1002/med.21262. Epub 2012 May 23.
- The increasing drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to the currently used drugs and HIV coinfection has caused alarm in the international scientific community. Subsequently, there is an urgent need for the development of new drug molecules with newer targets and with an alternative mechanis
- PMID 22622957
- A novel quinoline derivative that inhibits mycobacterial FtsZ.
- Mathew B, Ross L, Reynolds RC.SourceDrug Discovery Division, Southern Research Institute, 2000 Ninth Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35205, USA. Electronic address: mathew@southernresearch.org.
- Tuberculosis (Edinburgh, Scotland).Tuberculosis (Edinb).2013 Jul;93(4):398-400. doi: 10.1016/j.tube.2013.04.002. Epub 2013 May 4.
- High throughput phenotypic screening of large commercially available libraries through two NIH programs has produced thousands of potentially interesting hits for further development as antitubercular agents. Unfortunately, these screens do not supply target information, and further follow up target
- PMID 23647650
- Development and optimization of polymeric nanoparticles of antitubercular drugs using central composite factorial design*
- Chawla R, Jaiswal S, Mishra B.SourceBanaras Hindu University, Indian Institute of Technology, Department of Pharmaceutics , Varanasi 221005, Uttar Pradesh , India +91 9415811824 ; +91 542 2368428 ; bmishrabhu@rediffmail.com.
- Expert opinion on drug delivery.Expert Opin Drug Deliv.2013 Jun 27. [Epub ahead of print]
- Objective: The objective of the present study was to develop sustained release biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles (PNs) of two anti-tubercular drugs (ATDs), rifampicin (RIF) and isoniazid (INH) using circumscribed central composite factorial design (CCD) and evaluate in vivo uptake potential usin
- PMID 23802585
Japanese Journal
- Evaluation of the in vitro efficacy of novel oxazolidinone analogues against Nontuberculous mycobacteria
- Zhao Weiguo,Jiang Ying,Bao Pengtao,Li Yun,Tang Liping,Zhou Yi,Zhao Yanfang
- Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases advpub(0), 2015
- … Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are associated with a number of clinical diseases and only a few antitubercular agents are active. …
- NAID 130005069406
- 肺結核治療中に抗結核薬による中毒性表皮壊死症を発症した全身性エリテマトーデスの1例
- Recent Progress on the Development of Novel Antitubercular Agents from Whole-Cell Screening Hits
- Yokokawa Fumiaki
- 有機合成化学協会誌 72(11), 1239-1249, 2014
- … The first-line therapy using a multidrug regimen has existed since the 1970s, however, there has been an alarming increase in the number of patients with multi (MDR)- and extensive (XDR)-drug-resistant TB in recent years. … Hence, there is an urgent need to develop novel drugs with new mechanisms of action and new chemotypes in order to combat drug-resistant TB. …
- NAID 130004749122
Related Links
- Clinical Uses Rifampin is a first-line antitubercular drug used in the treatment of all forms of pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Rifampin is an alternative to isoniazid in the treatment of latent tuberculosis infection ...
- Antitubercular drugs are the antibiotics used in prevention and treatment of tuberculosis caused by the bacteria mycobacterium tuberculosis. ... The common antitubercular drugs are Isoniazid, Rifampicin, ethambutol and ...
- 英
- antituberculous, antitubercular agent antituberculous agent antitubercular drug antituberculous drug antituberculosis drugs, antituberculotic
- 同
- 抗結核剤
- 関
- 結核
- first aid step1 2006 p.172
- 覚え方:INH-SM-PZA-INH-RFP-EB → INH-SPIRE(inspire)
- イソニアジドだけは予防薬として用いられる(first aid step1 2006 p.172)
- 2nd line drugとしてcycloserineがある。
- エタンブトール:アラビノース転位酵素を阻害してarabinogalactanの合成を阻害。静菌的に作用。
- ピラジナミド :ミコール酸合成を阻害(FAS1)
- イソニアジド :ミコール酸合成を阻害(FAS2)。殺菌的に作用。
- 関
- antitubercular agent、antitubercular drug、antituberculosis、antituberculous agent、antituberculous drug
- 関
- antituberculosis
- 同
- drugs