- 関
- compromise、settle、settlement
- form a community; "The Swedes settled in Minnesota"
- a long wooden bench with a back (同)settee
- get ones revenge for a wrong or an injury; "I finally settled with my old enemy" (同)get back
- take up residence and become established; "The immigrants settled in the Midwest" (同)locate
- become settled or established and stable in ones residence or life style; "He finally settled down" (同)root, take root, steady down, settle_down
- settle into a position, usually on a surface or ground; "dust settled on the roofs" (同)settle_down
- settle conclusively; come to terms; "We finally settled the argument" (同)square off, square_up, determine
- accept despite lack of complete satisfaction; "We settled for a lower price"
- arrange or fix in the desired order; "She settled the teacart"
- become clear by the sinking of particles; "the liquid gradually settled"
- become resolved, fixed, established, or quiet; "The roar settled to a thunder"; "The wind settled in the West"; "it is settling to rain"; "A cough settled in her chest"; "Her mood settled into lethargy"
- cause to become clear by forming a sediment (of liquids)
- come to rest
- dispose of; make a financial settlement
- end a legal dispute by arriving at a settlement; "The two parties finally settled"
- establish or develop as a residence; "He settled the farm 200 years ago"; "This land was settled by Germans"
- settle by concession
- a middle way between two extremes (同)via media
- an accommodation in which both sides make concessions; "the newly elected congressmen rejected a compromise because they considered it `business as usual"
- expose or make liable to danger, suspicion, or disrepute; "The nuclear secrets of the state were compromised by the spy"
- make a compromise; arrive at a compromise; "nobody will get everything he wants; we all must compromise"
- something settled or resolved; the outcome of decision making; "they finally reached a settlement with the union"; "they never did achieve a final resolution of their differences"; "he needed to grieve before he could achieve a sense of closure" (同)resolution, closure
- a conclusive resolution of a matter and disposition of it
- an area where a group of families live together
- characterized by friendship and good will
- …‘を'『決定する』,〈日取りなど〉‘を'決める,〈問題など〉‘を'解決する / …‘を'整理する,整とんする / 〈勘定など〉‘を'清算する,支払う / (…に)〈財産など〉‘を'譲る《+『名』+『on』+『名』》 / 〈ある地域〉‘に'植民する / …‘を'『安定させる』,調節する / 〈神経・胃など〉‘を'『静める』,落ち着かせる / 〈液体〉‘を'澄ませる / 〈かす・おりなど〉‘を'沈ませる,沈殿させる / (…に)決定する,決める《+『on』(『upon』)+『名』(do『ing』)》 / (…に)定住する《+『in』+『名』》 / 〈鳥などが〉(…に)とまる,降りる《+『on』+『名』》 / 徐々に沈む
- (ひじ掛けつきで背が高い2,2人掛けの)木製のベンチ
- 〈U〉〈C〉(…との)『妥協』,和解,和解《+『with』+『名』》 / 〈C〉妥協案,折衷案;折衷したもの / 〈信用・名声など〉'を'危うくする,傷つける,汚す / (…と)『妥協する』,和解する《+『with』+『名』》
- 〈U〉〈C〉(…の)『解決』,決定《+『of』+『名』》;定住,身を固めること / 小さい村,村落,部落 / 〈U〉植民,移民 / 〈C〉(特に初期の)植民地(colony) / 〈U〉(貸借などの)清算,決算 / (またsettlement house)〈C〉(恵まれない人の福祉に奉仕する)隣保事業館,セツルメント
- (態度・協定などが)友好的な(friendly),平和的な
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Japanese Journal
- 佐貫 浩
- 法政大学キャリアデザイン学部紀要 9, 493-522, 2012-03
- … That can be called "reaching an amicable settlement with one's body". …
- NAID 120004226033
- 総合病院における新しい苦情・クレーム対応法の研究:-当事者同士の面談導入とジェネラルリスクマネジャーの中立的介入の効果-
- 林 里都子
- 日本医療マネジメント学会雑誌 10(2), 438-442, 2009
- 患者側の苦情・クレームへの対応のため、2002年4月から、当院独自の1次~3次対応からなるフローチャートを作成し実践した。ここで1次対応、3次対応はジェネラルリスクマネジャー(General Risk Manager、以下GRMと略す)が関与しない従来からの対応部分であり、2次対応が本研究で著者の考案したGRMが関与する新規な対応部分で、その2次対応ではGRMは中立的立場を堅持し、その中の最も対 …
- NAID 130004619257
- "An agreement supersedes the law, and amicable settlement a court judgement" disputes and litigation in medieval Europe
- Yamauchi Susumu
- Hitotsubashi journal of law and politics 34, 1-14, 2006-02
- NAID 110007631901
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- Amicable Settlement - Download as PDF File (.pdf), Word Doc (.doc / .docx), Text file (.txt) or read online. This is include the things related, how to amicable settlement is formed and what are their benefits to the parties...
- We will put to work the Best Divorce Lawyers in Montreal to fight for your rights and reach the best possible settlement. ... Amicable Settlement Whether it’s a divorce or separation proceedings, child support or custody battles ...
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- com-(共に)+promise(約束する)
- 妥協して処理する。
- ~に欠陥を生じさせる、障害を生じさせる。(名声・信用などを)傷つける、危うくする。
- Vitamin A deficiency can compromise barrier and innate and acquired immune defenses to infection.
- 関
- amicable settlement、impair、settle、settlement
- http://eow.alc.co.jp/compromise/UTF-8/
- 譲歩、妥協}、歩み寄り、和解、示談
- 危険にさらすこと
- (名誉・経歴・体面などを)傷つけること
- (?)Fibrinoid necrosis of the vessels ensues with compromise of the lumen, thrombosis, infarction of the tissues supplied by the incolved vessel, and in some cases, hemorrhage.(HIM.2125)
- Treatment of sinus bradycardia is indicated if hemodynamic compromise results from the slow heart rate.(HIM.1542)(徐脈から血行動態の障害が生じたら、洞性徐脈の治療の適応である)
- (信用・評判などを)落とすこと
- 情報漏洩、セキュリティ侵害
- 関
- (adj.)compromised
- (動かないように)置く、据える。すわらせる。安定させる。
- The pain settled for a period of 6 months but it has returned over the last 10 months.(CASES.79)
- (住居に)落ち着かせる、定住させる。~に植民する、移住させる
- ~の身を固めさせる、(職業に)着かせる
- (雌に)種付けする、はらませる
- (日取りなどを)決める。(問題・争議・紛争などを)解決する、処理する、調停する、示談にする
- (勘定などを)支払う、精算する。~の片を付ける、処分する
- 鎮静させる。(食べ物)の消化を助ける。(液体を)澄ます。(かすを)沈殿させる
- (相手などを)やっつける、黙らせる
- 関
- amicable settlement、colonization、compromise、resolution、resolve、settlement、solution、solve、unravel
- 英
- compromise、settlement、amicable settlement、compromise、settle
- 関
- 解決、居留地、損なう、妥協、定住、定着
- 関
- amicable settlement、compromise、settle