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- type II tumor necrosis factor receptor
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English Journal
- Soluble tumor necrosis factor-alpha receptors in the serum of endometriosis patients.
- Othman ER1, Hornung D2, Hussein M3, Abdelaal II3, Sayed AA4, Fetih AN3, Al-Hendy A5.
- European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology.Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol.2016 May;200:1-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2016.02.025. Epub 2016 Feb 20.
- INTRODUCTION: We examine serum levels sTNFR-I and sTNFR-II in endometriosis patients, and their role as biomarkers of endometriosis.MATERIAL AND METHODS: Women were diagnosed with endometriosis during laparoscopy to investigate pelvic pain and/or infertility (N=62). Control group included women with
- PMID 26963895
- Associations between Intensity of RRT, Inflammatory Mediators, and Outcomes.
- Murugan R1, Wen X1, Keener C2, Pike F2, Palevsky PM3, Unruh M4, Finkel K5, Vijayan A6, Elder M1, Chen YF7, Kellum JA8; Biological Markers of Recovery for the Kidney (BioMaRK) Study Investigators.
- Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN.Clin J Am Soc Nephrol.2015 Jun 5;10(6):926-33. doi: 10.2215/CJN.04560514. Epub 2015 Apr 10.
- BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Critically ill patients requiring RRT have higher circulating plasma concentrations of inflammatory and apoptosis markers that are associated with subsequent RRT dependence and death. Whether intensive dosing of RRT is associated with changes in specific mediators is unkno
- PMID 25862777
- Regulatory T cells in B-cell-deficient and wild-type mice differ functionally and in expression of cell surface markers.
- Ellis JS1, Braley-Mullen H.
- Immunology.Immunology.2015 Apr;144(4):598-610. doi: 10.1111/imm.12410.
- NOD.H-2h4 mice develop spontaneous autoimmune thyroiditis (SAT) with chronic inflammation of thyroids by T and B cells. B-cell deficient (B(-/-) ) mice are resistant to SAT but develop SAT if regulatory T (Treg) cells are transiently depleted. We established a transfer model using splenocytes from C
- PMID 25318356
Japanese Journal
- ヒト歯肉過形成(いわゆるエプーリス)における増殖因子とそのレセプターの免疫組織化学的局在
- 川原田 裕子,佐藤 勝,竹内 宏
- 岐阜歯科学会雑誌 33(3), 207-216, 2007-02
- … さらに,これらGHを細分類し,GDTはほとんど肉芽組織のみから成るType I(13例),肉芽組織中に線維組織が疎らに形成されたType II(7例)に分け,FDTは40%以下の肉芽組織が混じるTypeIII(7例),肉芽組織がわずかで70-80%が線維組織より成るType IV(6例),線維組織のみから成るType V(8例)に分けた.COTはType IIからType V中に硬組織を認め,GDTのType Iにはこれを認めなかった.免疫組織化学的検索の1次抗体は,増殖因子はepidermal growth …
- NAID 110006607231
- Relationship Between Exercise Intolerance and Levels of Neurohormonal Factors and Proinflammatory Cytokines in Patients With Stable Chronic Heart Failure
- Itoh Kae,Osada Naohiko,Inoue Koji,Samejima Hisanori,Seki Atsushi,Omiya Kazuto,Miyake Fumihiko
- International Heart Journal 46(6), 1049-1059, 2005
- … Peak oxygen uptake (peak VO2) and the plasma concentrations of noradrenaline (NA), brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), and soluble tumor necrosis factor receptors I and II (TNFR-I and -II) were all measured during the CPX. …
- NAID 130000068662
- Role of TNF Ligand and Receptor Family in the Lymphoid Organogenesis Defined by Gene Targeting
- Matsumoto Mitsuru
- The journal of medical investigation : JMI 46(3/4), 141-150, 1999
- … The action of LTα in lymphoid organogenesis is mediated mostly by the membrane form of LT by a mechanism independent of TNF receptor I (TNFR-I) or II (TNFR-II). … Mice deficient in either TNFR-I or LTβR also fail to develop splenic FDC clusters and germinal centers, indicating that signaling through both TNFR-I and LTβR is required for the development of these structures. …
- NAID 110001876627
Related Links
- 可溶性腫瘍壊死因子レセプター(Soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor:sTNFR) 腫瘍壊死因子レセプター(TNFR)には55kDaおよび75kDaの異なる2種類の分子種の存在が知られ、それぞれTNFR-ⅠおよびTNFR-Ⅱと呼ばれている。両者 ...
- 1. Shock. 1999 Jan;11(1):19-28. A mechanism of TNFR type II (75 kDa) "shedding" in macrophages. Coyne CP, Willetto C, Fenwick BW. Veterinary Pharmacology Research Laboratory, College of Veterinary Medicine, Mississippi ...
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- 英
- type II tumor necrosis factor receptor、TNFR-II
腫瘍壊死因子 tumor necrosis factor
- 関
- TNF receptor