- the 18th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)r
- resistance / 17歳以下父兄同伴映画の表示 / rook
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/05/13 09:59:53」(JST)
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- RAMS Professional Education - 日本の声優学校。
- 網膜色素上皮 (retinal pigment epithelium)
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RPE is a three letter acronym, which can refer to:
- Rapid palatal expander, an orthodontic device widen the palate
- Rating of Perceived Exertion or Borg scale, a scale devised to show perceived exertion during exercise
- IBM Rational Publishing Engine, a document generation solution
- Red Pine Elementary in Eagan, Minnesota, USA
- Respiratory protective equipment
- Retinal pigment epithelium — layer of the retina
- Revenue Per Employee, a ratio used to compare business efficiency
- Ribulose-phosphate epimerase, human gene for a protein that reversibly converts ribulose to xyulose
- Rocket Propulsion Establishment, UK-based military research site at RAF Westcott
- Russet Potato Exchange in Bancroft, Wisconsin, USA
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Stresses in the midpalatal suture in the maxillary protraction therapy: a 3D finite element analysis.
- Tanaka OM1,2, Saga AY3, Pithon MM4, Argenta MA5.
- Progress in orthodontics.Prog Orthod.2016 Dec;17(1):8. doi: 10.1186/s40510-016-0121-5. Epub 2016 Mar 16.
- BACKGROUND: The aim of the present work was to evaluate the stress magnitudes and directions along the midpalatal suture in the maxillary protraction therapy.METHODS: The geometry of the maxilla and teeth were digitally reconstructed based on computer tomography images obtained from the skull of a g
- PMID 26980199
- Rapid palatal expansion effects on mandibular transverse dimensions in unilateral posterior crossbite patients: a three-dimensional digital imaging study.
- Ugolini A1,2, Doldo T3, Ghislanzoni LT4, Mapelli A4, Giorgetti R3, Sforza C4.
- Progress in orthodontics.Prog Orthod.2016 Dec;17(1):1. doi: 10.1186/s40510-015-0114-9. Epub 2016 Jan 8.
- BACKGROUND: The purpose of this controlled study was to investigate indirect effects on mandibular arch dimensions, 1 year after rapid palatal expansion (RPE) therapy.METHODS: Thirty-three patients in mixed dentition (mean age 8.8 years) showing unilateral posterior crossbite and maxillary deficie
- PMID 26746202
- Rice proteins, extracted by alkali and α-amylase, differently affect in vitro antioxidant activity.
- Wang Z1, Liu Y1, Li H1, Yang L2.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2016 Sep 1;206:137-45. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.03.042. Epub 2016 Mar 16.
- Alkali treatment and α-amylase degradation are different processes for rice protein (RP) isolation. The major aim of this study was to determine the influence of two different extraction methods on the antioxidant capacities of RPA, extracted by alkaline (0.2% NaOH), and RPE, extracted by α-amylas
- PMID 27041309
Japanese Journal
- 現代社会の環境因子からとらえた加齢黄斑変性 (AYUMI 現代社会と眼 : 視覚情報社会,超高齢社会の与える眼への影響)
- 再生医療としてiPS細胞が応用される網膜色素上皮細胞
- 中村賞受賞者 難治性網膜硝子体疾患における線維性増殖組織形成に対するSex hormoneの作用
- 木村 和博
- 山口医学 = Yamaguchi medical journal 64(1), 11-16, 2015-02
- … We have examined the action of sex hormones to contraction by RPE cells and extracellular matrix remodeling. … As a result, the female hormones suppressed cell contraction of RPE cells, MMPs expression and EMT. …
- NAID 120005601211
Related Links
- RPEジャーナル マガジンID:0000012950 メールアドレスを 入力してください 『まぐまぐ!』から 発行しています。 日本のエリートがこっそり読んでいる秘伝のメルマガ。驚愕の予測的中率に、問合わせが殺到中。わけのわからない世界 ...
- 特徴 小型高性能で対称波(ディファレンシャルモード)成分、非対称波(コモンモード)成分の双方に対し、顕著な減衰特性を発揮します。 RPEシリーズはコモンモードコイル磁芯にフェライトコアを採用しており、高周波ノイズ抑制 ...
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