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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/07/03 02:56:09」(JST)
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- (Page Size Extension) Pentium以降のインテル x86系プロセッサに搭載されている機能。Pentium II Xeon / Pentium II (Deschutesコア)以降では、PSE36に対応。
- (Paris Sud-Est) TGVパリ-南東線の略。LGV南東線参照。
- (Photo Sensitive Epilepsy) 光過敏性発作。
- (Pidgin Signed English) 米国の手話の一種。
- (PlayStation Edition) To Heart PSEは、To Heartのプレイステーション版を、Windowsに逆移植したもの。
- (Please) 無線用語の一つ。
- (Portable Screen Editor) PCWコミュニケーションズが開発販売したテキストエディタ。PC-9800シリーズ/IBM PCのMS-DOS上で動作するソフトウェアだが、ソースコード付きで販売されたため、ユーザーが改変することにより他マシンのMS-DOSやUNIXなど様々な環境で動作させることが可能であった。
- (Product Safety Electrical Appliance & Material) 電気用品安全法に基づき、安全基準を満たしていることを示すため、電気製品に貼付されるマーク。「PSE問題」も参照。
- 近位配列要素の略。転写 (生物学)を参照。
- パレスチナ自治区を表すISO 3166-1国名コード。
- プエルトリコにあるMercedita AirportのIATA空港コード。参考:en:Mercedita Airport
- (Problem Solving Environment) 問題解決環境という学問領域の略
- バスク社会党。
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[Wiki en表示]
PSE may refer to:
- 1 Education
- 2 Engineering
- 3 Finance
- 4 Organizations
- 5 Places
- 6 Technology
- 7 Science and medicine
- 8 Other
- 9 See also
- Paris School of Economics, a French academic foundation in Paris
- Personal and Social Education, a component of the state school curriculum in Wales and Scotland
- Personal, Social and Health Education, an element of the state school curriculum in England and Northern Ireland
- Picture superiority effect, a concept in cognitive psychology
- Post secondary education or higher education
- Process Systems Engineering, a category of engineering
- Production Systems Engineering, a branch of Engineering
- Pacific Stock Exchange, stock exchange in San Francisco, California
- Palestine Securities Exchange, stock exchange Palestine
- Philippine Stock Exchange, stock exchange in Philippines
- Prague Stock Exchange, stock exchange in the Czech Republic
- Producer support estimate (formerly producer subsidy equivalent), a measure published by the OECD
- Pune Stock Exchange, stock exchange in India
- Problem solving environment, specialized computer software
- Partido Socialista de Euskadi, a Basque Party
- Party of European Socialists (French: Parti socialiste européen)
- Group of the Party of European Socialists, the name used by the parliamentary group 1993–2009
- PSE-Operator, a Polish energy company (transmission system operator)
- Pi Sigma Epsilon, a professional fraternal organization in sales, marketing, and management
- PSE Archery, an archery bow and crossbow supply company
- Puget Sound Energy, an energy utility in Washington state, America
- State of Palestine, by ISO 3166-1 country code
- Photoshop Elements, a consumer image manipulation program
- Page Size Extension, paging mechanism in computer microprocessor
- PSE-36, a 36 bit extension of the mechanism
- Power sourcing equipment, network devices that provide power in a Power over Ethernet setup
- PlayStation Eye, a digital camera device for the PlayStation 3
- PSE law, a Japanese standard for electrical appliance safety
Science and medicine
- Passive Seismic Experiment, one of the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package experiments
- Photosensitive epilepsy, epilepsy seizures triggered by visual stimuli
- Portosystemic encephalopathy, a liver failure condition
- Present State Examination, tools created by WHO for diagnosing mental illness
- Probe Support Equipment, an element of the atmospheric entry probe Huygens
- Pseudoephedrine, a drug
- Mercedita Airport, by IATA code
- Paksi SE, a Hungarian football club based in Paks, Hungary
- Pidgin Sign English, a type of contact sign language
- Postal stationery envelope, a stamped envelope
See also
- TGV PSE, a French TGV train
- PSE meat, a carcass quality condition
- Stadion PSE, a stadium in Paks, Hungary
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Incidence and predictors of post-stroke epilepsy.
- Jungehulsing GJ, Heuschmann PU, Holtkamp M, Schwab S, Kolominsky-Rabas PL.SourceCenter for Stroke Research Berlin (CSB); Department of Neurology, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin.
- Acta neurologica Scandinavica.Acta Neurol Scand.2013 Jun;127(6):427-30. doi: 10.1111/ane.12070. Epub 2013 Feb 7.
- BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Stroke is the leading cause of seizures and epilepsy in the elderly. The aim of this study was to assess the incidence of post-stroke epilepsy (PSE) based on the revised epilepsy definition of the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) in a population-based study and to de
- PMID 23398544
- Associations Between Partner-Venue Specific Personal Responsibility Beliefs and Transmission Risk Behavior by HIV-Positive Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM).
- O'Leary A, Horvath KJ, Simon Rosser BR.SourcePrevention Research Branch, Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, NCHHSTP, 1600 Clifton Road, MSE-37, Atlanta, GA, 30333, USA, aoleary@cdc.gov.
- AIDS and behavior.AIDS Behav.2013 Jun;17(5):1855-61. doi: 10.1007/s10461-012-0291-1.
- Personal responsibility beliefs of HIV-positive individuals to protect sex partners are an important determinant of engagement in transmission risk behavior. However, the degree to which such beliefs vary across different partners is unknown. HIV-positive men who have sex with men (n = 248) comple
- PMID 22983535
- Blood stream infections (BSI) in severe burn patients-Early and late BSI: A 9-year study.
- Raz-Pasteur A, Hussein K, Finkelstein R, Ullmann Y, Egozi D.SourceInfectious Diseases Unit, Rambam Health Care Campus, Haifa, Israel.
- Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries.Burns.2013 Jun;39(4):636-42. doi: 10.1016/j.burns.2012.09.015. Epub 2012 Nov 16.
- Bloodstream infections (BSI) and sepsis are among the most common complications occurring in severe burn patients. This study was designed to evaluate changes in BSI pathogens over almost a decade in severe burn patients at Rambam Healthcare Campus, and BSI occurrence during early and late hospitali
- PMID 23159703
Japanese Journal
- 22pSE-7 SuperKEKB建設状況(素粒子実験領域,ビーム物理領域合同企画講演,素粒子実験領域)
- 20pSE-11 GRACE/SUSY-loopを用いた軽いストップシナリオの1ループレベルでの超対称性粒子のシグナル(超対称模型,素粒子論領域)
- 国府田 優作,近 匡,神保 雅人,石川 正,栗原 良将,加藤 潔,黒田 正明
- 日本物理学会講演概要集 68(2-1), 5, 2013-08-26
- NAID 110009754131
- 20pSE-7 D-Term Triggered Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking
Related Links
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- JQAで認証業務を行う電気用品安全法(PSEマーク)の概要についてご紹介します。 ... 経済産業局等への届出(法第3条 事業の届出) 技術基準の適合義務(法第8条第1項 技術基準適合義務) 出荷前の最終検査記録の作成と保存 ...
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- 同
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