酸素分圧 partial pressure of oxygen
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/03/17 19:39:55」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Po2 or PO2 may refer to:
- A military rank:
- Petty Officer 2nd Class in the Canadian military
- Petty Officer Second Class in the United States military
- Polikarpov Po-2 or U-2, a Soviet aeroplane
- a power of two in mathematics
- Partial pressure of Oxygen, that is, amount of oxygen in the blood (normally referred to as Dissolved Oxygen)
UpToDate Contents
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- 1. 動脈血液ガス arterial blood gases
- 2. 低酸素血症の酸素供給およびメカニズム oxygenation and mechanisms of hypoxemia
- 3. 酸素供給と消費 oxygen delivery and consumption
- 4. 酸素毒性 oxygen toxicity
- 5. 肺切除術前評価 preoperative evaluation for lung resection
English Journal
- Nitrite-mediated renal vasodilatation is increased during ischemic conditions via cGMP-independent signaling.
- Liu M1, Zollbrecht C1, Peleli M1, Lundberg JO1, Weitzberg E1, Carlström M2.
- Free radical biology & medicine.Free Radic Biol Med.2015 Jul;84:154-60. doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2015.03.025. Epub 2015 Apr 1.
- The kidney is vulnerable to hypoxia, and substantial efforts have been made to ameliorate renal ischemic injury secondary to pathological conditions. Stimulation of the nitrate-nitrite-nitric oxide pathway is associated with renal and cardiovascular protection in disease models, but less is known ab
- PMID 25841777
- Hypoxia regulates proliferation of acute myeloid leukemia and sensitivity against chemotherapy.
- Drolle H1, Wagner M1, Vasold J1, Kütt A1, Deniffel C1, Sotlar K2, Sironi S1, Herold T1, Rieger C1, Fiegl M3.
- Leukemia research.Leuk Res.2015 Jul;39(7):779-85. doi: 10.1016/j.leukres.2015.04.019. Epub 2015 May 7.
- Reduced oxygen partial pressure (pO2, hypoxia) is an important component of the bone marrow microenvironment and the hematopoietic stem cell niche. It is unclear whether this applies to the leukemic stem cell as well and if differences in pO2 between the normal hematopoetic and the leukemic stem cel
- PMID 25982178
- Hypoxia is an effective stimulus for vesicular release of ATP from human umbilical vein endothelial cells.
- Lim To WK1, Kumar P1, Marshall JM2.
- Placenta.Placenta.2015 Jul;36(7):759-66. doi: 10.1016/j.placenta.2015.04.005. Epub 2015 Apr 18.
- INTRODUCTION: Hypoxia induces dilatation of the umbilical vein by releasing autocoids from endothelium; prostaglandins (PGs), adenosine and nitric oxide (NO) have been implicated. ATP is vasoactive, thus we tested whether hypoxia releases ATP from primary Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVE
- PMID 25956988
Japanese Journal
- M-solで調製した高濃縮洗浄血小板のシリンジ中静置保存
- 鈍的胸部外傷患者への非侵襲的陽圧換気(NPPV)導入例
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- PO2 分圧を教えてください PaO2とSaO2の違いがいまひとつよくわかりません。それぞれ、動脈血酸素分圧... PaO2・SaO2・SpO2の相関関係がわかる方いらっしゃいますか? PCO2とPaCO2の違いについて。 調べたのです ...
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- 次の文を読み、28、29の問いに答えよ。
- 72歳の女性。息苦しさを主訴に来院した。
- 現病歴:2日前から発熱と全身倦怠感とを訴えていた。昨日の就寝時から息苦しさがひどくなり、よく眠れなかった。
- 既往歴:8年前から慢性閉塞性肺疾患を指摘されているが、治療は受けていない。
- 現症:意識は清明。身長154cm、体重42kg。体温37.8℃。呼吸数24/分。脈拍108/分、整。血圧186/104mmHg。口唇にチアノーゼを認める。頸静脈の怒張を認める。腹部は平坦、軟で、右肋骨弓下に肝を2cm触知する。脾は触知しない。腹部に圧痛や抵抗はない。
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- 酸素分圧