- ニューヨーク心臓病学会、ニューヨーク心臓協会、New York心臓病学会
- 関
- 同
- the act of consorting with or joining with others; "you cannot be convicted of criminal guilt by association"
- (chemistry) any process of combination (especially in solution) that depends on relatively weak chemical bonding
- a relation resulting from interaction or dependence; "flints were found in association with the prehistoric remains of the bear"; "the host is not always injured by association with a parasite"
- the state of being connected together as in memory or imagination; "his association of his father with being beaten was too strong to break"
- the process of bringing ideas or events together in memory or imagination; "conditioning is a form of learning by association" (同)connection, connexion
- (ecology) a group of organisms (plants and animals) that live together in a certain geographical region and constitute a community with a few dominant species
- a formal organization of people or groups of people; "he joined the Modern Language Association"
- unfamiliar; "new experiences"; "experiences new to him"; "errors of someone new to the job"
- having no previous example or precedent or parallel; "a time of unexampled prosperity" (同)unexampled
- (of crops) harvested at an early stage of development; before complete maturity; "new potatoes"; "young corn" (同)young
- not of long duration; having just (or relatively recently) come into being or been made or acquired or discovered; "a new law"; "new cars"; "a new comet"; "a new friend"; "a new year"; "the New World"
- other than the former one(s); different; "they now have a new leaders"; "my new car is four years old but has only 15,000 miles on it"; "ready to take a new direction"
- unaffected by use or exposure; "it looks like new"
- a plane figure with rounded sides curving inward at the top and intersecting at the bottom; conventionally used on playing cards and valentines; "he drew a heart and called it a valentine"
- the courage to carry on; "he kept fighting on pure spunk"; "you havent got the heart for baseball" (同)mettle, nerve, spunk
- an inclination or tendency of a certain kind; "he had a change of heart" (同)spirit
- a playing card in the major suit that has one or more red hearts on it; "he led the queen of hearts"; "hearts were trumps"
- the locus of feelings and intuitions; "in your heart you know it is true"; "her story would melt your bosom" (同)bosom
- the hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs; its rhythmic contractions move the blood through the body; "he stood still, his heart thumping wildly" (同)pump, ticker
- a firm rather dry variety meat (usually beef or veal); "a five-pound beef heart will serve six"
- the English royal house (a branch of the Plantagenet line) that reigned from 1461 to 1485; its emblem was a white rose (同)House of York
- the 14th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)n
- 〈U〉(…との)『交際』,付き合い《+『with』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(…との)『連合』,『共同』,関連《+『with』+『名』》 / 〈C〉組合,協会,会社 / 〈U〉連想;〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》連想されるもの
- (その状態になってまだ時間がたっていなくて)『新しい』;《名詞の前にのみ用いて》新しく発見(発明)された,新しく来た / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》目新しい,初めて聞く,なじみのない / 《補語にのみ用いて》(人が)(…に)『まだ慣れていない』,(…を)よく知らない《『to』+『名』》 / 《補語にのみ用いて》(人が)(…から)出てきたばかりの《+『from』+『名』》 / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》まだ着た(使った)ことがない,新品の / 新たに始まる;(肉体的・精神的に)一新した / 《おもに複合語を作って》最近(recently);新たに,新しく(newly)
- 〈C〉『心臓』;胸 / 〈C〉(感情の中心をなす)『心』,気持ち / 〈U〉愛情,同情 / 〈U〉『勇気』,元気,熱意 / 《the ~》『中心』,内部,(物事の)本質,核心 / 〈C〉ハート形の物;(カードの)ハートの札
- ヨーク(英国北東部 Yorkshire の首都) / ヨーク家(『the House of York』;白ばらを紋章とした3代にわたる英国の王家;1461‐1485)
- nitrogenの化学記号
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/05/29 22:21:19」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
The New York Heart Association (NYHA) Functional Classification[1] provides a simple way of classifying the extent of heart failure. It places patients in one of four categories based on how much they are limited during physical activity; the limitations/symptoms are in regard to normal breathing and varying degrees in shortness of breath and/or angina pain.
It originated in 1928,[2] when no measurements of cardiac function were possible, to provide a common language for physicians to communicate. Despite difficulties in applying it, such as the challenge of consistently classifying patients in class II or III,[3] because functional capacity is such a powerful determinant of outcome it remains arguably the most important prognostic marker in routine clinical use in heart failure today.
NYHA Class |
Symptoms |
I |
Cardiac disease, but no symptoms and no limitation in ordinary physical activity, e.g. no shortness of breath when walking, climbing stairs etc. |
II |
Mild symptoms (mild shortness of breath and/or angina) and slight limitation during ordinary activity. |
Marked limitation in activity due to symptoms, even during less-than-ordinary activity, e.g. walking short distances (20–100 m).
Comfortable only at rest. |
IV |
Severe limitations. Experiences symptoms even while at rest. Mostly bedbound patients. |
Another frequently used functional classification of cardiovascular disease is the Canadian Cardiovascular Society grading of angina pectoris.
- ^ The Criteria Committee of the New York Heart Association. (1994). Nomenclature and Criteria for Diagnosis of Diseases of the Heart and Great Vessels. (9th ed.). Boston: Little, Brown & Co. pp. 253–256.
- ^ "Classification of Functional Capacity and Objective Assessment". Retrieved 27 October 2013.
- ^ Raphael, Claire; Briscoe, C; Davies, J; Ian Whinnett, Z; Manisty, C; Sutton, R; Mayet, J; Francis, DP (April 2007). "Limitations of the New York Heart Association functional classification system and self-reported walking distances in chronic heart failure.". Heart (British Cardiac Society) 93 (4): 476–82. doi:10.1136/hrt.2006.089656. PMC 1861501. PMID 17005715.
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English Journal
- Bifocal right ventricular pacing: an alternative way to achieve resynchronization when left ventricular lead insertion is unsuccessful.
- Sideris S, Aggeli C, Poulidakis E, Gatzoulis K, Vlaseros I, Avgeropoulou K, Felekos I, Sotiropoulos I, Stefanadis C, Kallikazaros I.SourceCardiology Department, Hippokration Hospital, Athens, Greece.
- Journal of interventional cardiac electrophysiology : an international journal of arrhythmias and pacing.J Interv Card Electrophysiol.2012 May 3. [Epub ahead of print]
- PURPOSE: Bifocal pacing in the right ventricle is an option for patients with end-stage heart failure in whom biventricular pacing is not possible, due to failure in left ventricular (LV) lead insertion. The purpose of this prospective study was to document the clinical response of these patients, a
- PMID 22552761
- Registry of transcatheter aortic-valve implantation in high-risk patients.
- Gilard M, Eltchaninoff H, Iung B, Donzeau-Gouge P, Chevreul K, Fajadet J, Leprince P, Leguerrier A, Lievre M, Prat A, Teiger E, Lefevre T, Himbert D, Tchetche D, Carrié D, Albat B, Cribier A, Rioufol G, Sudre A, Blanchard D, Collet F, Dos Santos P, Meneveau N, Tirouvanziam A, Caussin C, Guyon P, Boschat J, Le Breton H, Collart F, Houel R, Delpine S, Souteyrand G, Favereau X, Ohlmann P, Doisy V, Grollier G, Gommeaux A, Claudel JP, Bourlon F, Bertrand B, Van Belle E, Laskar M; FRANCE 2 Investigators.Collaborators (184)Gilard M, Laskar M, Eltchaninoff H, Fajadet J, Iung B, Teiger E, Donzeau-Gouge P, Leprince P, Leguerrier A, Prat A, Chevreul K, Lievre M, Bertrand M, Cassagne J, Mathieu P, Logeais Y, Lefevre T, Chevalier B, Farge A, Garot P, Hovasse T, Morice MC, Romano M, Donzeau Gouge P, Tchetche D, Vahdat O, Farah B, Fajadet J, Himbert D, Nataf P, Vahanian A, Carrie D, Dumonteil N, Fournial G, Marcheix B, Albat B, Leclercq F, Piot C, Schmutz L, Aubas P, Du Cailar A, Dubar A, Durrleman N, Fargosz F, Levy G, Maupas E, Rivalland F, Robert G, Eltchaninoff H, Bessou JP, Cribier A, Tron C, Rioufol G, Cao D, Dauphin R, Durand De Gevigney G, Finet G, Jegaden O, Obadia JF, Sudre A, Juthier F, Modine T, Van Belle E, Banfi C, Blanchard D, Sallerin T, Bar O, Barbey C, Chassaing S, Chatel D, Le Page O, Tauran A, Leprince P, Beygui F, Collet JP, Pavie A, Teiger E, Couetil JP, Dubois Rande JL, Hayat D, Fougeres E, Monin JL, Mouillet G, Collet F, Pecheux, Bayet, Vaillant A, Vicat J, Wittenberg O, Dos Santos P, Arsac F, Choukroun E, Dijos M, Guibaud JP, Leroux L, Elia N, Meneveau N, Genon D, Chocron S, Schiele F, Tirouvanziam A, Crochet D, Gaudin R, Roussel JC, Caussin C, Azmoun A, Ghostine S, Nottin R, Guyon P, Bonnet N, Digne F, Mesnidrey P, Royer T, Stratiev V, Gilard M, Bezon E, Boschat J, Choplain JN, Le Breton H, Abouliatim I, Bedossa M, Boulmier D, Verhoye JP, Collart F, Bonnet JL, Cuisset T, Grisoli D, Houel R, Joly P, Rosario R, Bergeron P, Bille J, Gelisse R, Delepine S, Debrux JL, Furber A, Pinaud F, Lusson JR, Azarnouch K, Durel N, Innorta A, Souteyrand G, Favereau X, Bical O, Dambrin G, Deleuze P, Jegou A, Ohlmann P, Kindo M, Mazzucotelli JP, Zupan M, Doisy V, Lienhart Y, Roriz R, Staat P, Blanchard D, Fabiani JN, Lafont A, Zegdi R, Heudes D, Grollier G, Ivascau C, Lognone T, Massetti M, Sabatier R, Huret B, Gommeaux A, Hochart P, Pecheux, Claudel JP, Bouchayer D, Gabrielle F, Pelissier F, Tremeau G, Bourlon F, Dreyfus G, Eker A, Habib Y, Hugues N, Mialhe C, Bertrand B, Chavanon O, Porcu P, Vanzetto G.
- The New England journal of medicine.N Engl J Med.2012 May 3;366(18):1705-15.
- BACKGROUND: Transcatheter aortic-valve implantation (TAVI) is an emerging intervention for the treatment of high-risk patients with severe aortic stenosis and coexisting illnesses. We report the results of a prospective multicenter study of the French national transcatheter aortic-valve implantation
- PMID 22551129
Japanese Journal
- Depression and Outcomes in Hospitalized Japanese Patients With Cardiovascular Disease : Prospective Single-Center Observational Study
- Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society 75(10), 2465-2473, 2011-09-25
- … 31% ischemic heart disease; … 47% New York Heart Association [NYHA] class II-IV; …
- NAID 10029459801
- Serum Concentration of Heart-Type Fatty Acid-Binding Protein in Children and Adolescents With Congenital Heart Disease
- Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society 75(8), 1992-1997, 2011-07-25
- … Background: Serum heart-type fatty acid-binding protein (H-FABP) is widely applied as a marker of cardiac myocyte injury. … Recently, it has been reported that levels of H-FABP are elevated in adult patients with chronic heart failure and thus provide useful prognostic information. … The aim of the present study was to examine the relationships between serum H-FABP levels and pathophysiological characteristics in children and adolescents with congenital heart disease (CHD). …
- NAID 10029128293
Related Links
- Doctors usually classify patients' heart failure according to the severity of their symptoms. The table below describes the most commonly used classification system, the New York Heart Association (NYHA) Functional Classification 1.
- 心不全の重症度分類 1)NYHA(New York Heart Association)分類 Ⅰ度:心疾患はあるが身体活動に制限はない。 日常的な身体活動では著しい疲労、動悸、呼吸困難あるいは狭心痛を生じない。 Ⅱ度:軽度の身体活動の制限がある。
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- 関
- New York Heart Association
- (共通の目的のための)協会、組合、団体、会社
- (正式)(~との)連合、合同、提携(partnership)。交際(friendship)(with)
- 関係、つながり、結びつき
- 連合、連想(されるもの)。(数学)結合。(化学)会合、対合。(言語)(意味の)連想
- (生態)群集、群叢
- 関
- neo、novel
- 関
- neon