- the 14th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)n
- nitrogenの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/09/07 06:19:06」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 日本の芸能事務所、株式会社エヌ・エー・シー(旧・株式会社ニホン・アーチスト・センター) ⇒ エヌ・エー・シー
- かつて存在した日本のテレビ映画製作会社、株式会社エヌ・エー・シー ⇒ ニッポン・アートフィルム・カンパニー
- 中村屋の子会社、旧称・株式会社エヌエーシー ⇒ エヌエーシーシステム
- 日本の飛行船による航空会社 ⇒ 日本飛行船
- マカフィーの日本法人の旧社名、日本ネットワークアソシエイツ ⇒ マカフィー#日本法人
- 中国の自動車メーカーNanjing Automobile (Group) Corporation ⇒ 南京汽車
- *東証一部上場のダスキン加盟店、株式会社ナック ⇒ ナック (サービス)
- オランダのサッカークラブ ⇒ NACブレダ
- マイカルナック商事がかつて運営していたショッピングセンター ⇒ NAC尼崎(兵庫県尼崎市、旧・ニチイ尼崎店 → 尼崎サティ → 尼崎ビブレ → NAC尼崎 → 閉店 → Step One(パチンコ店・尼崎天満座) → 100きんランド)
- 中部国際空港の機内食供給会社 ⇒ 名古屋エアケータリング
- 漫画『デュエルマスターズ』に登場する架空の人物。モデルは中村聡。
- 日本の私立大学、中日本自動車短期大学(Nakanihon Automotive College)の略称
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[Wiki en表示]
NAC may refer to:
- 1 Arts
- 2 Aviation
- 3 Media
- 4 Medicine
- 5 Politics
- 6 Religion
- 7 Sports
- 8 Technology
- 9 Companies and organisations
- Natural Area Code, a proprietary geocode system for identifying an area anywhere on the Earth
- National Agency Check, part of a National Agency Check with Local Agency Check and Credit Check for a U.S. Security Clearance
- North American Confederacy, a fictional government in the novel The Probability Broach by L. Neil Smith
- National Arts Centre, Canada
- National Arts Council Singapore, a statutory board of the Singapore government
- Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe - Polish National Digital Archives
- NAC Air, a former Native owned air carrier, Canada
- National Air Communications, a British government organisation 1939-1940
- National Airways Corporation, the former national domestic airline of New Zealand
- Nauru Air Corporation, the national airline of the Pacific island Republic of Nauru
- Naval Aircrewman, United States Navy staff having undergone naval aircraft training
- Nepal Airlines Corporation, national flag carrier of Nepal
- Northern Air Cargo, a cargo airline based in Anchorage, Alaska, USA
- NAC TV, a cable community channel in Neepawa, Manitoba
- Newspaper Agency Corporation, a printing, delivery and advertising company jointly owned by the Deseret Morning News and The Salt Lake Tribune
- New Age/Adult Contemporary, precursor to the Smooth Jazz based radio format
- Neuro Associative Conditioning, related to neuro-linguistic programming
- N-Acetylcarnosine, an experimental pharmacological agent for cataract treatment
- N-Acetylcysteine, a pharmacological agent used mainly as a mucolytic
- New Approaches to Cancer, a cancer research association in the United Kingdom
- Nunavut Arctic College, a nursing school in Canada
- Certified Nursing Assistant, or Nursing Assistant Certified, a person who assists individuals with healthcare needs
- Nucleus accumbens
- National Advisory Council, an advisory body set up to monitor the implementation of the UPA government's manifesto in India
- Naturist Action Committee, the political adjunct to The Naturist Society
- New Agenda Coalition, a group of states advocating nuclear disarmament
- North Atlantic Council, the most senior political governing body of NATO
- Nyasaland African Congress, a political party in Malawi
- Native American Church, the most widespread indigenous religion among Native Americans
- New Apostolic Church, a chiliastic church
- Pontifical North American College, an American seminary in Rome
- CA Oradea, Nagyváradi Atlétikai Club, Hungarian name of a Hungarian, Romanian dissolved football club from Oradea (Nagyvárad)
- NAC Breda, a Dutch football club from Breda
- NAC Stadion, a multi-use stadium in Breda, Netherlands
- Nacional Atlético Clube, numbers of Brazilian football teams
- National Aquatic Centre, the home of Irish swimming
- North America Challenge, a laser tag competition in the United States and Canada
- North Atlantic Conference, an athletic conference of the NCAA Division III, made up of colleges in New England, United States
- Narrow Angle Camera, one of two cameras which form part of the Imaging Science Subsystem in the NASA Cassini orbiter
- Network Access Code, an access feature for public safety radios
- Network Access Control, a piece of technology that controls access to a network
- Network Admission Control, a computer network security device
Companies and organisations
- Nanjing Automobile (Group) Corporation
- National Action Committee on the Status of Women, a Canadian feminist activist organization
- National Academy of Construction
- North Atlantic Conference, an athletic college conference for the New England states of Vermont, Maine, and Massachusetts
- Northern Athletics Conference, an athletic college conference for Illinois and Wisconsin
- Nanjing Automobile (Group) Corporation
- Nowra Anglican College, an Anglican College based in Nowra, Australia
- National Agricultural Centre, now renamed Stoneleigh Park, UK
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Food restriction dissociates sexual motivation, sexual performance, and the rewarding consequences of copulation in female Syrian hamsters.
- Klingerman CM, Patel A, Hedges VL, Meisel RL, Schneider JE.SourceDepartment of Biological Sciences, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015, USA.
- Behavioural brain research.Behav Brain Res.2011 Oct 1;223(2):356-70. Epub 2011 May 10.
- Animals can switch their behavioral priorities from ingestive to sex behaviors to optimize reproductive success in environments where energy fluctuates. We hypothesized that energy availability differentially affects the appetitive (motivation), consummatory (performance), and learned (rewarding) co
- PMID 21600244
Japanese Journal
- 輸入冷凍野菜・果実中の残留農薬実態(1989年4月?2008年3月)
- 小林 麻紀,大塚 健治,田村 康宏,富澤 早苗,上條 恭子,岩越 景子,影山 百合子,永山 敏廣,高野 伊知郎
- 食品衛生学雑誌 52(2), 121-129, 2011
- … だまめおよび未成熟いんげん)では,シペルメトリンおよびメタミドホスが,ばれいしょでは,クロルプロファム(CIPC)が,ベリー類(ブルーベリー,ラズベリーおよびいちご)では,キャプタンおよびカルバリル(NAC)の検出率が高かった.また,ライチでは,果肉から水溶性の高いメタミドホスが検出された.農薬が検出された冷凍野菜および果実を喫食した場合の農薬の推定摂取量を算出し,一日摂取許容量(ADI)と比較し …
- NAID 130000671822
Related Links
- 遊びの伝道師、ロスフィンドレー代表のNAC。旧大滝中学校の体育館を移築したNAC センターはニセコの遊びの発信基地。店内にはアウトドアショップ、レストラン、 クライミングウォールがあります。アウトドアアクティビティもたくさん! ...
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- 英
- acetylcysteine
- 同
- ≒N-アセチルシステイン NAC , N-acetyl-L-cysteine
- 商
- (去痰薬)アセテイン、(海外の去痰薬)ムコミスト、
- エルネオパ、サテリット、ネオパレン、ビーフリード、ミキシッド、ムコフィリン
- 関
- メルカプツール酸
[show details]
- http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/pack/3929006S1022_1_08/3929006S1022_1_08?view=body
- http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/pack/2233700G2034_1_01/2233700G2034_1_01?view=body
- ビーフリード輸液(500mL袋)/*ビーフリード輸液(1000mL袋)
- http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/pack/3259529G1030_1_02/3259529G1030_1_02?view=body
- 関
- dyclonine hydrochloride