メトヘモグロビン methemoglobin
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Methemoglobin (British English: methaemoglobin) (pronounced "met-hemoglobin") is a form of the oxygen-carrying metalloprotein hemoglobin, in which the iron in the heme group is in the Fe3+ (ferric) state, not the Fe2+ (ferrous) of normal hemoglobin. Methemoglobin cannot bind oxygen, unlike oxyhemoglobin.[1] It is bluish chocolate-brown in color. In human blood a trace amount of methemoglobin is normally produced spontaneously. But when it is present in excess the blood becomes abnormally dark bluish brown. The NADH-dependent enzyme methemoglobin reductase (diaphorase I) is responsible for converting methemoglobin back to hemoglobin.
The structure of the enzyme that converts methemoglobin to hemoglobin
Normally one to two percent of a person's hemoglobin is methemoglobin; a higher percentage than this can be genetic or caused by exposure to various chemicals and depending on the level can cause health problems known as methemoglobinemia. A higher level of methemoglobin will tend to cause a pulse oximeter to read closer to 85% regardless of the true level of oxygen saturation.[3]
- 1 Common causes
- 2 Therapeutic uses
- 3 Methemoglobin saturation
- 4 Blood stains
- 5 See also
- 6 References
- 7 External links
Common causes[edit]
- Reduced cellular defense mechanisms
- Children younger than 4 months exposed to various environmental agents
- Pregnant women are considered vulnerable to exposure of high levels of nitrates in drinking water[4]
- Cytochrome b5 reductase deficiency
- G6PD deficiency
- Hemoglobin M disease
- Pyruvate kinase deficiency
- Various pharmaceutical compounds
- Local anesthetic agents, especially prilocaine as used in the Bier block
- Oral pain relief gels, liquids and lozenges containing benzocaine.[5]
- Amyl nitrite, chloroquine, dapsone, nitrates, nitrites, nitroglycerin, nitroprusside, phenacetin, phenazopyridine, primaquine, quinones and sulfonamides
- Environmental agents
- Aromatic amines (e.g. p-nitroaniline, patient case)
- Arsine
- Chlorobenzene
- Chromates
- Nitrates/nitrites
- Inherited disorders
- Some family members of the Fughate family in Kentucky, due to a recessive gene, had blue skin from an excess of methemoglobin.[6]
- In cats
- Ingestion of Paracetamol (i.e. acetaminophen, tylenol)[citation needed]
Therapeutic uses[edit]
Amyl nitrite is administered to treat cyanide poisoning. It works by converting hemoglobin to methemoglobin, which allows for the binding of cyanide and the formation of non-toxic cyanomethemoglobin.[7]
Methemoglobin saturation[edit]
Methemoglobin saturation is expressed as the percentage of hemoglobin in the methemoglobin state; That is MetHb as a proportion of Hb.
- 1-2% Normal
- Less than 10% metHb - No symptoms
- 10-20% metHb - Skin discoloration only (most notably on mucus membranes)
- 20-30% metHb - Anxiety, headache, dyspnea on exertion
- 30-50% metHb - Fatigue, confusion, dizziness, tachypnea, palpitations
- 50-70% metHb - Coma, seizures, arrhythmias, acidosis
- Greater than 70% metHb - Death
Blood stains[edit]
Increased levels of methemoglobin are found in blood stains. Upon exiting the body, bloodstains transit from bright red to dark brown, which is attributed to oxidation of oxy-hemoglobin (HbO2) to methemoglobin (met-Hb) and hemichrome (HC).[8]
See also[edit]
- methemoglobinemia
- blue baby syndrome
- ^ http://www.rtso.ca/themes/acquia_marina/student/Methemoglobi1.htm
- ^ Bando, S.; Takano, T.; Yubisui, T.; Shirabe, K.; Takeshita, M.; Nakagawa, A. (2004). "Structure of human erythrocyte NADH-cytochromeb5reductase". Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography 60 (11): 1929–1934. doi:10.1107/S0907444904020645. PMID 15502298. edit
- ^ Denshaw-Burke, Mary (2006-11-07). "Methemoglobinema". Retrieved 2008-03-31.
- ^ Manassaram, D. M.; Backer, L. C.; Messing, R.; Fleming, L. E.; Luke, B.; Monteilh, C. P. (2010). "Nitrates in drinking water and methemoglobin levels in pregnancy: A longitudinal study". Environmental Health 9: 60. doi:10.1186/1476-069X-9-60. PMC 2967503. PMID 20946657. edit
- ^ http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/ucm250024.htm
- ^ http://abcnews.go.com/Health/blue-skinned-people-kentucky-reveal-todays-genetic-lesson/story?id=15759819#.T2oS0HqV2So
- ^ Vale, J. A. (2001). "Cyanide Antidotes: from Amyl Nitrite to Hydroxocobalamin - Which Antidote is Best?". Toxicology 168 (1): 37–38.
- ^ Bremmer et al PloS One 2011 http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0021845
External links[edit]
- Methemoglobin at the US National Library of Medicine Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
- MetHb Formation
- The Blue people of Troublesome Creek
Proteins: hemeproteins
Globins |
Alpha locus on 16: α (HBA1, HBA2) · ζ (HBZ) · θ (HBQ1) · μ (HBM)
Beta locus on 11: β (HBB) · δ (HBD) · γ (HBG1, HBG2) · ε (HBE1)
stages of development: HbA (α2β2) · HbA2 (α2δ2) · HbF/Fetal (α2γ2) · HbE Gower 2 (α2ε2) · HbE Gower 1 (ζ2ε2)
pathology: HbH (β 4) · Barts (γ 4) · HbS (α 2β S2) · HbC (α 2β C2) · HbE (α 2β E2)
Carboxyhemoglobin · Carbaminohemoglobin · Oxyhemoglobin/Deoxyhemoglobin · Sulfhemoglobin
Other human
Glycated hemoglobin · Methemoglobin
Chlorocruorin · Erythrocruorin
human: Myoglobin (Metmyoglobin) · Neuroglobin · Cytoglobin
plant: Leghemoglobin
Other |
Cytochrome (Cytochrome b, Cytochrome P450) · Hemocyanin · Methemalbumin
see also disorders of globin and globulin proteins
cell/phys (coag, heme, immu, gran), csfs
rbmg/mogr/tumr/hist, sysi/epon, btst
drug (B1/2/3+5+6), btst, trns
Japanese Journal
- In vivo Photoacoustic Spectroscopic Imaging of Hemoglobin Derivatives in Thermally Damaged Tissue
- Aizawa Kazuya,Sato Shunichi,Saitoh Daizoh [他],Ashida Hiroshi,Obara Minoru
- Jpn J Appl Phys 48(6), 062302-062302-4, 2009-06-25
- … We observed PA signals at around 500 and 633 nm, which are center wavelengths of methemoglobin (MetHb) absorption peaks, at depths corresponding the uppermost dermis (${\sim}0.16$ mm) and hair follicles (${\sim}0.62$ mm), indicating formation of MetHb in these tissue regions. …
- NAID 150000052508
- パルスオキシメータ機種の精度について--問題は?解決は? (イブニングセミナー3(第16回日本呼吸管理学会学術集会) 呼吸管理における非侵襲的モニタリング)
Related Links
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- 英
- methemoglobinemia
- 同
- MetHb血症
- 関
- 遺伝性メトヘモグロビン血症、メトヘモグロビン
- メトヘモグロビンが約15g/L以上に増加し、チアノーゼに始まり、呼吸困難、頭痛、めまいなどを呈する病態。
- MetHbが1%以上に増加した病態
- a) 酵素の欠損によりメトヘモグロビンを還元できない:NADHシトクロム還元酵素欠損:methemoglobin reductase, NADP diaphorase
- b) ヘムをferric stateに安定化できないヘモグロビン:Hb M Iwata(α87His→Tyr)
- a) 過酸化物による(亜硝酸ナトリウム、ニトログリセリン、サルファ剤、ニトロベンゼンなど)
- アセトアニリド、フェナセチン
- HIM.640
- メトヘモグロビンは酸素との親和性が高く酸素運搬能がない → >50-60%以上で致死的
- メトヘモグロビンはbluish-brown muddy colorを呈しており、cyanosisに似る → メトヘモグロビン血症ではチアノーゼ様に見えやすい、ということか
- 英
- methemoglobin, metHb, MetHb, MHg
- 同
- 酸化ヘモグロビン、フェリヘモグロビン ferrihemoglobin
- 関
- ヘモグロビン, Hemoglobin M
- ヘモグロビンは4つのサブユニット(α鎖2つ、β鎖2つ)からなり、それぞれがFe2+を配位したヘムを有する。
- この4分子存在するヘムがすべて酸化されFe3+となったヘモグロビンをメトヘモグロビンと呼ぶ
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