- Michigan / Military Intelligence 陸軍情報部
English Journal
- Site-directed spin labeling-electron spin resonance mapping of the residues of cyanobacterial clock protein KaiA that are affected by KaiA-KaiC interaction.
- Ishii K1, Terauchi S, Murakami R, Valencia Swain J, Mutoh R, Mino H, Maki K, Arata T, Ishiura M.Author information 1Center for Gene Research, Nagoya University, Furo, Chikusa, Nagoya, Aichi, 464-8602, Japan; Division of Biological Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, Machikaneyama, Toyonaka, Osaka, 560-0043, Japan.AbstractThe cyanobacterial clock proteins KaiA, KaiB and KaiC interact with each other to generate circadian oscillations. We have identified the residues of the KaiA homodimer affected through association with hexameric KaiC (KaiC(6mer) ) using a spin-label-tagged KaiA C-terminal domain protein (KaiAc) and performing electron spin resonance (ESR) analysis. Cys substitution and/or the attachment of a spin label to residues located at the bottom area of the KaiAc concave surface, a KaiC-binding groove, hindered the association of KaiAc with KaiC(6mer) , suggesting that the groove likely mediates the interaction with KaiC(6mer) . The residues affected by KaiC(6mer) association were concentrated in the three areas: the concave surface, a lobe-like structure (a mobile lobe near the concave surface) and a region adjacent to both the concave surface and the mobile lobe. The distance between the two E254, D255, L258 and R252 residues located on the mobile lobe decreased after KaiC association, suggesting that the two mobile lobes approach each other during the interaction. Analyzing the molecular dynamics of KaiAc showed that these structural changes suggested by ESR analysis were possible. Furthermore, the analyses identified three asymmetries in KaiAc dynamic structures, which gave us a possible explanation of an asymmetric association of KaiAc with KaiC(6mer) .
- Genes to cells : devoted to molecular & cellular mechanisms.Genes Cells.2014 Apr;19(4):297-324. doi: 10.1111/gtc.12130. Epub 2014 Feb 4.
- The cyanobacterial clock proteins KaiA, KaiB and KaiC interact with each other to generate circadian oscillations. We have identified the residues of the KaiA homodimer affected through association with hexameric KaiC (KaiC(6mer) ) using a spin-label-tagged KaiA C-terminal domain protein (KaiAc) and
- PMID 24495257
- Inhibition of DNA Replication of Human Papillomavirus by Using Zinc Finger-Single-Chain FokI Dimer Hybrid.
- Mino T1, Mori T, Aoyama Y, Sera T.Author information 1Department of Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyotodaigaku-Katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto, 615-8510, Japan.AbstractPreviously, we reported that an artificial zinc-finger protein (AZP)-staphylococcal nuclease (SNase) hybrid (designated AZP-SNase) inhibited DNA replication of human papillomavirus type 18 (HPV-18) in mammalian cells by binding to and cleaving a specific HPV-18 ori plasmid. Although the AZP-SNase did not show any side effects under the experimental conditions, the SNase is potentially able to cleave RNA as well as DNA. In the present study, to make AZP hybrid nucleases that cleave only viral DNA, we switched the SNase moiety in the AZP-SNase to the single-chain FokI dimer (scFokI) that we had developed previously. We demonstrated that transfection with a plasmid expressing the resulting hybrid nuclease (designated AZP-scFokI) inhibited HPV-18 DNA replication in transient replication assays using mammalian cells more efficiently than AZP-SNase. Then, by linker-mediated PCR analysis, we confirmed that AZP-scFokI cleaved an HPV-18 ori plasmid around its binding site in mammalian cells. Finally, a modified MTT assay revealed that AZP-scFokI did not show any significant cytotoxicity. Thus, the newly developed AZP-scFokI hybrid is expected to serve as a novel antiviral reagent for the neutralization of human DNA viruses with less fewer potential side effects.
- Molecular biotechnology.Mol Biotechnol.2014 Mar 30. [Epub ahead of print]
- Previously, we reported that an artificial zinc-finger protein (AZP)-staphylococcal nuclease (SNase) hybrid (designated AZP-SNase) inhibited DNA replication of human papillomavirus type 18 (HPV-18) in mammalian cells by binding to and cleaving a specific HPV-18 ori plasmid. Although the AZP-SNase di
- PMID 24682726
- Chlorophyll and suspended sediment mapping to the Caribbean Sea from rivers in the capital city of the Dominican Republic using ALOS AVNIR-2 data.
- Sakuno Y1, Miño ER, Nakai S, Mutsuda H, Okuda T, Nishijima W, Castro R, García A, Peña R, Rodríguez M, Depratt GC.Author information 1Department of Transportation and Environmental Systems, Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan, study aims to study the distribution of contaminants in rivers that flow into the Caribbean Sea using chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and suspended sediment (SS) as markers and ALOS AVNIR-2 satellite sensor data. The Haina River (HN) and Ozama and Isabela Rivers (OZ-IS) that flow through the city of Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic, were chosen. First, in situ spectral reflectance/Chl-a and SS datasets obtained from these rivers were acquired in March 2011 (case A: with no rain influence) and June 2011 (case B: with rain influence), and the estimation algorithm of Chl-a and SS using AVNIR-2 data was developed from the datasets. Moreover, the developed algorithm was applied to AVNIR-2 data in November 2010 for case A and August 2010 for case B. Results revealed that for Chl-a and SS estimations under cases A and B conditions, the reflectance ratio of AVNIR-2 band 4 and band 3 (AV4/AV3) and the reflectance of AVNIR-2 band 4 (AV4) were effective. The Chl-a and SS mapping results obtained using AVNIR-2 data corresponded with the field survey results. Finally, an outline of the distribution of contaminants at the mouth of the river that flows into the Caribbean Sea was obtained for both rivers in cases A and B.
- Environmental monitoring and assessment.Environ Monit Assess.2014 Mar 23. [Epub ahead of print]
- This study aims to study the distribution of contaminants in rivers that flow into the Caribbean Sea using chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and suspended sediment (SS) as markers and ALOS AVNIR-2 satellite sensor data. The Haina River (HN) and Ozama and Isabela Rivers (OZ-IS) that flow through the city of Sant
- PMID 24659416
Japanese Journal
- 橘 敏夫
- 愛知大学綜合郷土研究所紀要 = Memoirs of the Community Research Institute of Aichi University 60, 59-69, 2015-03-10
- NAID 120005568924
- 濃尾大地震と児童救済事業 : 浄土真宗本願寺派の動向を中心に
- 複合型の先天性凝固因子欠乏症患者に発症した結腸憩室出血の1例
- 三野 和宏,服部 優宏,後藤 順一,土橋 誠一郎,安本 篤史,玉置 透,久木田 和丘,目黒 順一,米川 元樹,川村 明夫
- 日本消化器外科学会雑誌 48(1), 60-67, 2015
- 先天性第V因子欠乏症は100万人に1人,先天性第VII因子欠乏症は50万人に1人発症するといわれているが,その複合型に関しては報告例がない.今回,複合型先天性第V,VII,VIII因子欠乏症に発症した結腸憩室出血に対し結腸右半切除術を行った1例を経験したので報告する.症例は68歳男性で,多量の血便による出血性ショックのため当院救急搬送となり,下部消化管内視鏡検査にて横行結腸憩室からの出血を認めた …
- NAID 130004908154
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- 主としてグラム陽性・陰性菌,リケッチア,クラミジアに作用するもの、歯科用抗生物質製剤