外頚動脈 external carotid artery
- the 5th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)e
- European Community欧州共同体
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- アフリカ経済委員会 (Economic Commission for Africa)
- 経済協力局 (Economic Cooperation Administration)
- 欧州クラブ協会 (European Club Association)
- イベント-条件-動作 (Event Condition Action) - コンピュータ・プログラムのモデルのひとつ
- 輸出信用機関 (Export credit agency)
- 欧州会計監査院 (European Court of Auditors)
- ヨーロッパサーカス連盟(European Circus Association)
- 排出規制海域 (Emission Control Area)
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ECA may refer to:
- 1 Companies
- 2 Education
- 3 Government and government agencies
- 4 Law
- 5 Medicine and anatomy
- 6 Organizations
- 7 Science and technology
- 8 Other
- ECA International, a consulting firm
- Electronic Arts, a computer-game company
- Eurocypria Airlines
- European Coastal Airlines
- ACES Educational Center for the Arts, an arts school in New Haven, Connecticut, USA
- Edinburgh College of Art, an art school in Edinburgh, Scotland
- Education Corporation of America, a company running schools in southern USA states
- Escola de Comunicações e Artes (School of Communication And Arts), of the University of São Paulo, Brazil
- Escuela Campo Alegre, an American international school in Caracas, Venezuela
- Evangel Christian Academy, in Shreveport, Louisiana
- Evangelical Christian Academy (disambiguation)
Government and government agencies
- Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, a part of the United States Department of State
- Economic Cooperation Administration, a former United States government agency
- European Chemicals Agency, an agency of the European Union
- European Court of Auditors, an institution of the European Union
- Export credit agency, a financial institution with intermediation functions between national governments and foreign companies
- United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, a commission to encourage economic cooperation among African countries
- Early case assessment, the estimation of risk and cost to prosecute or defend a legal case
- European Communities Act 1972 (Ireland), an act of the Oireachtas (Irish Parliament)
- European Communities Act 1972 (UK), an act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom
Medicine and anatomy
- ECA stack, a drug combination of ephedrine, caffeine, and aspirin
- Emergency care assistant, an ambulance driver in the United Kingdom
- External carotid artery, a major artery
- Electronic Cigarette Association, a trade association for the electronic cigarette industry
- Entertainment Consumers Association, a membership organization representing North American video game consumers
- European Canoe Association, the European governing body for canoeing
- European Club Association, an association of European football clubs, which was founded in January 2008
- European Cockpit Association
Science and technology
- Electrical circuit analysis, an aspect of Network analysis
- Elementary cellular automaton, a class of simple mathematical models of spatially extended systems
- Embodied conversational agent, a type of embodied agent in artificial intelligence
- Engineering Critical Assessment, an analytical procedure, based on fracture mechanics principles, that allows determination of the maximum tolerable sizes for imperfections in fusion welds.
- Enterprise Collaboration Architecture, a standard of the Object Management Group
- Ethyl cyanoacrylate, a type of glue
- Event condition action, a principle to define triggers in a database
- Easington Catchment Area, a group of natural gas fields in the North Sea
- East Campus Apartments at Louisiana State University
- Elemental Cost Analysis, a method of recording which enables the cost of a scheme to be monitored during design development; see Elemental cost planning
- Europe and Central Asia, an abbreviation used by the World Bank
- Ecologically Critical Area, an environmental protection zone in Bangladesh
- Emission Control Area, sea areas with regulated sulfur and nitrous oxides emission caps.
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English Journal
- Bacterial Cell Surface Structures in Yersinia enterocolitica.
- Białas N, Kasperkiewicz K, Radziejewska-Lebrecht J, Skurnik M.SourceDepartment of Microbiology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland.
- Archivum immunologiae et therapiae experimentalis.Arch Immunol Ther Exp (Warsz).2012 Jun;60(3):199-209. Epub 2012 Apr 8.
- Yersinia enterocolitica is a widespread member of the family of Enterobacteriaceae that contains both non-virulent and virulent isolates. Pathogenic Y. enterocolitica strains, especially belonging to serotypes O:3, O:5,27, O:8 and O:9 are etiologic agents of yersiniosis in animals and humans. Y. ent
- PMID 22484801
- PCL films incorporated with paclitaxel/5-fluorouracil: effects of formulation and spacial architecture on drug release.
- Rong HJ, Chen WL, Guo SR, Lei L, Shen YY.SourceSchool of Pharmacy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China.
- International journal of pharmaceutics.Int J Pharm.2012 May 10;427(2):242-51. Epub 2012 Feb 14.
- The bi/tri-layered poly(ɛ-caprolactone) (PCL)-based films co-loaded with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and paclitaxel (PTX) are presented for biodegradable film-based stent application. A gradient elution HPLC analytical method was used for simultaneous quantification of 5-FU and PTX. Scanning electron mic
- PMID 22349052
Japanese Journal
- ソーシャルな行動支援アプリケーション向けルールエンジンの設計と実装
- 太田 賢,中川 智尋,土井 千章,関根 和寿,稲村 浩
- 情報処理学会論文誌 54(2), 753-763, 2013-02-15
- … 定を行うための時間制限付きコンテキスト遷移モデルとそのECAルール記述仕様を提案する.その仕様に基づき,3つのソーシャルアプリケーションを作成し,コンテキスト遷移判定を含むコンテキストが効率的に記述できることを確認した.また,Androidスマートフォン上にルールエンジンを実装し,コンテキストの発生に対する応答性と,複数のECAルールを同時発火させた場合のスケーラビリティを評価した. …
- NAID 110009537073
- 連結グループの財務戦略 システム事例 連結会計システム(eCA-DRIVER)ユーザー 株式会社菊池製作所 震災乗り越え上場を果たした試作・金型の総合メーカー
- 連結グループの財務戦略 システム事例 連結会計システム(eCA-DRIVER)ユーザー 極東開発工業株式会社 グループ力でV字回復遂げた"特装車"業界の雄
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Related Pictures

- 英
- external carotid artery ECA
- ラ
- arteria carotis externa
- 同
- 外頸動脈
- 図:N.30
- 側面から見ると、顎二腹筋の深層を横切っている(N. 30)
- 総頚動脈からの分岐は甲状軟骨上縁(C4?(M.),C6?(KL.627))
- 分岐直後は内頚動脈の前方かつ内側を上行する (KL.627)
- 下顎角の内側を走行し、下顎角のあたりから次第に後方に寄り耳介の前方に至る
枝 (KL.627)
- 同
- うつ病
- 抑うつ気分
- Sleep…睡眠障害
- Interest…興味および喜びの著しい消失(ほぼ一日)
- Guilty…無価値観あるいは自責感
- Energy…疲労感、気力の減退
- Concentration…思考力や集中の減退または決断困難
- Apeptite…体重や食欲の変化
- Psychomotor…精神運動性の焦燥、もしくは抑制
- Suicidal attempt
- 同
- CD31
- 関
- CD31 antigen、platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1、platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1