イプシロンアミノカプロン酸, epsilon aminocaproic acid
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EACA Industries Ltd
Industry |
Computer hardware |
Fate |
Wound Up |
Defunct |
1983 |
Headquarters |
Hong Kong |
Key people |
Eric Chung Kwan-yee |
Products |
Video Genie, Genie I, II, III, Colour Genie |
For other groups referred to by this acronym, see Evangelical Anglican Church of America and Evangelical Anglican Church In America.
The Hong Kong-based EACA group of companies was established in December 1972 by Eric Chung Kwan-yee (alias Chung Bun), a businessman of humble beginnings from mainland China who stealt into the then British colony from Guangzhou as a young man. [1]
EACA International Ltd was a manufacturer active from 1975 to 1983, producing Pong-style television video games, and later producing thousands of computers under the Genie name. These included the Video Genies I, II and III (which were Tandy TRS-80 Model I-compatible) and the Colour Genie. Along with Radio Shack clones they also produced Apple II computer compatible machines.[2]
Just as distributors were promoting a new 16-bit machine in late 1983, the heavily-indebted group went into liquidation at the hands of receivers. Eric Chung was rumoured to have fled Hong Kong for Taiwan, leaving a seaside villa and massive debts in his wake.
External links
- Site covering the System 80 and EACA in general
- Video Genie I, II, and III, and the Colour Genie at old-computers.com
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Epsilon Aminocaproic Acid for the Prevention of Delayed Postoperative Bleeding in Retired Racing Greyhounds Undergoing Gonadectomy.
- Marín LM, Iazbik MC, Zaldivar-Lopez S, Guillaumin J, McLoughlin MA, Couto CG.SourceDepartment of Veterinary Clinical Sciences.
- Veterinary surgery : VS.Vet Surg.2012 Jun 19. doi: 10.1111/j.1532-950X.2012.00965.x. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of epsilon aminocaproic acid (EACA) on the prevalence of postoperative bleeding in retired racing Greyhounds (RRG), and to assess its effects on selected thrombelastography (TEG) and fibrinolysis variables.STUDY DESIGN: Double-blinded, prospective, randomized study
- PMID 22712787
- Retrospective evaluation of the effectiveness of epsilon aminocaproic acid for the prevention of postamputation bleeding in retired racing Greyhounds with appendicular bone tumors: 46 cases (2003-2008).
- Marín LM, Iazbik MC, Zaldivar-Lopez S, Lord LK, Stingle N, Vilar P, Lara-Garcia A, Alvarez F, Hosoya K, Nelson L, Pozzi A, Cooper E, McLoughlin MA, Ball R, Kisseberth WC, London CA, Dudley R, Dyce J, McMahon M, Lerche P, Bednarski R, Couto CG.SourceFrom the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences.
- Journal of veterinary emergency and critical care (San Antonio, Tex. : 2001).J Vet Emerg Crit Care (San Antonio).2012 Jun;22(3):332-40. doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2012.00735.x. Epub 2012 May 21.
- OBJECTIVES: To determine the frequency of delayed postoperative bleeding in retired racing Greyhounds with appendicular bone tumors undergoing limb amputations. To identify if administration of epsilon-aminocaproic acid (EACA) was effective on the prevention of postoperative bleeding.DESIGN: Retrosp
- PMID 22612729
Japanese Journal
- Vero毒素産生性大腸菌(VTEC)感染症に関する研究 : ハトおよびカラスからのVero毒素産生性大腸菌(VTEC)の分離および血清型(平成14年度麻布大学公的研究助成金事業研究成果報告)
- 福山 正文,角野 洋二,原 元宣
- 麻布大学雑誌 5/6, 194-198, 2002
- … 4)供試した33株についてeacAを確認したところ,31株(93.9%)が保有していた。 … 以上のことから,ヒト下痢症由来VTECの毒素型や血清型と一致する菌株がハトやカラスから分離されたことや病原性の発現に重要な関与が考えられるeacAを高率に保有していたことから,ヒトVTEC感染症の感染源の一つとしてこれらの鳥類も関与する可能性が考えられた。 …
- NAID 110004323701
- Influence of Sugar Chain on Fibrin Affinity of Recombinat t-PA
- Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin 24(3), 295-298, 2001-03-01
- … Bindings mediated via finger domain(F mode)and kringle 2 domain(K2 mode)were distinguished using ε-amino caproic acid(EACA). …
- NAID 110003663384
Related Links
- The European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA) is a Brussels- based organisation whose mission is to represent full-service advertising and media agencies and agency associations in Europe. EACA aims to promote honest, ...
- Semin Thromb Hemost. 1978 Summer;5(1):27-40. Epsilon-aminocaproic acid ( EACA). Griffin JD, Ellman L. Epsilon-aminocaproic acid (EACA) is a synthetic inhibitor of the plasmin-plasminogen system. It is the only potent antifibrinolytic agent ...
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- 英
- tranexamic acid
- ラ
- acidum tranexamicum
- 同
- trans-4-aminomethylcyclohexane-1-carboxylic acid, t-AMCHA, 4-(aminomethyl)cyclohexane-carboxylic acid, EACA
- 商
- ケイサミン、トランサボン、トランサミン、バナリントップ、プレタスミン、ヘキサトロン、ヘムロン、ラノビス、リカバリン
- Cyklokapron
- フィブリンのリシン残基に似ているため、プラスミンがフィブリンではなくε-アミノカプロン酸に結合する。このためフィブリンの分解が抑制され、結果として線溶系が抑制される。
- 原則禁忌:線溶亢進型DICに対するトラネキサム酸の投与。
- 絶対禁忌:急性前骨髄性白血病に対して全トランスレチノイン酸で治療中の患者に対するトラネキサム酸の投与。
- 英
- ε-aminocaproic acid
- 同
- 関
- フィブリンのリシン残基に似ているため、プラスミンがフィブリンではなくε-アミノカプロン酸に結合する。このためフィブリンの分解が抑制され、結果として線溶系が抑制される。
- 英
- epsilon-aminocaproic acid, epsilon aminocaproic acid EACA
- 同
- ε-アミノカプロン酸、6-aminohexanoic acid
- 関
- 抗線溶療法、トラネキサム酸
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