- the 3rd letter of the Roman alphabet (同)c
- (music) the keynote of the scale of C major
- a general-purpose programing language closely associated with the UNIX operating system
- carbonの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/06/08 22:22:22」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- チリの通貨単位チリ・ペソのISO 4217通貨コード。
- コンテナロードプラン - Container Load Planの略。
- 石炭液化生成物 - Coal Liquefaction Productの略。
- コンサルテーション・リエゾン精神医学 - Consultation Liaison Psychiatryの略。
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[Wiki en表示]
CLP may stand for:
- 1 Businesses
- 2 Computing, mathematics, and technology
- 3 Political parties
- 4 Certifications
- 5 Other uses
- CLP Group, formerly China Light and Power
- Connecticut Light and Power Company
Computing, mathematics, and technology
- Cell Loss Priority
- COIN-OR Linear Program Solver
- Communication Linking Protocol
- Congruence lattice problem
- Constraint logic programming (Real)
- Convergent Linux Platform
Political parties
- Canadian Labour Party, former
- Communist Labor Party of America, predecessors of the Communist Party USA
- Constituency Labour Party, a sub-division of the British Labour Party representing a single UK constituency
- Country Liberal Party, Northern Territory, Australia
- Certificate in Legal Practice (Malaysia)
- Certified Landscape Professional
Other uses
- AOL Community Leader Program
- CLP Regulation on classification, labelling and packaging of chemicals, EU
- Cleaner, Lubricant, Preservative, US weapons fluid code
- Chilean peso
- Cleft lip and palate
- Cloppenburg (district), Germany
English Journal
- Longitudinal comparison of early speech and language milestones in children with cleft palate: A comparison of US and Slovak children.
- Scherer NJ, Oravkinova Z, McBee MT.SourceEast Tennessee State University , Johnson City, TN , USA.
- Clinical linguistics & phonetics.Clin Linguist Phon.2013 Jul;27(6-7):404-18. doi: 10.3109/02699206.2013.769024. Epub 2013 May 2.
- The purpose of this study was to compare early speech and language development of children with and without cleft lip and/or palate (CLP) in the US and Slovakia from 6 to 24 months of age. Thirty-two children from the US (eight with CLP and eight noncleft) and Slovakia (eight with CLP and eight nonc
- PMID 23638660
- Sepsis-induced morbidity in mice: Effects on body temperature, body weight, cage activity, social behavior and cytokines in brain.
- Granger JI, Ratti PL, Datta SC, Raymond RM, Opp MR.SourceDepartments of Anesthesiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
- Psychoneuroendocrinology.Psychoneuroendocrinology.2013 Jul;38(7):1047-57. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2012.10.010. Epub 2012 Nov 10.
- Infection negatively impacts mental health, as evidenced by the lethargy, malaise, and cognitive deficits experienced during illness. These changes in central nervous system processes, collectively termed sickness behavior, have been shown in animal models to be mediated primarily by the actions of
- PMID 23146654
Japanese Journal
- PS-183-5 マウス盲腸結紮穿孔(CLP)モデルにおけるヘルパーT細胞の分化制御(PS-183 ポスターセッション(183)免疫-2,第111回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- 渡邉 栄三,Hotchkiss Richard,Chang Katherine,織田 成人,McDunn Jonathan
- 日本外科学会雑誌 112(臨時増刊号_1・2), 824, 2011-05-25
- NAID 110008685590
- 部分的に観測可能なマルコフ決定過程におけるControl Limit Policyの最適性への必要十分条件
- 金 路,鈴本 和幸,熊谷 和宏
- 品質 41(2), 238-249, 2011-04-15
- … ,顧客個別への適切な保全が提案され始めている.このような状況下,最適保全方策の理論的な研究も必要である.本研究は状態監視保全における最適保全方策がControl Limit Policy(CLP)によって与えられるための条件を検討した.ここでCLPとはアクションの切替えが一つの閾値のみを境界として与えられる方策をいう.これにより検討すべき保全方策を少数に限定しうるため,顧客に迅速かつ最適な保全計画を提 …
- NAID 110008608063
Related Links
- CLPに関する情報を提供する。 ... 欧州における2010年の最初の段階的導入物質のREACH登録期限やCLP規則による分類・表示適用など、ここ1~2年で差し迫った義務事項が次々とあり、適切に対応しないと法遵守、ビジネス継続の面で ...
- 則の部分的な改訂を含むCLP 規則が発効し、トン帯域に関係なくEU 域内に輸出する製品には新しい対応 が必要となった。 本解説書では上記状況の変化を踏まえ、初版のREACH規則部分を改訂増補し、更にCLP規則を追加し た。本解説 ...
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コンサルテーション・リエゾン精神医学 CLP
- 英
- consultation-liaison psychiatry, CLP