- manage or run; "tend a store"
- have a tendency or disposition to do or be something; be inclined; "She tends to be nervous before her lectures"; "These dresses run small"; "He inclined to corpulence" (同)be given, lean, incline, run
- have care of or look after; "She tends to the children"
- a mythical Greek hero of the Iliad; a foremost Greek warrior at the siege of Troy; when he was a baby his mother tried to make him immortal by bathing him in a magical river but the heel by which she held him remained vulnerable--his `Achilles heel
- an automatic instinctive unlearned reaction to a stimulus (同)reflex response, reflex action, instinctive reflex, innate reflex, inborn reflex, unconditioned_reflex, physiological reaction
- a cord or band of inelastic tissue connecting a muscle with its bony attachment (同)sinew
- (of leaves) bent downward and outward more than 90 degrees
- 〈人が〉(…の)『傾向がある』,(…)しがちである / 〈物事が〉(ある方向に)向かう,(ある状態に)向かう
- 〈人・動植物など〉‘の'『世話をする』,めんどうをみる / 《米》〈店〉‘の'番をする / 《tend to+名》…に気をつける,心を配る
- アキレス(Homer作のIliadに出てくるギリシア軍の勇将;右足首以外は不死身であったが,ここに矢を射られ戦死をとげたという.このため,「唯一の弱点」のことを『Achilles' heel』「アキレスのかかと」という.《米》では'(アポストロフィ)をつけない)
- 反射(刺激に対する無意識の反応) / 《複数形で》反射的な動き / (光などの)反射,反射光;映像 / 反射性の / (カメラが)レフ鋼の,反射型の
- 腱(けん)
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English Journal
- Ipsi- and contralateral H-reflexes and V-waves after unilateral chronic Achilles tendon vibration.
- Lapole T, Canon F, Pérot C.SourceCNRS UMR 7338 Biomécanique et Bioingénierie, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, 60205, Compiègne Cedex, France.
- European journal of applied physiology.Eur J Appl Physiol.2013 May 8. [Epub ahead of print]
- Chronic Achilles tendon vibration has previously shown its effectiveness in improving plantar flexor's strength and activation capacities. The present study investigated the related neural mechanisms by analyzing H-reflexes and V-waves of the soleus (SOL) and gastrocnemii (GM gastrocnemius medialis;
- PMID 23652708
- Intrafusal effects of botulinum toxin injections for spasticity: Revisiting a previous paper.
- Phadke CP, On AY, Kirazli Y, Ismail F, Boulias C.SourceUpper Motorneuron Spasticity Research Program, West Park Healthcare Centre, Toronto, ON M6M 2J5, Canada; Department of Physical Therapy, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5G 1V7, Canada. Electronic address: cphadke@gmail.com.
- Neuroscience letters.Neurosci Lett.2013 Apr 29;541:20-3. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2013.02.025. Epub 2013 Feb 28.
- Botulinum toxin, frequently used to manage focal limb spasticity, has been reported to affect both extrafusal and intrafusal fibers of the injected muscle. Since most studies have used spinal reflexes, it is difficult to isolate the intrafusal effects from extrafusal and central effects. In a paper
- PMID 23458671
- Hip proprioceptors preferentially modulate reflexes of the leg in human spinal cord injury.
- Onushko TL, Hyngstrom AS, Schmit BD.Source1University of Florida.
- Journal of neurophysiology.J Neurophysiol.2013 Apr 24. [Epub ahead of print]
- Stretch-sensitive afferent feedback from hip muscles has been shown to trigger long-lasting, multi-joint reflex responses in people with chronic spinal cord injury (SCI). These reflexes could have important implications to the control of leg movements during functional activities. Because the contro
- PMID 23615544
Japanese Journal
- 足趾での振動覚・小足筋萎縮・アキレス腱反射を指標とした糖尿病性神経障害の評価の試み
- 長谷川 修,河崎 さつき,松本 俊介
- 末梢神経 = Peripheral nerve 21(1), 71-77, 2010-06-01
- NAID 10027578652
- 脊柱管硬膜外のgasの貯留にて腰神経根症状をきたした1例
- 三木 潤一郎,今栄 信治,大川 都史香,北山 真理,西岡 和哉,板倉 徹
- 脳神経外科ジャーナル 18(10), 765-769, 2009-10-20
- 症例は58歳,女性.右下肢のS_1領域の疼痛を主訴に来院した.腰椎手術歴や外傷歴はなし.腰椎単純X線にて軽度の椎間板腔狭小化を認めたが,気体像を含めその他の明らかな異常を指摘できなかった.しかし腰椎MRIにてT1強調画像およびT2強調画像ともにlow intensityを示す円形の構造物が右S_1神経根を圧迫する所見を認めた.脊髄造影および造影後CTにおいて円形のlow densityを認め,気体 …
- NAID 110007363289
Related Links
- ... triceps surae reflex Achilles reflex or Achilles tendon reflex (ə-kĭl′ēz) n. A reflex bending of the foot resulting from contraction of the calf muscles when the Achilles tendon is sharply struck. ankle reflex An abrupt plantar jerk of ...
- Quotes by Ray Peat, PhD: “One of the oldest tests for hypothyroidism was the Achilles tendon reflex test in which the rate of relaxation of the calf muscle corresponds to thyroid function–the relaxation is slow in hypothyroid people.
- 英
- Achilles tendon reflex, ATR, Achilles reflex, ankle jerk, ankle reflex
- 同
- Achilles腱反射、下腿三頭筋反射 triceps surae reflex
- 関
- 腱反射
- S1,S2 (M.340)
- L5, S1, S2 ?
- L5, S1 ?
アキレス腱反射 Achilles tendon reflex
- 関
- apt、liable、predispose、susceptible
- 関
- calcaneal tendon、tendo achillis
- 関
- reflect、reflection、reflective