- 同
- Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, alcohol use disorders identification test
- a methodical examination or review of a condition or situation; "he made an audit of all the plants on his property"; "an energy efficiency audit"; "an email log audit"
- attend academic courses without getting credit
- examine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verification; "audit accounts and tax returns" (同)scrutinize, scrutinise, inspect
- 会計検査(監査) / 決算報告[書] / …‘の'会計検査(監査)をする / 《米》(大学の講義)'を'聴講する / 会計検査(監査)をする
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Look up audit in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Audit may refer to:
- Audit - an evaluation of an organization, system, process, project or product, in particular:
- Conformity assessment audit (ISO, HACCP, JCAHCO)
- Environmental audit
- Energy audit
- External Audit
- Financial audit - the examination by an independent third party of the financial statements of a company or other organization
- Clinical audit - the process formally introduced in 1993 into the United Kingdom's National Health Service
- Internal audit
- Management system audit (quality audit, safety audit, environmental audit)
- Performance audit - an examination of a program, function, operation or the management systems and procedures of a governmental or non-profit entity
- Quality audit - a systematic, independent examination of a quality system
- Security audit (not computer-related)
- Helpdesk and incident reporting auditing
- Academic audit - the completion of a course of study for which no assessment is completed or grade awarded
- AUDIT - Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
- in computer science
- Audit (telecommunication) - multiple meanings
- audit trail
- Information technology security audit - a process that can verify that certain standards have been met
- Configuration audit (as part of configuration management)
- Information technology audit - an examination of the controls within an entity's Information technology infrastructure
- Software audit (disambiguation) - multiple meanings
Auditing may refer to:
- Auditing - the act of conducting an audit
- Auditing (Scientology) - a procedure in Scientology
Auditor may refer to:
- Saint Auditor, Christian martyr of the 4th century
- Auditor Security Collection, a Linux distribution which was merged into BackTrack
- The head of a Student Society, especially in Ireland
- The fictional Auditors of Reality from the Discworld series
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- SWDreader: A wavelet-based algorithm using spectral phase to characterize spike-wave morphological variation in genetic models of absence epilepsy.
- Richard CD1, Tanenbaum A2, Audit B3, Arneodo A3, Khalil A4, Frankel WN5.
- Journal of neuroscience methods.J Neurosci Methods.2015 Mar 15;242C:127-140. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2014.12.016. Epub 2014 Dec 27.
- BACKGROUND: Spike-wave discharges (SWD) found in neuroelectrical recordings are pathognomonic to absence epilepsy. The characteristic spike-wave morphology of the spike-wave complex (SWC) constituents of SWDs can be mathematically described by a subset of possible spectral power and phase values. Mo
- PMID 25549550
- Drinking goal choice and outcomes in a Web-based alcohol intervention: results from VetChange.
- Enggasser JL, Hermos JA, Rubin A, Lachowicz M, Rybin D, Brief DJ, Roy M, Helmuth E, Rosenbloom D, Keane TM.
- Addictive behaviors.Addict Behav.2015 Mar;42:63-8.
- OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the paper are to describe characteristics of participants who chose moderation and abstinence drinking goals, and to examine post-treatment drinking outcomes based on patterns of goal choice during a Web-based alcohol intervention for returning U.S. Veterans.METHOD: We
- PMID 25671224
- Normative misperceptions about alcohol use in the general population of drinkers: a cross-sectional survey.
- Garnett C1, Crane D2, West R3, Michie S2, Brown J4, Winstock A5.
- Addictive behaviors.Addict Behav.2015 Mar;42:203-6. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2014.11.010. Epub 2014 Nov 18.
- INTRODUCTION: Underestimating one's own alcohol consumption relative to others ('normative misperception') has been documented in some college student and heavy-alcohol using samples, and may contribute to excessive drinking. This study aimed to assess how far this phenomenon extends to alcohol user
- PMID 25482365
Japanese Journal
- Information Systems Reliability Assurance by Financial Auditing Approach
- 斎藤 隆
- 東京情報大学研究論集 15(2), 141-149, 2012-03-01
- 公認会計士は従来より、会計監査人としての立場から財務諸表の適正性について意見表明するために、被監査企業の情報システムの信頼性を的確に評価することに努めてきた。そして、今、会計監査とは別の業務範疇で、公認会計士による「情報システムの信頼性に関する保証業務」がビジネスとして実際に提供されている。情報システムの信頼性に関する保証業務とは、情報システムのユーザに「情報システムが信頼できる情報を提供するよう …
- NAID 110008802582
Related Links
- 調剤監査システムauditは、調剤監査の新基準。精確に素早く監査を行うことができます。 サイトポリシー | プライバシーポリシー | ...
- AUDIT 平成 20 年 8 月 4 日 国立病院機構久里浜医療センター 精神科医師 真栄里仁 AUDIT は、 6 カ国(ノルウェー、オーストラリア、ケニア、ブルガリア、メキシコ、アメリカ)の調査研究に基づいて作成され、人種や性別による差が ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- alcoholism、alcoholic, alcohol dependence
- 同
- アルコール中毒
- 関
- アルコール、アルコール依存患者、アルコール依存性、アルコール症、アルコール性、アルコール中毒、アルコール依存、アルコール中毒者
- アルコール性肝障害、心筋症、胃潰瘍、慢性膵炎、多発神経炎、コルサコフ症候群、ウェルニッケ脳症
- 参考1
- KAST:久里浜アルコール症センターによって作られた日本人向けのアルコール依存症のスクリーニングテスト。2003年改訂
- お酒で赤くなる体質を用いた食道がん高危険群のスクリーニングテスト → 詳しくは参考1参照
- CAGE:4項目
- KPS.452
- 介入 → 解毒(detoxication → リハビリテーション(社会復帰活動)
- 薬物療法が即座に用いられることはない、らしい。例えば、ジスルフィラムは外来リハビリテーションの第一段階が終わってから、あるいは入院治療を終え退院する際に処方される。
- http://www.kurihama-alcoholism-center.jp/alcohol/index.html
- 関
- exploration、inspect、inspection、judge、judgement、judgment