- the 1st letter of the Roman alphabet (同)a
- the blood group whose red cells carry the A antigen (同)type_A, group A
- a continuous portion of a circle
- American Red Crossアメリカ赤十字
- answer / ampere
- 『弧』,円弧 / 電弧(2点間を弧状に流れる電流) / 弧を描く / 電弧を生じる
- Arkansas
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/08/12 12:24:03」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- arc (ISO 639) (アラム語)
- 弧(arc)のこと。円周の一部で弓状の図形。
- Arctic Village 空港のIATAコード。
- アジア競馬会議 (Asian Racing Conference) - アジア競馬連盟の会議。
- アジアラグビーチャンピオンシップ (Asian Rugby Championship)
- カリブ革命同盟 - かつてグアドループに存在した独立派の一つ。
- Augmentation Research Center - ダグラス・エンゲルバートが設立した情報処理に関する研究所。
- アーカイブ・リサーチ・カタログ - アメリカ国立公文書記録管理局の資料をオンラインで閲覧可能にするプロジェクト。
- アメリカ陸軍予備軍 - ジョージア州フォートマクファーソンに司令部を置くアメリカ陸軍の主要部門の一つ。
- アーチ雲 - 雲形の一つで、その略号。
- 敷設艦 - 海上自衛隊の装備品の一種。
- 自動進路制御装置の通称。
- アジア鉄道首脳会議の略称。
- After Racing Cafe - かつてグリーンチャンネルで放送されていた、競馬に関するテレビ番組。
- AIDS Related Complex - エイズ関連症候群の略称
- ARC空港乗馬倶楽部 -有限会社ARCが愛知県で運営している乗馬クラブ。
- NPO法人アニマルライツセンターの略。
- アマルガメイテッド・ロードストーン・コーポレーションの略称。
- オーディオリターンチャンネル - マルチメディアインターフェースHDMIVer1.4で追加された機能。
- アメリカン・レコード・カンパニー - 1904年から1908年にかけて活動。
- アメリカン・レコード・コーポレーション - 1929年から1938年にかけて活動。ARC Recordsとも
- アメリカン・レコーディング・コーポレーション - 1978年から1982年にかけて活動。アース・ウィンド・アンド・ファイアーのモーリス・ホワイトがコロムビア・レコードと共同で設立した自主レーベル。ARC Recordsとも。
- ニンテンドーゲームキューブで使われるアーカイブ形式。RARCファイルを参照。
- Wiiで使われるアーカイブ形式。U8アーカイブを参照。
- AR Commons
- アーク
- 秋葉原リサーチセンター
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[Wiki en表示]
This article is about ARC as an initialism. For the word, see Arc (disambiguation).
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ARC may refer to:
- 1 Business
- 2 Computing and gaming
- 3 Culture
- 4 Government and politics
- 5 Humanitarian and religious organizations
- 6 Research organizations
- 7 Sport
- 8 Other
- 9 See also
- Airlines Reporting Corporation, an airline-owned company that provides ticket distribution, reporting, and settlement services
- Airport Regions Conference, a European organization of major airports
- Amalgamated Roadstone Corporation, a British stone quarrying company
- American Record Company (1904–1908, re-activated 1979), one of two United States record labels by this name
- American Record Corporation (1929–1938), a United States record label also known as American Record Company
- American Reprographics Company
- Amey Roadstone Construction, a former British construction company
- Aqaba Railway Corporation, a freight railway in Jordan
- A&R Channel, American cable television video on demand network based in Los Angeles
- ARC/Architectural Resources Cambridge, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts
- ARC Diversified, a Cookeville, Tennessee non-profit that employs the severely disabled
- ARC International, a computer processor designer, and a subsidiary of Synopsys
- Archaeological Review from Cambridge, UK journal
- Arena Racing Company, a British racecourse owning group
Computing and gaming
- Adaptive replacement cache, a cache management algorithm
- Advanced Resource Connector, middleware for computational grids
- Advanced RISC Computing, a specification
- ARC (file format), a lossless data compression and archival file format
- Arc (programming language), a dialect of LISP
- ARC (processor), a family of embedded microprocessors
- ARC Macro Language, a high-level algorithmic language
- Attack Retrieve Capture, a free, multiplayer, 2D computer game
- Audio Return Channel, a feature of HDMI 1.4
- Automatic Reference Counting, an Objective-C memory management feature
- Advance reading copy, an early copy of a book which is sent to reviewers, bookstores, and magazines
- A.R.C. (album), by pianist Chick Corea with bassist David Holland and drummer Barry Altschul recorded in 1971
- ARC-170, a Star Wars starfighter
- ARC Europe (Accueil, Rencontre, Communauté), a eucumenical organisation which provides free guided tours in European cathedrals during the summer months
- ARChive of Contemporary Music, a music repository in New York City
- Art Renewal Center, an organization dedicated to classical realism in art
- Automation and Remote Control, a Russian periodical
- Canadian artist-run centres (or ARCs), a series of galleries by artists in Canada
Government and politics
- Administrative Reforms Commission, Indian Government commission
- Administrative Reform Council, the military regime that governed Thailand following the 2006 coup d'état
- Alien registration card (Japan), for foreign residents of Japan
- Alien Resident Certificate, for foreign residents of Taiwan
- Appalachian Regional Commission, United States federal-state partnership
- Army Reconnaissance Course, United States Army Armor School, Fort Knox, Kentucky
- Atlanta Regional Commission, a regional planning and intergovernmental coordination agency
- Auckland Regional Council, former New Zealand local government entity
- Australian Research Council, government agency for allocating research funding
- Royal Canadian Air Force (French: Aviation Royale Canadienne)
Humanitarian and religious organizations
- Alliance of Religions and Conservation, UK
- American Red Cross, a humanitarian organization that provides emergency assistance, disaster relief and education inside the United States
- ARC Association for Real Change, UK organisation supporting people with a learning disability
- ARC triangle, Affinity, Reality and Communication, the component parts of Understanding in Scientology
- Arthritis Research Campaign, UK medical charity
- Association for Retarded Citizens, former name of the Arc of the United States
- Society for the Arts, Religion and Contemporary Culture, US
Research organizations
- Agricultural Research Council, a former British organisation that funded agricultural research
- Alberta Research Council, government funded applied R&D corporation
- Ames Research Center, a NASA facility located at Moffett Federal Airfield, California
- ARC in Karolinska Institutet, aging research center in Sweden
- Archival Research Catalog, National Archives and Records Administration catalog
- Arthritis Research Campaign, a British medical research charity
- Astrophysical Research Consortium, the organization that operates the Apache Point Observatory
- Augmentation Research Center, a center founded by electrical engineer Douglas Engelbart
- Australian Research Council, the Australian Government's main research funding body for tertiary institutions
- Aviation Research Centre, a part of the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW) of the Cabinet Secretariat, India
- Adelaide Rowing Club, in Adelaide, South Australia
- African Rally Championship, international automobile rally
- Americas Rugby Championship
- ARC (football club) (Alphense Racing Club), Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands
- Athletics–Recreation Center, 5,000-seat multi-purpose arena, Valparaiso, Indiana
- Atlanta Rowing Club, Roswell, Georgia
- Atlantic Rally for Cruisers, transatlantic sailing competition
- Australian Rally Championship
- Australian Rugby Championship (August–October 2007), rugby union
- Academy of Richmond County, a public secondary school in Augusta, Georgia
- Access to the Region's Core (ARC), Mass Transit Tunnel construction project between New Jersey and New York City
- Activity relationship chart, a tabular means of displaying closeness ratings between activities
- African Rainforest Conservancy, an environmental nonprofit
- Agulhas Return Current, an ocean current in the Indian Ocean
- AIDS-related complex, a condition in which antibody tests are positive for HIV
- American River College, a community college in Sacramento County, California
- AN/ARC-5, communications system used by U.S. Navy aircraft during and after World War II
- Anteater Recreation Center, an indoor gym at the University of California, Irvine
- ARC (Callsign), used by the Colombian National Armada ships
- ARC (protein), acronym for "activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated" protein
- ARC (station), Amtrak's station in Arcata, California
- Arctic Village Airport, a public use airport located southwest of the central business district of Arctic Village, a Native American village in the Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area of the U.S. state of Alaska by IATA airport-code
- ARC, the United States Navy hull classification symbol for "cable repairing ship" or "cable laying ship"
- Official Aramaic language (spoken between 700 BCE and 300 BCE) by ISO 639-3 language code
See also
- Arch (disambiguation)
- ARCS (disambiguation)
- Ark (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Cardiorespiratory fitness in breast cancer survivors.
- Burnett D, Kluding P, Porter C, Fabian C, Klemp J.SourceBreast Cancer Survivorship Center, Mail stop 5015, University of Kansas Medical Center, 3903 Rainbow Boulevard, Kansas City, KS 66103-9815 USA.
- SpringerPlus.Springerplus.2013 Dec;2(1):68. Epub 2013 Feb 25.
- Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) has been used to assess risk for all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease (CVD), and low VO2max has recently been associated with increased mortality from breast cancer. The purpose of this study was to determine the proportion of breast cancer survivors with 2 o
- PMID 23538987
- The nutrient composition of three cuts obtained from P-class South African pork carcasses.
- van Heerden SM, Smith MF.SourceARC - Animal Production Institute, Private Bag X2, Irene 0062, South Africa. Electronic address: ina@arc.agric.za.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2013 Oct 1;140(3):458-65. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2012.10.066. Epub 2012 Nov 16.
- The shoulder, loin and leg from P-class pork carcasses were used to determine the nutrient composition of both raw and cooked cuts. Significantly lower fat content were observed in the current study for the leg (5.21g/100g) and loin (6.99g/100g) compared to the shoulder cut (10.32g/100g). The overal
- PMID 23601392
- Effect of electrolyte concentration on microstructure and properties of micro arc oxidized hydroxyapatite/titania nanostructured composite.
- Abbasi S, Golestani-Fard F, Mirhosseini SM, Ziaee A, Mehrjoo M.SourceSchool of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, P.O. Box: 16845-161, Tehran, Iran. Electronic address: abbasi.iust.material@gmail.com.
- Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications.Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl.2013 Jul 1;33(5):2555-61. doi: 10.1016/j.msec.2013.02.018. Epub 2013 Feb 19.
- Micro arc oxidation was employed to grow TiO2/hydroxyapatite composite layer on titanium substrate. The correlation between electrolyte concentration, diameter and density of the pores in fabricated layers was investigated. Therefore, the effect of electrolyte concentration on composition and morpho
- PMID 23623068
Japanese Journal
- ソフトプロセッサ向けのSIMD整数演算ユニットの設計と実装
- 藤枝 直輝,宇山 和輝,市川 周一
- 情報処理学会研究報告. 計算機アーキテクチャ研究会報告 2014-ARC
- … 本稿では,我々が The 1st IPSJ SIG-ARC High-Performance Processor Design Contest に向けて提出した計算機システムの設計と実装について述べる.特に,課題プログラムの一部の処理を高速化するために追加した,SIMD 整数演算ユニットのアーキテクチャについて解説する.公開のデータセットを用いて評価した結果,行列積で 4.89 倍,ステンシル計算で 5.53 倍の高速化を達成した.また,その他の改善を含めたリファレンス設計からの高速化率は行 …
- NAID 110009658694
- チームiKOMA-TypeRのプロセッサデザインおよび評価用アプリケーションプログラムの最適化
- 紅林 修斗,清水 怜
- 情報処理学会研究報告. 計算機アーキテクチャ研究会報告 2014-ARC
- … 本稿では,情報処理学会計算機アーキテクチャ研究会 200 回記念研究会のイベントであるプロセッサ設計コンテスト (The 1st IPSJ SIG-ARC High-Performance Processor Design Contest) 用のプロセッサデザインおよび評価用アプリケーションプログラムの最適化について述べる. …
- NAID 110009658684
- The 1st IPSJ SIG-ARC High-Performance Processor Design Contestにおけるキャッシュメモリの実装とそれに伴うプロセッサの処理能力の向上について
- 赤木晟也
- 情報処理学会研究報告. 計算機アーキテクチャ研究会報告 2014-ARC
- … このドキュメントは,The 1st IPSJ SIG-ARC High-Performance Processor Design Contest においてチーム KOA が作成した,コンテスト決勝のためのプロセッサデザインについて述べたものである.なお,このドキュメント提出時点では,コンテスト決勝のためのデザイン提出の締切を過ぎていないため,実際に設計されたプロセッサとこの記述とでは,多少内容が異なる可能性がある. …
- NAID 110009658681
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- 英
- abnormal retinal correspondence, ARC, anomalous retinal correspondence
- ラ
- corespondentia retinica abnormis
- 同
- 網膜対応異常、異常網膜対応
- 英
- AIDS related complex, ARC
- 関
- AIDS関連症候群、リンパ節腫大症候群
- 英
- active renin concentration, ARC
- 関
- レニン活性測定
- 同
- ARC, エイズ関連症候群
- 英
- AIDS-related complex, ARC
- 関
- AIDS-related complex、lymphadenopathy syndrome