- 英
- higher eukaryote
- 関
- 高等真核細胞
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- 1. アポトーシスと自己免疫疾患apoptosis and autoimmune disease [show details]
…phagocytosis of apoptotic cells Although the genetic blueprint utilized by C. elegans is followed in higher eukaryotes, the situation is complicated by the expression of multiple genes that correspond to each step …
- 2. 侵襲性アスペルギルス症の診断diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis [show details]
… positivity continues to be debated; a higher threshold OD index results in lower sensitivity but higher specificity for invasive aspergillosis.… which is made by non-mammalian eukaryotes and some prokaryotic pathogens,…
- 3. 自由生活性アメーバおよびプロトテカfree living amebas and prototheca [show details]
…rare causes of human infection; Prototheca are classified as green algae, which are unicellular eukaryotes that do not have chlorophyll. Issues related to infections caused by free-living amebas and members … Liposomal amphotericin B is less effective in animal models and has higher MICs than the conventional preparation .…
- 4. 遺伝子治療、ゲノム編集、遺伝子発現抑制の概要overview of gene therapy gene editing and gene silencing [show details]
…adjacent gene from a strong vector promoter/enhancer region. Expression level – Some genes require a higher expression level, whereas others may be sufficient at lower levels. For diseases with autosomal recessive … RNAi is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism in bacteria and eukaryotes for reducing gene expression in response to small…
- 5. 慢性期の慢性骨髄性白血病の初期治療initial treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase [show details]
…mg per day in patients with standard-risk CP CML and/or higher risk CP CML (eg, higher Sokal score) . Compared with imatinib 400 mg per day, higher doses of imatinib generally achieved faster responses, …
Japanese Journal
- カイコ細胞での導入遺伝子発現と染色体挿入部位との関係
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- 英
- higher eukaryote
- 関
- 高等真核生物
- 英
- eukaryote
- 同
- 真正核生物
- 関
- 原核生物 prokaryote
- 関
- 果肉、生物学、生物学的、生物体、肉、生物学上、肉体、生命体、生物的
- 英
- higher
- 関
- 高級、より高い