- 英
- body of bone
- 関
- 骨幹
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- 1. 骨転移のある成人患者の疫学、臨床症状、診断epidemiology clinical presentation and diagnosis of bone metastasis in adults [show details]
… whole-body MRI, and bone scan for diagnosis of bone metastases, on a per-patient bases, sensitivity and specificity rates for CT were 73 and 95 percent, respectively; the corresponding rates for bone scan …
- 2. 有痛性骨転移のマネージメントのための放射線療法radiation therapy for the management of painful bone metastases [show details]
… after RT, and the pain generally lasts one to two days. The role of stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for painful bone metastases is evolving, and SBRT may be preferred over EBRT in specific settings: …
- 3. 固形癌が骨転移した成人患者への治療アプローチの概要overview of therapeutic approaches for adult patients with bone metastasis from solid tumors [show details]
… inhibitors (bone modifying agents), systemic anticancer therapy, radiation therapy (external beam radiation therapy [EBRT], stereotactic body radiation therapy [SBRT] in one to five fractions), bone-targeting …
- 4. 糖尿病における骨疾患bone disease in diabetes mellitus [show details]
… total body and lumbar spine BMD Z-scores were significantly lower compared with the age- and sex-matched reference population . The onset of diabetes in adolescence may result in a decreased peak bone mass …
- 5. 骨グラフトおよび骨代替物の基本原則basic principles of bone grafts and bone substitutes [show details]
… Resorption rate – This describes how quickly a bone graft is resorbed by the human body. For example, autograft resorbs more quickly than anatomic bone growth. Handling properties and physical features …
Japanese Journal
- 下顎骨骨髄から発生したと考えられた巨大な悪性リンパ腫の1例
- 矯正学的歯の移動後の歯槽骨再形成に対する低出力超音波パルスの効果
- 下顎骨骨折の保存的治療 (特集 他科に学ぶ形成外科に必要な知識 : 頭部・顔面編) -- (口腔外科)
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