- 英
- electrochemical potential gradient
- 同
- 電気化学ポテンシャル差、電気化学的ポテンシャル
- 関
- 電気化学ポテンシャル
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- 1. 心筋における興奮収縮連関excitation contraction coupling in myocardium [show details]
… These are among the channels that are opened transiently during the action potential. The favorable and large electrochemical gradient (low cell calcium concentration, cell interior electronegative) provides …
- 2. 高抱合型ビリルビン血症関連の遺伝性疾患inherited disorders associated with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia [show details]
…ATP-dependent and is achieved against high concentration gradients. The electrochemical gradient created by the negative intracellular potential of -35 mV also contributes to the transport of bilirubin…
- 3. 低圧較差大動脈弁狭窄症のマネージメントと予後management and prognosis of low gradient aortic stenosis [show details]
…management and prognosis of low gradient AS will be reviewed here. Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of low gradient AS and the clinical presentation and treatment of high gradient severe AS are discussed …
- 4. 低圧較差の重症大動脈弁狭窄症の臨床症状と診断clinical manifestations and diagnosis of low gradient severe aortic stenosis [show details]
… NFLG AS. Another potential cause of NFLG AS is arterial afterload caused by reduced aortic compliance and associated systolic hypertension . The clinical manifestations of low gradient aortic stenosis …
- 5. 成人における高カリウム血症の原因および評価causes and evaluation of hyperkalemia in adults [show details]
… This phenomenon of solvent drag is independent of the electrochemical gradient for potassium diffusion.… determinant of the resting membrane potential across the cell membrane, which sets the stage for the generation of the action potential that is essential for normal…
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- 英
- chemistry、chemical、chemo、chem
- 関
- 化学製品、化学的、化学薬品、ケミカル、ケミストリー
- 英
- vaporization、gasification、vaporize
- 関
- 揮発、揮発性、蒸発
- 英
- potential
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- 可能、可能性、潜在的、電位、有望
- 英
- electricity、electro、electric
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- エレクトロ、電気的
- 英
- electrochemistry、electrochemical
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- 電気化学的