- 英
- late asthmatic response LAR
- 関
- 好中球遊走因子
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- 1. 12歳未満の小児の喘息の急性増悪:家庭や診療所でのマネージメントおよび重症度評価の概要acute asthma exacerbations in children younger than 12 years overview of home office management and severity assessment [show details]
… should be arranged with the child primary care clinician or asthma specialist. Incomplete response – If the child has an incomplete response with mild symptoms after two beta agonist treatments, we suggest …
- 2. 喘息または再発性喘鳴を有する小児に対する麻酔anesthesia for the child with asthma or recurrent wheezing [show details]
…bronchoconstrictive response to endotracheal intubation . In addition, a number of studies have shown that systemic glucocorticoids do not increase postoperative wound infections, delayed wound healing, or asthma exacerbations …
- 3. 致命的なアナフィラキシーfatal anaphylaxis [show details]
… is concomitant asthma. Other possible risk factors include delayed or no administration of epinephrine, upright posture, and other cardiopulmonary diseases Asthma may be the single… Fatal food anaphylaxis has been reported in response to a wide range of allergen doses,…
- 4. 反応性気道機能障害症候群および刺激に誘発された喘息reactive airways dysfunction syndrome and irritant induced asthma [show details]
… Possible IIA describes a delayed development of asthma following chronic and/or repeated exposure to low-moderate levels of irritant substances. Reactive airways dysfunction syndrome… severity of symptoms and response to treatment, even though the response to inhaled bronchodilator may be blunted in RADS compared with asthma.…
- 5. 喘息におけるβ刺激剤:急性期投与および予防的使用 beta agonists in asthma acute administration and prophylactic use [show details]
… The management of acute exacerbations of asthma is discussed separately. The individual response to beta agonist therapy for an acute exacerbation of asthma is related to many factors, including: The …
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- 2.難治性喘息(遅発型反応) 中田紘一郎* 要 旨 気管支喘息患者において,抗 原吸入誘発数時間後に出現する遅発型喘息反応(LAR)は,そ の臨床症状,薬 物に対する反応性などから喘息の慢性化,薙 治化との関連が示唆されている.
- 喘息病態に関連する発見 日本における喘息治療の進歩 1967 IgEの発見 1975 即時型と遅発型喘息反応の発見 1979 ロイコトリエンC4の同定 1980 TRF(IL-5)の同定 1982 IL-4の同定 1993 喘息管理・予防ガイドライン 1995 ロイコトリエン
- ぜんそくのメカニズムを症状の流れに沿って説明します。『即時型反応』→『遅発 型反応』→『慢性化』→『リモデリング』の順に説明します。 即時型反応 1、 環境危険因子(アレルゲン:ダニ、ホコリ、カビ、花粉、ペットの毛 ...
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- 英
- late phase asthmatic reaction?
- 関
- 気管支喘息、遅発性喘息 LAR、遅発型喘息反応 late asthmatic response
- 英
- immediate asthmatic response IAR
- 関
- 喘息反応、遅発型喘息反応、好中球遊走因子
遅発型喘息反応 LAR
- 英
- delayed、late
- 関
- 後、後期、後発性、遅延型、遅延性、遅発型、遅発性、遅発的、晩発、晩発性、遅い
- 英
- late、delayed
- 関
- 後、後期、後発性、遅延型、遅延性、遅発、遅発性、遅発的、晩発、晩発性、遅い
- 英
- (生物)response、(化学)reaction、respond、react、responsive
- 関
- 応答、応答性、反応性、返答
- 英
- late asthma、late asthmatic