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- 1. 呼吸または循環障害を呈する小児の初期評価および安定化initial assessment and stabilization of children with respiratory or circulatory compromise [show details]
… The pediatric assessment triangle (PAT) is a rapid assessment that relies on three observations… Children who require prompt supportive care may have abnormal tone, decreased interactiveness, poor color, abnormal stare, or a weak cry. Breathing – Abnormal airway sounds, a position of comfort that maximizes…
- 2. 頭頸部皮膚切除による神経障害に対する解剖学的危険部位anatomic danger zones for nerve injury in cutaneous surgery of the head and neck [show details]
…this point . The supraclavicular triangle – The supraclavicular triangle is the inferior portion of the posterior triangle separated from the upper occipital triangle by the omohyoid muscle. Multiple motor …
- 3. 成人の頸部腫瘤の評価evaluation of a neck mass in adults [show details]
… The anterior triangle can be further subdivided by the digastric muscle into the submental and submandibular triangles The posterior triangle has its base at the… is critical, with attention to its location, size, shape, consistency, tenderness, mobility, and color. Neck masses due to "reactive" lymph nodes are usually discrete, mobile, firm or rubbery but not rock…
- 4. 女性泌尿生殖器の外科解剖学surgical female urogenital anatomy [show details]
…perineum into the urogenital triangle anteriorly and the anal triangle posteriorly. In the standing position, the urogenital triangle is oriented horizontally and the anal triangle is tilted upward so that …
- 5. 内転筋管ブロックの手順ガイドadductor canal block procedure guide [show details]
… is an aponeurotic space between the distal femoral triangle and the adductor hiatus in the adductor magnus muscle… recommend continuous ultrasound visualization of LA spread, aspiration before injecting and every 5 mL, color Doppler use to help identify vessels, and the use of epinephrine in the LA solution as a vascular …
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- 無彩色の8色も合わせると1辺が8色ずつの綺麗な正三角形になることから、オストワルトの等色相面は別名「等色相三角形」とも呼ばれています。
- オストワルト表色系の等色相面の色は、「白」「黒」「純色」を適切な割合で混色して作られており、どの色相でも「白」「黒」「純色」を頂点とする正三角形(等色相三角形)になっている。
- 色三角形をRG 平面へ投影すると任意の色光C の座標 0 @ r g b 1 A は (r g) と同一視できます。こ こで,b = 1 r g となっています。この色三角形をRG 平面へ投影した図形を色度図といいま す。実際には,光の三原色の赤・緑・青を結ぶ
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- 色三角形
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- http://www.pref.fukushima.jp/eisei/kanei/suidou/suisitu/kijun.htm
- http://www.mhlw.go.jp/topics/bukyoku/kenkou/suido/kijun/kijunchi.html
- http://www.yokogawa.co.jp/an/faq/tb_cz/czgeneral.htm
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- form、shape、figure、appearance
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- triangle、triangular、deltoid
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