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- 1. 臍帯異常:出生前診断とマネージメントumbilical cord abnormalities prenatal diagnosis and management [show details]
…cystic component of embryologic remnants. Since the formation of these cysts is coincidental with both the onset of umbilical cord coiling and formation of the physiologic midgut hernia, these developmental …
- 2. 出産時の臍帯血酸塩基分析umbilical cord blood acid base analysis at delivery [show details]
… by percutaneous umbilical cord blood sampling. Intrapartum, by fetal scalp blood sampling. Immediately after birth, by umbilical cord blood sampling.… the formation of H2CO3 is equivalent to CO2 generation .…
- 3. 臍のケアおよび臍の異常のマネージメントcare of the umbilicus and management of umbilical disorders [show details]
… the base of the umbilicus after cord separation . Granuloma formation is more likely to occur when there is inflammation of the umbilical cord, usually due to infection, which also delays cord separation …
- 4. 臍帯卵膜付着と前置血管velamentous umbilical cord insertion and vasa previa [show details]
…discuss issues related to a velamentous umbilical cord and vasa previa. Other umbilical cord abnormalities are reviewed separately. In a velamentous umbilical cord insertion, the placental end of the …
- 5. 臍帯脱出umbilical cord prolapse [show details]
…"cord prolapse" refers to an umbilical cord that has prolapsed past the fetal presenting part and beyond the internal cervical os, "cord presentation" refers to an umbilical cord ahead of the fetal presenting …
Related Links
- 臍も摘出する場合は、臍形成を行います。また尿膜管がんも早期であれば、腹腔鏡下手術で行います。臍炎、尿膜管遺残症の治療についてご相談のある方は、泌尿器科外来(病院代表TEL: 0422-47-1000)または無料ネット診療までお
- 臍突出症の場合は、皮下の余剰な瘢痕組織を切除した後に、へそのくぼみ(臍窩)を形成します。. 基本的には、深く縦長の臍の穴で、見た目にも美しいおへそを形成します。. 手術は局所麻酔で可能ですが、ご不安な方では、笑気麻酔や静脈麻酔も可能です。.
- 臍突出症・臍ヘルニア|日本形成外科学会. 一般社団法人 日本形成外科学会. HOME. 一般の方へ. 形成外科で扱う疾患. 生まれつきの病気.
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- 英
- central necrosis
- 腫瘍などの中心が壊死すること。
- 粘膜下腫瘍の中心部の粘膜表面で壊死がおこること → 臍窩形成
- あるいは肝臓の小葉の中心で壊死が起きること。→ 小葉中心壊死
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