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- 筋性防御
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- 1. 腹壁閉鎖の原則principles of abdominal wall closure [show details]
… a delayed absorbable or nonabsorbable suture for abdominal wall closure. Fascial closure should reapproximate the wound edges without undue tension or tissue ischemia. Although interrupted closure has …
- 2. component separation法(腹壁瘢痕ヘルニア修復法)の概要overview of component separation [show details]
… lateral abdominal wall musculofascial layers has been explored to address undue tension when closing large midline defects. In this overview topic, we will discuss the relevant abdominal wall anatomy …
- 3. 胸壁疾患とそれによる機能の低下chest wall diseases and restrictive physiology [show details]
… curve Changes in the intra-abdominal contents or compliance of the abdominal wall alter the mechanical properties of the chest wall through their effects on the… improved tension generation when the muscle is activated by a neurological impulse triggering inspiration. Interactions between chest wall components – The excursion of the chest wall depends upon…
- 4. 外傷後の肋骨および胸壁のヘルニアpost traumatic rib cage and chest wall hernias [show details]
…recurrent herniation. Additionally, given the fixed structures of the chest wall compared with the abdominal wall, performing a high-tension closure or the use of a more rigid mesh product particularly increases …
- 5. 開腹術の合併症complications of abdominal surgical incisions [show details]
…indication for hyperbaric oxygen therapy must be individualized . Fascial disruption is due to abdominal wall tension overcoming tissue or suture strength or knot security. It can occur early or late in the …
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- 筋性防御(きんせいぼうぎょ、muscular defense)とは、腹部を触診した際、腹壁の筋肉が緊張して硬くなる内臓体性反射である。壁側腹膜の炎症を示唆し、腹膜炎や腹腔内出血などで見られる。筋性防御が起こる範囲に…
- 患者さんにベッド上に横になってもらい、腹部を露出します。. 基本的には仰臥位で行います。. 仰臥位になり膝を屈曲させることで腹部の緊張を解きます。. ④アセスメントを行う. 患者さんへの侵襲が少ない順であるという理由から、視診→聴診→触診→ ...
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- 英
- muscular defense
- 同
- 筋性防衛 muscle guarding、腹壁緊張 muscular rigidity ofabdominal wall
- 英
- stress、strain、(生理)tone、tonus
- 関
- 応力、音、強調、菌株、緊張度、系、系統、ストレス、トーン、歪み、捻挫、トーヌス、緊張活動、力点、筋挫傷
- 英
- adbominal wall