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- 1. 臨床的限局性前立腺癌の男性に行うPSA監視療法active surveillance for males with clinically localized prostate cancer [show details]
…involves invasive therapy that often compromises sexual, urinary, or bowel-related quality of life . As a result, active surveillance (AS) has emerged as a recommended management alternative to immediate treatment …
- 2. 低リスクおよび極めて低リスクの臨床的限局性前立腺癌に対する初回のアプローチinitial approach to low and very low risk clinically localized prostate cancer [show details]
… captured by these risk groups. In general, active surveillance is preferred for most males with very low-risk or low-risk prostate cancer and a reasonable life expectancy in the absence of certain histologic …
- 3. 成人における喀血の病因etiology of hemoptysis in adults [show details]
…can be due to either active or prior TB . Active TB – Life-threatening hemoptysis due to active TB can occur in the setting of cavitary or noncavitary disease. The cause of the bleeding is usually due to …
- 4. 小児における低体温:マネージメントhypothermia in children management [show details]
…continued drop in core body temperature despite active external rewarming, or who develop life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias are candidates for more invasive active internal rewarming methods such as left-pleural …
- 5. 腎臓緩和ケア:腎臓温存マネージメントkidney palliative care conservative kidney management [show details]
…and who have an active malignancy or a history of stroke. This is because our focus is on improving and maintaining quality of life with treatment of anemia, rather than prolonging life expectancy. A risk-benefit …
Japanese Journal
- Role of phase 2 drug-metabolizing enzymes modulated by extracts from 78 herbal medicines in detoxification of electrophiles and lung cancer chemotherapy
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Japan Pharmaceutical Reference
- 本品は、日本薬局方キョウカツを調剤用刻み生薬としたものである。
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