- 英
- trabecular meshwork、trabecula、trabeculae、trabecular
- 関
- 柵状織、小柱状、小柱網、トラベキュラ、柱、索、骨梁、線維柱帯網
- of or relating to trabeculae (同)trabeculate
- rod-shaped structures of fibrous tissue that divide an organ into parts (as in the penis) or stabilize the structure of an organ (as in the spleen)
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- 1. マハイム束の頻拍mahaim fiber tachycardias [show details]
… for these connections, involving the moderator band, has been proposed . Atrioventricular pathways, accounting for approximately 20 percent of Mahaim fibers, insert proximally into the right ventricle near …
- 2. 家庭や診療所で行う痔核の治療home and office treatment of symptomatic hemorrhoids [show details]
… For patients who are unwilling to take fiber supplements, a detailed listing of the fiber content of various foods can be helpful Because fiber has other salutary effects,… we recommend attempting rubber band ligation at least once. The recovery after rubber band ligation is vastly easier than after hemorrhoidectomy. If rubber band ligation fails to control…
- 3. 成人における健康食healthy diet in adults [show details]
…improving lipid profiles . High fiber intake is associated with a 24 to 38 percent reduction in the risk of CHD and stroke compared with low fiber intake . In addition, fiber derived from grain rather than …
- 4. 食事または栄養補助食品による脂質低下lipid lowering with diet or dietary supplements [show details]
…consumption of soluble fiber . For every gram increase in dietary soluble fiber, the LDL cholesterol decreased by an average of 2.2 mg/dL (0.057 mmol/L). Total cholesterol levels decreased by fiber type: oat-based …
- 5. 小児のための菜食料理vegetarian diets for children [show details]
…zinc. Dietary fiber goals can be met best by eating a variety of fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, cereals, and grain products while consuming adequate energy intake for growth and development . Fiber supplements …
Japanese Journal
- 和歌山県立医科大学附属病院での線維柱帯切除術の術後早期成績 : 円蓋部基底結膜切開と輪部基底結膜切開の比較 (特集 第67回日本臨床眼科学会講演集(7))
- Patterned laser trabeculoplastyと選択的レーザー線維柱帯形成術の比較 (特集 第67回日本臨床眼科学会講演集(7))
- 高度の高眼圧を示す症例に対する線維柱帯切除術併用チューブシャント手術 : 病理学的検査から判明したChandler症候群
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Related Pictures
- 英
- trabecula、trabeculae、cord
- 関
- 腱、コード、柵状織、トラベキュラ、柱、ひも、線維柱帯、骨梁
- 束
- 英
- trabecula、trabeculae、trabecular
- 関
- 小柱状、トラベキュラ、柱、索、線維柱帯、骨梁
- 英
- trabecular meshwork、trabecular reticulum、reticulum trabeculare
- 関
- 線維柱帯、線維柱帯網
- 英
- trabecula、trabeculae
- 関
- 柵状織、トラベキュラ、索、線維柱帯、骨梁
- 英
- trabecula、trabeculae
- 関
- 柵状織、柱、索、線維柱帯、骨梁
- 英
- trabeculectomy
- ラ
- trabeculolectomia
- 同
- 柵状織切除術、柵状織切除、トラベクレクトミー、線維柱帯切除
- 関
- 虹彩はめこみ術、緑内障濾過手術
- 英
- trabecular meshwork、trabecular reticulum、reticulum trabeculare
- 関
- 小柱網、線維柱帯
- 英
- trabeculectomy
- 関
- 柵状織切除、トラベクレクトミー、線維柱帯切除術
- 英
- trabeculoplasty
- 関
- 線維柱帯形成術
- 英
- band、zone、
- ラ
- cingulum、zona、zonae
- 関
- ゾーン、帯域、帯状疱疹、バンド、バンド形成、地帯