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- 1. 失語症患者へのアプローチapproach to the patient with aphasia [show details]
… Pure word deafness, alexia without agraphia, and pure word mutism are not technically disturbances in language,… Broca aphasia is characterized by nonfluency with sparse output and agrammatism .…
- 2. 救急外来における急性の筋力低下を訴える成人の評価evaluation of the adult with acute weakness in the emergency department [show details]
…tone), hyperreflexia, and an extensor plantar response (Babinski reflex). These findings are absent in pure peripheral disease. However, hyporeflexia and flaccid paralysis may occur with acute central lesions … A nonfluent (Broca) aphasia often accompanies a right hemiplegia of cortical origin,…
- 3. 成人の脳腫瘍の臨床的特徴と診断の概要overview of the clinical features and diagnosis of brain tumors in adults [show details]
…receptive aphasia. Tumors in the frontal lobe near Broca area typically produce a nonfluent or expressive aphasia, whereas tumors in the posterior temporal lobe more often cause difficulties with language…
- 4. 前頭側頭型認知症:臨床的特徴および診断frontotemporal dementia clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
- 5. 分子標的薬と生物学的製剤を用いたがん治療における神経学的合併症neurologic complications of cancer treatment with molecularly targeted and biologic agents [show details]
…syndrome (ICANS). This encephalopathy syndrome initially presents with tremor, dysgraphia, mild expressive aphasia (impaired naming), impaired attention, apraxia, and mild lethargy. In severe cases, this can…
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- ①ブローカ失語 ②純粋運動性失語(純粋語唖) ①ブローカ失語 会話は非流暢失語。高度になると無言状態。言語了解の障害は軽度。複雑な命令には了解困難。復唱は障害。構音障害、韻律の障害を伴うものが多い。文字の音読も ...
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- 英
- pure word dumbness
- 同
- 純粋失構音 純粋アナルトリー pure anarthria、アフェミー aphemia、純粋運動性失語 pure motor aphasia、皮質下性運動性失語 subcortical motor aphasia
- 同
- 純粋運動性失語
- 英
- motor aphasia
- 同
- 運動失語、運動性失語症
- 表出性失語 expressive aphasia
- 関
- ブローカ失語
- 英
- motility、motile、locomotive
- 関
- 移動性、運動、運動型、自動能
- 英
- pure、sincere、purely、genuinely
- 関
- 誠実