- 英
- pure word dumbness
- 同
- 純粋失構音 純粋アナルトリー pure anarthria、アフェミー aphemia、純粋運動性失語 pure motor aphasia、皮質下性運動性失語 subcortical motor aphasia
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- 1. 失語症患者へのアプローチapproach to the patient with aphasia [show details]
…the temporo-parieto-occipital junction, and the inferior parietal lobe . Pure word deafness, alexia without agraphia, and pure word mutism are not technically disturbances in language, but are related to …
- 2. 老人性難聴presbycusis [show details]
… standardized audiometric testing which assesses both the ability to hear tones and understand words. Pure tone thresholds are determined by presenting the subject with a variety of tones of frequencies …
- 3. 神経線維腫症2型neurofibromatosis type 2 [show details]
…: Annual history and physical examination, including: Audiology with measurement of pure-tone thresholds and word recognition scores; Ophthalmologic evaluation; Cutaneous examination; Annual brain…
- 4. 小児の難聴:聴覚検査および評価hearing loss in children screening and evaluation [show details]
… cross-check for the pure tone air-conduction thresholds. The speech threshold is typically equal to the pure tone air-conduction average, ±10 dB. The pure tone average is the… the word discrimination score. The speech threshold is the softest level at which a child can correctly repeat 50 percent of presented "spondee" words. Spondee words are two-syllable words such…
- 5. 成人における難聴の評価evaluation of hearing loss in adults [show details]
… a cross-check for the pure tone air conduction thresholds. The SRT is typically equal to the pure tone air conduction average, ± 6 dB . The pure tone average is the average… and the word discrimination score. The SRT is the softest level at which a patient can correctly repeat 50 percent of presented spondee words. Spondee words are two-syllable words where each…
Japanese Journal
- 純粋語唖と自己の発話における病態否認様の反応を呈した症例
- 中谷 謙,能登谷 晶子,高橋 秀典,宮崎 眞佐男,田中 裕,小山 善仁
- 高次脳機能研究 : 日本高次脳機能障害学会誌 = Higher brain function research 32(4), 552-560, 2012-12-31
- … 両側大脳半球に病変を有し, 自己の発話に対して病態否認様の症状を呈した純粋語唖の症例について報告する。 … 言語症状, 病変部位などの検討の結果, 本症例は左半球病変を責任病巣とする純粋語唖と考えられた。 …
- NAID 10031154796
- 田川 皓一
- 高次脳機能研究 : 日本高次脳機能障害学会誌 = Higher brain function research 32(2), 220-226, 2012-06-30
- … なお, 左の中心前回に限局した病巣では, 純粋語唖をみる。 …
- NAID 10031154757
Related Links
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- 純粋語唖と伝導失語 純粋語唖と伝導失語は症状と病巣の対応関係が明らかです。 純粋語唖は、Wernicke―Lichtheimの図式では、皮質下運動失語の範疇に入ります。 基本的には失語の要素を欠き、発話面において失構音のみ呈するのが
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- 英
- pure anarthria
- 関
- 純粋語唖
- 英
- word dumbness
- 同
- 言語唖、[[[構音失行]] apraxic anarthria、皮質下運動失語 subkortikale motorische Aphasie
- 英
- pure、sincere、purely、genuinely
- 関
- 誠実