- 関
- genuinely、pure、sincere
- open and genuine; not deceitful; "he was a good man, decent and sincere"; "felt sincere regret that they were leaving"; "sincere friendship"
- free of extraneous elements of any kind; "pure air and water"; "pure gold"; "pure primary colors"; "the violins pure and lovely song"; "pure tones"; "pure oxygen"
- in a state of sexual virginity; "pure and vestal modesty"; "a spinster or virgin lady"; "men have decreed that their women must be pure and virginal" (同)vestal, virgin, virginal, virtuous
- (used of persons or behaviors) having no faults; sinless; "I felt pure and sweet as a new baby"- Sylvia Plath; "pure as the driven snow"
- concerned with theory and data rather than practice; opposed to applied; "pure science"
- free from discordant qualities
- 『全く』,完全に / 『純粋に』,きれいに,清らかに
- (感情・行動が)『偽りのない』,心からの,真剣な / (人が)『誠実な』,まじめな
- (金など)『混じりけのない』,純粋の / (水など)『汚れていない』,きれいな / (道徳的に)汚れていない,清らかな / (血統が)純粋の,純血の,きっすいの / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》《話》全くの / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(応用的に対して)理論的な,純粋の
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English Journal
- Local versus nonlocal barycentric interactions in 1D agent dynamics.
- Hongler MO, Filliger R, Gallay O.Author information Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, STI-IMT-LPM, Station 17, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland. max.hongler@epfl.ch.AbstractThe mean-field dynamics of a collection of stochastic agents evolving under local and nonlocal interactions in one dimension is studied via analytically solvable models. The nonlocal interactions between agents result from (a) a finite extension of the agents interaction range and (b) a barycentric modulation of the interaction strength. Our modeling framework is based on a discrete two-velocity Boltzmann dynamics which can be analytically discussed. Depending on the span and the modulation of the interaction range, we analytically observe a transition from a purely diffusive regime without definite pattern to a flocking evolution represented by a solitary wave traveling with constant velocity.
- Mathematical biosciences and engineering : MBE.Math Biosci Eng.2014 Apr 1;11(2):303-15. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2014.11.303.
- The mean-field dynamics of a collection of stochastic agents evolving under local and nonlocal interactions in one dimension is studied via analytically solvable models. The nonlocal interactions between agents result from (a) a finite extension of the agents interaction range and (b) a barycentric
- PMID 24245719
- Spice/K2 drugs - more than innocent substitutes for marijuana.
- Zawilska JB, Wojcieszak J.Author information Department of Pharmacodynamics, Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland.AbstractSmokeable herbal mixtures containing synthetic agonists of cannabinoid receptors, known under brand names such as Spice, K2 and Kronic, represent a relatively new type of designer psychoactive drugs that has recently emerged on the recreational drug market. Although the Spice packages are labelled 'not for human consumption' or 'for aromatherapy only' and declared to be purely herbal, these herbal mixtures produce cannabis-like effects after smoking. This review surveys the current state of knowledge regarding the pharmacological properties of synthetic cannabimimetics and the prevalence and pattern of their use. Special emphasis is given to the negative consequences of using these products, including, among others, hallucinations, psychoses with delusions, seizures, cardiovascular symptoms and acute kidney injury.
- The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology / official scientific journal of the Collegium Internationale Neuropsychopharmacologicum (CINP).Int J Neuropsychopharmacol.2014 Mar;17(3):509-25. doi: 10.1017/S1461145713001247. Epub 2013 Oct 29.
- Smokeable herbal mixtures containing synthetic agonists of cannabinoid receptors, known under brand names such as Spice, K2 and Kronic, represent a relatively new type of designer psychoactive drugs that has recently emerged on the recreational drug market. Although the Spice packages are labelled '
- PMID 24169044
- Evaluation of soft-tissue lesions with 18F-FDG PET/CT: initial results of a prospective trial.
- Leal AL, Etchebehere M, Santos AO, Kalaf G, Pacheco EB, Amstalden EM, Etchebehere EC.Author information aDepartment of Radiology, Division of Nuclear Medicine Departments of bRadiology cOrthopedics dPathology, Campinas State University (UNICAMP) eNuclear Medicine of Campinas (MN&D) fCampinas Radiology Clinic (RCC), Campinas, Brazil.AbstractPURPOSE OF THE REPORT: Although MRI is utilized for planning the resection of soft-tissue tumors, it is not always capable of differentiating benign from malignant lesions. The risk of local recurrence of soft-tissue sarcomas is increased when biopsies are performed before resection and by inadequate resections. PET associated with computed tomography using fluorodeoxyglucose labeled with fluorine-18 (F-FDG PET/CT) may help differentiate between benign and malignant tumors, thus avoiding inadequate resections and making prior biopsies unnecessary. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of F-FDG PET/CT in differentiating benign from malignant solid soft-tissue lesions.
- Nuclear medicine communications.Nucl Med Commun.2014 Mar;35(3):252-9. doi: 10.1097/MNM.0000000000000041.
- PURPOSE OF THE REPORT: Although MRI is utilized for planning the resection of soft-tissue tumors, it is not always capable of differentiating benign from malignant lesions. The risk of local recurrence of soft-tissue sarcomas is increased when biopsies are performed before resection and by inadequat
- PMID 24300379
Japanese Journal
- Historical Review of Pneumatic Conveying
- Thermally Driven Elastic Micromachines
- Purely excitonic lasing in ZnO microcrystals: Temperature-induced transition between exciton-exciton and exciton-electron scattering
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- bona fide、faithful、faithfully、genuinely、pure、purely
- 英
- pure、sincere、purely、genuinely
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- pure、purely、sincere
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- genuinely、purely、sincere