- 英
- equivalence group
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- 等価群
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- 1. 成人の急性骨髄性白血病の概要overview of acute myeloid leukemia in adults [show details]
… leukemic cell population is reduced from approximately 1012 to below the cytologically detectable level of about 109 cells. It is generally assumed that a substantial burden of leukemia cells persists …
- 2. ビタミンAの概要overview of vitamin a [show details]
… retinal photoreceptor cells are involved in the visual process. The cone cells are responsible for the absorption of light and color vision in bright light. The rod cells detect motion and… Vitamin A deficiency is common among populations in resource-limited countries. For populations in which vitamin A deficiency is endemic ,… orally (30 mg retinol equivalent) – One dose; Children 12 to 59 months of age: 200,000 international units orally (60 mg retinol equivalent) – Dose repeated every…
- 3. 卵巣の性索間質腫瘍の概要overview of sex cord stromal tumors of the ovary [show details]
… the dividing cell population from which these neoplasms arise may still have capacity for various lines of differentiation. Most consist of ovarian cell types, but testicular (Sertoli cell) and mixed ovarian …
- 4. ビタミンEの概要overview of vitamin e [show details]
… lifespan of red blood cells. In premature infants, vitamin E deficiency may cause a hemolytic anemia . Congenital hemolytic disorders such as thalassemia, sickle cell anemia,… often report either total tocopherol concentrations or "alpha-tocopherol equivalents,"… estimates of adequacy based on blood levels do not account for populations with low carrier protein levels.…
- 5. 癌患者に生じる腎疾患の概要overview of kidney disease in the cancer patient [show details]
… recipients of hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT), and those who have undergone nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma (RCC) .… those that occur in the general population as well as certain etiologies that are specific to the cancer patient population These etiologies can be categorized into prerenal,…
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- 英
- equivalence group
- 関
- 等価細胞集団
- 英
- group、mass、population、cluster、collective
- 関
- 個体群、殻、クラスタ、クラスター、クラスター形成、グループ、群、集合、腫瘤、人口、人種、分類、母集団、群れ、基、質量、集団性、集団的、密集、クラスター化、グループ化、ポピュレーション
- 英
- equivalent、equivalently
- 関
- 同じ、相当、対応、等価性、当量、同等、等しく、相当するもの、等価物
- 英
- cell population、cell cluster
- 関
- 細胞塊
- 英
- cell
- ラ
- cellula
- 関