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- 1. ターナー症候群の臨床症状と診断clinical manifestations and diagnosis of turner syndrome [show details]
… The X chromosome is derived from the mother in two-thirds of patients and from the father in the remaining one-third .… and red-green color blindness (8 to 10 percent) have been noted in small case series .…
- 2. エタンブトール:概要ethambutol an overview [show details]
…exceed 15 mg/kg. Optic neuropathy (usually manifested as a change in visual acuity or red-green color blindness) is the most important ethambutol toxicity. As discussed previously, reports of ocular toxicity …
- 3. 乳児や小児の視力スクリーニング検査と評価vision screening and assessment in infants and children [show details]
…used to better characterize a deficit noted on screening tests. Additional information about color blindness is available through the and . Nystagmus, a rhythmic to-and-fro movement of the eyes, can be…
- 4. 男性不妊症の原因causes of male infertility [show details]
…referred to as Kallmann syndrome. In addition, many of the men have midline facial defects, color blindness, hearing difficulties, renal agenesis, synkinesis, and/or cryptorchidism. This disorder is reviewed…
- 5. 男性における続発性性腺機能低下の原因causes of secondary hypogonadism in males [show details]
…luteinizing hormone (LH) receptors on Leydig cells. In contrast, phallic development during the third trimester is subnormal because testicular testosterone secretion at this stage is dependent upon fetal …
Japanese Journal
- 第3色覚異常に関する研究--第3色覚異常検出用アノマロスコ-プによる眼底疾患の検査成績 (第19回北日本眼科学会-4-<特集>)
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- 実際に先天色覚異常の大半を占めるのは1型と2型です。内訳は以下の通りです。 1型2色覚:9% 1型3色覚:15% 2型2色覚:30% 2型3色覚:46% 3型は遺伝形式が1型2型と異なる常染色体優性遺伝です。その頻度は非常に稀で、3型3 ...
- 異常3色覚 視細胞は3種類あっても、そのうちどれかの機能が低下している場合は異常3色覚(いわゆる色弱)といいます。赤を感じる視細胞の感度が低い場合が1型3色覚、緑を感じる視細胞の感度が低い場合が2型3色覚です。
- 色覚異常とは3つの色を識別する視細胞は存在しているものの、このどれかの色の識別機能が弱くなった状態を指し、細かな色の判断が通常より難しくなります。. 色覚異常は3つの型に分類され、赤、緑、青のどの色に対して弱いかで分けられます。. 実際に ...
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- 英
- red-green blindness
- 関
- 第3色覚異常
- aberrance, aberration, abnormity, anomalia, anomalo, anomaly, bad condition, defect, glitch, malfunction, trouble, uniqueness, vitium
- 英
- color sense, color vision, color sensation
- ラ
- sensus chromaticus
- 同
- 色感覚
- 英
- dyschromatopsia, color vision deficiency, color vision defect
- 関