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- 1. 下顎、口、口腔、および咽頭の先天異常congenital anomalies of the jaw mouth oral cavity and pharynx [show details]
… Congenital anomalies of the pharynx are usually related to the second branchial pouch (at the site of the palatine tonsils) and the third and fourth branchial arches (recurrent abscesses in the neck) …
- 2. 上肢血行再建術の手術手技および血管内治療手技surgical and endovascular techniques for upper extremity revascularization [show details]
… perform embolectomy proximally to the aortic arch and distally to the palmar arch.… The second part of the axillary artery is located directly beneath the pectoralis minor,… from each side to meet in the midline behind the pharynx but superficial to the anterior longitudinal ligament of the spine.…
- 3. 小児に生じる睡眠関連呼吸障害群の発症機序と素因mechanisms and predisposing factors for sleep related breathing disorders in children [show details]
…sleep-related breathing disorders. The pharyngeal dilators are a group of muscles that provide the postural tone to the pharynx during wakefulness and maintain pharyngeal patency in the face of the subatmospheric …
- 4. 正常な加齢normal aging [show details]
… capacity (FVC) decreases between 0.15 and 0.3 liters per decade, and forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) decreases by 0.2 to 0.3 liters per decade, with steeper decline in the seventh and eight decades… food clearance from the pharynx lead to increased aspiration risk in older adults. Additionally, protective aerodigestive reflexes in the pharynx stimulated by injecting… The frequency of clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP) and its associated mutations reaches 50 percent in those over 90 .…
- 5. 貫通性頸部損傷:初期評価およびマネージメントpenetrating neck injuries initial evaluation and management [show details]
…frequently. Ten percent of such patients had laryngeal or tracheal injury, and 9.6 percent had pharyngeal or esophageal wounds. Vascular injuries were also common: 9 percent of patients sustained internal … Bone penetration requires a velocity of approximately 350 feet (107 meters) per second.… vertebral vessels, the intracranial portion of the carotid artery in zone III injuries, and the aortic arch with its branches in zone I injuries. Duplex ultrasound is fast, noninvasive, and inexpensive, but …
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- 各咽頭弓に由来する骨格について まとめると以下の様になります。 第一咽頭弓(顎骨弓) →上顎骨、下顎骨、皮骨(硬骨)、ツチ骨、キヌタ骨、メッケル骨(軟骨) 第二咽頭弓(舌骨弓) →アブミ骨、茎状突起、舌骨小角、舌骨体上部、ライヘルト軟骨 第三咽頭弓 →舌骨大角、舌骨体下部 第四咽頭弓 ...
- 咽頭弓の機能 異なる脊椎動物種の胚後状態では、咽頭弓は呼吸および摂食に関連する機能を果たす。 事実、これまで脊椎動物を使った研究で集められた証拠は、最初と2番目の弧が食物に関連した何らかの構造になってしまうということです.
- 茎突咽頭筋 があります。 この筋肉には舌咽神経(Ⅸ)が分布し支配します。 また、動脈は 頸動脈 があります。 第4・第6鰓弓由来の器官 第4,6鰓弓由来の骨・軟骨としては 咽頭軟骨 があります。 筋肉は、 咽頭筋群 内喉頭筋 口蓋帆
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- 同
- 第二咽頭弓
- 関
- 鰓弓
Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
- 英
- fauces, throat
- ラ
- pharynx (K)
- 英
- secondary、second、secondly
- 関
- 続発性、第二級、第二次、二級、二次、二次的、秒間、二次性、秒、続発